
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine ständig wachsende Sammlung von Geschichten, die Menschen über die Person erzählt haben, deren Namen sie eingereicht haben. Wenn Sie eine Geschichte erzählen möchten, die sehr persönlich oder auch politisch sein kann, fügen Sie diese gerne hinzu, wenn Sie den von Ihnen gewählten Namen einreichen.

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isaac victoria mollie


Scarlett Quartermain


Tracy Kidd

Loving life !

Frankie Smith

The arrival of my best friend’s first born baby. So pleased for her and wanted to mark the occasion!


Happy Birthday

Emily and Ethan

The day we fell in love

Maxwell Bristowe

Max my brother in law for nearly 60 year celebrates his 80th birthday next week. He is like a rock and always has been, a solid and dependable foundation to build a family on. He is well loved by all.

Russell Jeffers

It’s my 50th Birthday

Harry Thomas Smith

Birth of my son

Hannah Smith

Birth of my daughter

Eloise JONES

Join the lovely Jones/Howitt family

little red

red are my initials.. little red is a nickname. and it’s my birthday today!

Raymond Edward Kirk

89th birthday today. Still going strong.

Eliana Tamayosa

Baby of our friend



Harriet Mulligan Sefton

My lovely daughter

Alan Finn


Alice and Beatrice


Harry Clayton-Lucey

Harry was born in the cusp of a massive change to our world.

Grace Elizabeth Cook

Our only grandchild recently recovering from serious illness our greatest joy

Alexandra Lily Mackie

My first born. Beautiful girl and happy soul.

Lynda Jane Wright

My name - it is a long time since I arrived and an unknown time until I depart.

Wayne Tullett

Born premature and given the name Wayne after John Wayne as was not expected to live as 3 months premature

Ella Ducoing

She is still alive!!!

Andy Theyers

50 tomorrow. Halfway through.

Ken Preston

My Dad who is with me every day, especially in the form of my Son

Pat Fildes

My lovely mum

George Stockdale

Twinned with Oscar

Oscar Stockdale

Twinned with George

Sophie Robertson

After a surprising 40 minute bathroom floor birth We couldn't decide on a name so but felt it important we didn’t delay so we let her 3 year old brother decide on meeting her for the first time.

Jasmine Imogen

2 Daughters.

Andrew Maria

Happy Anniversary

Ian tocher


Magz Hall


Shanice Smith

Shanice is a lover of taxidermy, food and gaming. Her other favourite things are her baby girl Dahlia and her wonderful amazing and talented partner Glyn. She is also a really good shot with the kilo on warzone

Glyn Butterworth

Glyn is a bearded man who loves music and gaming

Mohammed Yaqoob

Born philanthropist.

Amy Louise Jones

Best lady was born

Catherine Gill

Happy 50th Birthday! X Jan and Dave

Bimbi Hargreaves

Always love

Grace Allen

Grace Allen, born into a world lockdown with Covid.

Evie Rose

My beautiful daughter x

David Jordan

My Dad.

The Crosslands


Rupert Giles Ramnarine

First grandchild

Reuben Wren

Birth of our first son to IVF.

Alina Chis

She can in like a storm


Mum moved from the West Country to Yorkshire to be closer to family after lockdown. Almost straight away she got a cancer diagnosis, and the last year has been a lot about hospitals. She has now finished treatment and feels reborn.


Sandra’s mum

Matthew Johnson

The love of my life

Alice Prudence Elliott

Ww2 nurse, strong women, fiercely independent

Eva Robert Dahan

This is my mother, who died in January 2018 and who I miss dreadfully every day. Muriel Dahan

George Pickering

Bright love into my life as a solo parent

Arthur Roland Gotsch

A first child for a wonderful couple and our first grandchild.

Jacob Karunaratne-Jones

The date my son was born.


The day the sun intensified in my life. My child was born.

Katie and Steph

We came here at 1:30 and ate lunch underneath the love sculpture. We had pesto pasta and then strawberries.....

Dougie McNeill

The birth of our beautiful 1st born son!

Helen laughton

Living my best life

Gaia Allie Baldwin

A dear grandchild.

George Clark

A wonderful husband.

Edwin Rogers

Edwins birthday

Edwin Farmer

Edwins birthday

Joseph Savage

Joseph is born

Janice Marie Gibson

Happy anniversary tomorrow

Lawrence Pearce

My sons birthday

Monty wilcox

I love walking

Laura and Mike

Where it all began

Tian Tian Wood

A daughter for generations. A wonderful surprise

Mia Grace Taylor

My beautiful step daughter

Florence June Bell

Our first baby! The most amazing person I’ve ever met!

Bex Shaw

Was here

Louise alRemeithi

Al fardah street rabdan

Sultan AlRemeithi

Al fardah Street Rabdan

Finn Stewart Watts

I am Finn. I am hete at the YSP today. This is my favourite part so far.


Wishing my sister a belated happy birthday xoxo ~bonnie


I was born

Philip John Cusworth

My lovely dad, would have been 80 this year. So much missed xxx


A miracle from a determined mother & healthcare team


Arrival of my son who has spent best part of his life so far accompanying me to YSP


My other half

Ernest Gardiner

Born Premature at 26 weeks


On the information desk!

Papa Jacob


Ivanovici Ionela

Visit such a beautiful place

Jenny Helen Sue and Jo

Al lovely day out celebrating Jenny's retirement xxxx

Olivia Murren


Danielle Underwood

Dan is cool

Sienna Rose Sutcliffe

My daughter

Richard Watson

Happy Birthday

Rowan Hannan-Bennett

My rainbow baby

Rupa Louise Hawkrigg

My daughter Rupa came into the world on this day

Olga Julia Metz

Polish girl arrived on her own to city of bradford in 2015

Megan Rose Thomas

The birth of my wonderful daughter.

Michelle Orourke

It’s my birthday

William Garrard


Freya Mae Burton

My first born daughter

Ellen Clare Lucy

My daughter Ellen lived for three and a quatter days and made a huge difference to my life. She gave me the confidence to do things I only dreamed of and she still does.

Lauren Elizabeth

She completed our family.

Haitham Rashid

You have brought so much love and joy to so many!

Gerald Ernest Stott

My dad. He lived life to the full.

Ian Meade

Still here.

Prince Odoemena

Church of England Priest - born on the 23/07/1988. This is a birthday greeting for this amazing man! He has and continue to be an inspiration for many. He’s particularly committed to social justice following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ!

Scott Hill

My brother came back home after 3 years in Australia. I’ll see him later today!

Luke and Chelsea

The start

Sarah Tebb

A wonderful coincidence of seeing a friend’s name through another friend’s social media and was encourage to join in!

Baby Ward

New baby girl. No name yet

Cindy Loving

my rescued greyhound Cindy arrived to me on this day from Ireland where racing greyhounds have the rights of farm animals and so rescue stations bring them all around Europe so that they can live a happy life once they stop being profitable for the racing industry

Joel Burton

Joel has joined the bright side

Thomas Cittern-Suddaby

Born in a Water bath, here for sometime longer hopefully.

Jane and Steve

We arrived to live in Embassy Gardens. We may leave soon but cannot be sure.

Luke and Chelsea


Chris Bolwell

Happy 60th Dad!

Eileen Jones

My beautiful nan, who is 92 today. An amazing woman who has given me so much strength xxxx

Emil Eramaa

Dog on grass

John Mulryan

Happy Birthday, from BAML EG TEAM

Oriana Rose

Rising in the east, Dawn.

Caitlin Pearson

Caitlin is my best friend. She arrived in my life when I was 10 and we have been friends since, 23 years. She makes life sweet, and has made me who I am. I am so grateful that we found each other!

Mark Godber

Acclaimed Artsadmin producer. Happy Birthday!

Leah Williamson

Captain of the Lionesses 2022

nikita parris

Forward for the lionesses

Leah williamson

Captain for the lionesses

Beth mead

Forward for the lionesses

Keira walsh

Midfielder for the lionesses

millie bright

Defender for the lionesses

jess carter

Defender for the lionesses

Ellie roebuck

Goalkeeper for the Lionesses

Mary Earps

Goalkeeper for the Lionesses England Football Team.

Polina Shvets

My beloved daughter)

Haitham Rashid

The love of our life - after years of trying for our son he came into our lives with joy

Leon Kis

Lovely little boy has just had his birthday) 3 years old

Boffa diaz

Named after a character from the kippa books, almost a month

Tate Rogerson-Murphy

After years of trying and the turbulence of IVF, we have a babba due early next year. Miracles happen.

Sophie Cox

Sophie is my mate yo

Enzo Kuhn-Louth

It is my name!

Owen Edwards

first grandchild of Gary and Diane

Susie Roberts

Born in 1995, moved to Hull in 2017. The story continues…

Ginalyn Mercado

She arrived last October.

Angelica Tan

She arrive in Hull last October.

Alex ODell

My nephew, who lives in America who I an yet to meet due to the pandemic. He will be 2 in a few months, I have only met him through technology

Theodore Buckton

My best friends child - the first person in out friend group to have a child and bring the group together in a different way

Megan Elizabeth Noble

Happy Birthday

Paul Drake-Davis

Great guy. Supports Brentford.

Fox Gordon

My best friend’s second son. She’s an artist and a mother

Amelia Crowther

Birthday- Amelia is my first child, we had a miscarriage and was a struggle for this one.

Sophie Markham

It’s my birthday

Anne Howes nee Bolton

Anne is my Mum. A wonderful person, mother, daughter, sister, artist, actress, dancer, singer, book keeper, gardener, historian, librarian, friend, confident and the main person in this world, who has truly got my back. She is slipping away from me by the ravages of dementia so every day of the journey in between is even more precious.

James Hall

Hello handsome ...

Emma Hall

Welcome beautiful

Laura Clemens

The woman who changes my life everyday

Mariah Carey

I love her.

Jonathan Enrico S

A shrimp to come...


Rest in peace

Anouk Buser

Happy Landing

Dante Klein

Little Dante arrives from the sea of happy consciousnesses in Zürich to be with his fortunate parents (that might ground him one day, though).

Jessica und Laetitia



Our first born

Tina und Sven

the beginning of forever



Laura Colombo

Worked hard, didn't show up

Yamil Pedroso

He estado esperando dos años para ir a Cuba. Espero muy pronto!


Ich bin hier her gezogen aus Italien.

Karuna Karan

Das Leben und die Liebe


Para mi Abuela


Da unsere Katze bald Geburtstag hat :-)




Hildegard, sagen Sie jetzt nichts!




Kommt vielleicht später…


Mein geliebter Sohn

Ghilaine Binder

Nomi freut sich, dass du geborä bisch

Pina Rose

Geboren am 21.10.2002 um 01.21h

Mara Lina

Mein Mädchen

Ein Fan

Wenn es das Theaterspektakel nicht schon gäbe, müsste es sofort erfunden werden. Allen viel Vergnügen!


We met on women’s day and a relationship was born^^ Can’t wait to travel the world with you, دوستت دارم Romy

Tsai Mujung

I arrived in this life as an unexpected but awaited creature. The life I am given is a social product mixed with unnecessary expectations and guidelines. I needed a calibration to call my life mine. I needed a an adjustment to break away from the keen survey of those expecting. Berlin is not my place of birth but my place of re-birth. But I am myself am myself am myself. My name is my name is my name. Überall.

Ivy Rose Dresser

A much loved first child for Claire and Mark xx

Als Mensch sterben

Am 01-01-2156 soll sich laut WEF der Global Gender Gap schliessen und alle Genderungleichheiten verschwinden. DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von



Heldinnen im Kino


Vorbilder haben


Ersten Lohn bekommen

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Tanzen gehen

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Bruste bekommen

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Fussballclub m-w-f

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Brillieren in Mathe

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Schultablet schwarz

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Kollektiv betreut

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Klarer Himmel

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Andrea wird geboren

Am 01-01-2156 soll sich laut WEF der Global Gender Gap schliessen und alle Genderungleichheiten verschwinden. DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Mubina Chakera

Escape from Zanzibar to land of Gold United Kingdom Lol

Fiona in Amsterdam

Daughter of my dear friend in Amsterdam

Grace Eva Mendus

Grace is my 3rd & final child. Born at home. Grace is force of nature irrepressible, independent thoughtful and kind. Her father clive and I love her very much.

Sandra Oakley

My wonderful Mum, miss you like crazy ❤

Me me Excell

Me me Excell precious bundle of joy! Who used to say to her little sister and me! So the nickname me me was born!

Katie Gee

Katie is my absolute favourite eldest niece, god-daughter, non-god daughter, she chooses the most brilliant of life journeys. May she continue to ride those waves.

Victoria Jeffrey

A mother taken to early

Irene Pamela Ryan

A person of faith taken too early

Emily Gill Hamblin

The day I became an Auntie is such a happy memory. The first time I've ever been thankful to be woken in the early hours of the morning. You've changed my life forever.

Riley Wells

Not the name I chose for you, but the name you have chosen for yourself.

Willebrord Elsing

You should have been 60 this week, but I'm about to go to the departures board. One of the most challenging, divisive , intelligent and creative people I ever knew and I'm thankful that you reappeared in my life.

Botan Vintegrade

A young girl who is just looking to find something that brings contentment. Not happiness or overzealeous enjoyment. But just peacefulness. Botan loves travelling. And playing woth her forends, especially Mari.


Arrived on this planet via a home birth. Mother was assisted by the old lady of the village who helped with deliveries and the laying out of the departed. Quite a usual custom of those times

Freya Hillyard

Milton Keynes

Daniel PQ

Always missed.


This is my son who got married on 3 July 2021 xxx

Sydney Grace Maccabee

My niece - a surprise late addition to the family. A little ray of sunshine. X

Benjamin Combes

My dear son

Nicholas Wright

My beautiful, precious son, I nearly lost 19 years later.

Danial P-Q

Joy and sorrow.

Zoe Sparks

Long-suffering grandmother of six lovely girls

Paul N Sarah

Our wedding day

Polly Fensome

Polly was born x


Happy Birthday, Katya!

Mae Harper Joseph

Beautiful grandaughter

Rahelle and Sophie

We are twins from the land of Sharnbrookshire. Bet you haven’t heard of it, have you? Well, we migrated from Sharnbrookia to mk donsian, our new fav place. We hate tories

George Scanlon

great nephew - welcome!

Pilar Barrial Martinez

My grandmother. A woman who had nothing, suffered from the Spanish civil word and moved to Bilbao to start a new life. After beating covid, she's still going strong.

Martin Sach

Hello, who is this man?

Ciara Rathbone


Edward J Reed

Coming Soon

Lucas Dennis

Much-loved son, brother and grandchild.

Jeremy Day

Born here later.


Newly adopted twins to Gregg Ashcroft and Marcel Clusa

Kobi Spades

This is my little boy, I haven't seen him for 3 years. Neither has his older brother.

Jayden Engwell

My son jayden was born in 2010, I found him in 2017. He has a brother named Kobi that he is yet to meet as of this day...

Beau Jeavons - White

Beau was a beautiful baby with jet black hair born 11 days late. He was 10lbs 13 oz and it took his teenage mother quite of lot of time to recover. He was so big and strong that he lifted his head in the crib He is all grown up now but I will never forget how wonderful and beautiful it was to meet him the first time.

Michael and Zoe

Lockdown Wedding The first toast was to absent friends and family. But the weather was wonderful, we had a great day and … England won their match x

Gordon White

My Dad was born a 10 lb baby and grew to be 6ft 8. An activist fighting injustice and still going on protests to this day. Today is his 74 birthday happy Birthday Dad

Kehinde Fagite

Arrival of our son was great and happy to see him, with his lovely face and hands

Taiwo Fagite

You came early and you were very cheeky while you were in my womb always kicking and showing yourself on the scans it was a time we continue to cherish. Thank you for bringing joy to our family we love you.

Mandy and Liz Combes

Beautiful twin daughters born as a wonderful surprise


Our naughty puppy - a surprise arrival on bonfire night

Elena Kolesnikova

It is me. My name is also my grandmother's name. My surname is from my dad's family. I remember them. I love them.

Roger David Johnson

My brother arrived !!! Then 5th child in our family , beautiful baby and a great brother!

Sheridan Burns

Beautiful daughter

Prince Rogers Nelson

This legend changed how I listen to music..


I was born during the conflict in Malaysia. My Dad was RAF.

Janet and Steve

This was our wedding day and 31 years later we are still very much in love And enjoying an active retirement volunteering everywhere ❤️

Kathleen Grindon

My grandmother was born into a large family - the second youngest. She was a kind lady who worked as a seamstress in Bedminster. She loved to dance and was a great hostess. She passed away at the age of 100. I still miss her.

Wendy Hazel Whitmarsh

When we were little, our older sister, Angela, was the only one who could tell us apart. Even Mum couldn't tell the difference between and our sister was always correcting her!

Aaliyah Anwar

I like reading

Pieter Vanhove

Sober since the summer solstice. On my way to lifelong health and well-being.


I moved to Milton Keynes to start a new job. I love the city so much I have stayed !

Carly Nicholls

Parents named me Carly after singer songwriter Carly Simon.

Mark and Bex

The day our love story began x

Lily Taylor

Birth of first child

Rose Stella

My lovely granddaughter, born after several miscarriages and bringing so much joy


Noah is the son of my favourite sign language interpreter and she is my dear friend. She met her partner signing a radio recording I was directing! Noah came soon after Jude buried her wonderful dad. Arrivals and departures so apt.

Fred Coffer

Fred was a yellow Labrador who our family got as a therapy dog for our teenage daughter who has ASD.

Judith Shoosmith

My amazing mum!!!! Love her so much!

Owen Claydon

Birthday very soon ! X


Smallest of eight

Leo Thurston

My little boy Leo. I’m going to collect him at nursery soon and beginning a weekend of fun together and I can’t wait

Timo Searle-Barnes

Welcoming the birth of Timo Searle-Barnes.

Jill Dyer

An amazing auntie and daughter to my great nanny. We are so lucky and grateful to have you in our lives. You are epic. Love Melissa. X

Boden Samuel Willoughby

Born at home

Tallis Waters

Born 3 weeks and 3 days early, a healing home birth after 2 traumatic previous births

Daniel Lloyd

Our newest great grandchild

Margaret Daphne Harvey

An amazing mum nan and great nan. And much loved MK school teacher.

Maya jerram

Birth of first child

Madison Barfield

My gorgeous, amazing, granddaughter, who I love to infinity & beyond.

Ricardo Scott

After 18 months at last he’s coming home from NY - even if it’s only for the weekend.

Emma Jasmine Dyer

Went to uni in Leicester with sweetheart Dave. Both came back to MK. Who wouldn’t? They’re getting married in June 2022 in Cosgrove. Yay!

Daniel Harvey Dyer

Now a scientist and getting married in August 2021. Plays ukelele (yay!)

Ashley Clark

My Bedford NHS HERO

Lily-Rose OLLARD



An amazing young lady

Frida Jean Nikonovas

My first grandchild

Olivia Jane OHara

Olivia Jane O'Hara, the newest supporter of the IFMK festival, was born at 10:04 on Saturday 26th June to proud parents Lou and Steve.

Poppy McMahon

First grand child of Kirsty and George Anson

Olive Hall

My beautiful daughter.

Hugo Hall

My beautiful son.

Nicholas John Gordon

My husband who is an amazing dad to our newborn Thomas Isaac Gordon

Richard R Legh-Smith

My darling who died nearly 2 years ago. I love you my darling.

Dee-Dee Miller

Our little lockdown baby. Unexpected but very loved.

Coming home

It's coming home

Joseph Lewis

6 weeks early!!

James Godfrey

James arrived and has loved trains ever since.

Emma Godfrey

Emma arrived and has been loud every day ever since.

Thea Pink

I remember the lovely Polish midwife making me help with get stuck in with towels

Ava Pink

Ava arrived on her due date, and was 6’12 with a mop of hair. She was nearly called Eva after my mum misheard and told her friends.

Andy Milligan

It’s just my birthday, nothing more - nothing less

Presley Mitchener

Much loved grandson

Ellamay Sexton

Our lovely niece was born ❤

Erin Welch

Our beautiful daughter was born ❤

Jonathan Lighthill

My husband and best friend

Andre Cunningham

Andre was born sleeping and would love to have his name shown on arrival and departure at same time if possible

John Dunne

My dad my best friend

Logan Cunningham

Logan is our Leapling Rainbow baby born after the loss of his brother Andre born sleepover 31/12/2010 we have also submitted his name as an arrival

Grace Lighthill

The light of my Life was born. My miracle baby arrived after 6 IVF'S

Chloe Sandra Todd

she's a tallest person I ever met in my life xx

Margaret Mitchener

My Mum

Alfie Russell

Born 8 weeks premature saved by Milton Keynes Special Baby Unit

Sonny Robinson

A lovely lockdown baby, as sunny as his name. Congratulations Ben & Vicky, you are the best. Lots of love from Auntie Karen xx

Ethan Burn

Grandson born

Dave Carter

This is very good.

Chloe Davies

Chloe was born in Milton Keynes Hospital on New Year's Eve 2013 to very proud parents. Her parents first date was to IF:2010

Isla Rose Morrall

My amazing Goddaughter, born six weeks early. I am so proud of the independent and caring personshe has become .

Jean Cooper

Jean is a volunteer at The Stables who works over and beyond to help all the staff that work there and we all love her dearly

Sam Hibberd

Dancer enthusiast

June Leonora Brimfield

June was born during the pandemic and has brought joy to her family

Ray Pattison

Loving Grandad

Ian Kelly

Beloved son, brother, father and friend. Loved and missed.

Stefano Guarnieri

Stefano is the son of Luigi and Therese and brother to Monica. He is a creative, funny and kind man who arrived 27 years ago today! (29/05/94). Happy birthday Stef.

Kiryu Kazuma

An old Japanese pen pal from a while back.

Anna Malkin

Anna is the joy of my life Julia

Julia Malkin

I’m from Siberia and now I’m a happy Londoner

Jacob Palmer

Arrived and departed the same day - this gorgeous, 6lb 12oz boy with a full head of dark hair. You made our lives brighter and our hearts fuller amidst a storm of darkness and sorrow. Our first born, little man.

Luan Tyson-hole

Luan was born with severe brain damage and died 10 days after entering the world

Clive Stubbs

Actor and magician

Luan Tyson-Hole

Luan Tyson-Hole. Our first beautiful baby. Born 11.01.2021 and sadly passed away 20.01.2021. There is no resolve to this situation. It’s one of the things we’ve got to learn to carry with us for the rest of our lives. Nothing can change it or make it better. We can choose love, and to continue to love each other and be happy for the time we got pregnant with Luan and the precious short time after. Gone but never forgotten. Luan you’re our one true love. Our baby boy x

Baby Styles

Friends Baby born .

Simon West

My son's birthday!


Departure 16/09/2002 Short Stay

Hazel Madeline West

Our little Hazel was named after the Hazel tree, we wanted a natural name for her.

Molly Kay Potter

very loud. Means well. ADD Creative

Tina Guilvad

Arrived for festival weekend jac

Andy Seagrave Kirkham

Big nose

David Kenneth King

Ken is my Dad. He served in World War 2 as a very young man and was left haunted by the atrocities he saw. He went on to marry and have 4 children and lived to the grand age of 90. He’s still very much missed by all of us x

Jed Oliver Kirkham

My son arrived with a squashed up face that soon settled into a normal face.

Maddy Rose Kirkham

She came out with an inch of white blonde hair that looked like it had been stuck on her head.

Albert Carver

Tom’s lovely Dad

Kathleen Smith

Tom Carver’s lovely Mum

Rae Daisy James Gilbert

To our darling beautiful and amazing daughter. You really are a Rae of sunshine in all our lives...

Suzie Baka

My beautiful daughter

Nick Kerr

My baby boy born on this day to two happy parents, living in Norwich and loving life

Dawud Meddings

A very special boy!


He was in intensive care for four months. He is now a strapping ten year old, with attitude.

Stellan Calhoun Weir

My new nephew whom I have not been able to meet due to covid.


When I moved to the UK (my 'birth/arrival' into a new me, in a new life), to marry my husband, I didn't realise it meant being separated from my family due to the cost and conditions of the hostile environment. As soon as I became a citizen, the pandemic came and lockdown ensued. I haven't seen my father in 6 years. My mother in 3. And my sister (with a learning disability) in 3. It has been so hard to sleep over the past few years, especially as they are deteriorating in health and a computer screen doesn't make up for it as some politicians think (neither does sending money as if human relationships are just cold transactions) ... Still, despite the pain, trauma of never knowing where you'll be in 2.5 years, and the depression and isolation of being away from family to meet 'physically present' tests and ever rising costs, I'm one of the lucky ones. End the hostile environment.


JKJ was the first friend I made in the UK. Back then, I was a study abroad student in London, thinking I was only going to be here for a semester. Little did I know, I would become a citizen and call it my permanent home over a decade later. JKJ was more than my ambassador to life in the UK (but what he taught me, stuck with me, and helped me pass my life in the UK test). He taught me a lot about film (he was a director of photographer), music, philosophy, politics, science, writing, and myself. He passed away at 27 in Barcelona. And his young life included music videos ("Shiver" by Lucy Rose); ("Hand of Man" by Django Django); and Student Academy Award winning "For Elsie", among others). He loved hip hop, especially Public Enemy, The Roots, and A Tribe Called Quest. And even scratched records. We said goodbye in dreams. And the most unlikely songs sometimes play at the right times.

Stanley Shirley

My family decided to re-locate to Norwich in 1969.

Kieran Luxford

He was birthed

Ida Rudd

My mother's birth


My first date with kindness people

Linh Thuy Nguyen

Dear my best friend, thanks to you I got a lot of experience in UK. I really appreciate what you have done for me. Many thanks

Rachel Pham

The first time I entered the UK, Norwich brought me the first good impression about UK, help me feel much better, much happier. Thanks fo always be nice with me Norwich.

Cillian Logan Devenney

Our gorgeous son who was born by c-section early by 4 weeks! He is Irish, as are we and we adore him very much! He gives us both a reason to wake up in the morning!

Monica Guarnieri

Monica Guarnieri (she/her) is a gorgeous, talented and very kind person. She rocks out on guitar and sings with a voice like honey. Her smile makes a room glow, and she brings a calm energy to everyone in her presence. We celebrate her for her beautiful words, generous loving and effortless coolness. Her friends, family and partner are so proud of all that she is and she deserves nothing but happiness. x

Jazzy Green

Jazzy Green (they/them) are non-binary and beautiful. They were born in Watford and have lived in Buckinghamshire and New Zealand before making Norwich their home. We celebrate Jazzy for living authentically, loving openly and dancing freely. They make their friends, family and partner feel loved every day. They also snort when they laugh and have a smile that could light up the sky. Happy Jazzy day!

Georgia Christoforou

Named after her grandfather, George, meaning “farmer” in Greek.

Lorna and Sam

We’ve arrived here in Norwich together, today.

Sofia Ivy Christoforou

Sofia is a Greek name, meaning wisdom.

Baby Gracie

A beautiful baby girl who has brought such love and laughter to us.

Phoebe Mills

She’s wearing the nicest trousers in Norfolk this Sunday.

Abbie Reeve

From your best friend x

St Peter Mancroft

The Church of St Peter Mancroft in the heart of Norwich was rebuilt

Joem Opina

Yesterday was his birthday, right in the middle of the festival!

Gabby Natasha Rowell

The Princess of Harrow xxx

Gus Figueroa-Shaw

A star is born!

Kitty Denny

I won an art competition

Rosy Hickey

Rosy having her 2nd vaccine today


He was created by shigiru miyamoto and Nintendo for the arcade release of "Mario bros"

Tom Holland

My idol, inspiration, person who keeps me going through hard times. The reason I smile, wake up in the morning.

Faith Asiaw

faith was born

Sophie Young

My beautiful daughter.

Chloe Young

My beautiful daughter.

Stanley Barnes

Winner of Civ

Henry Barnes

A legend - one of the Force.

James Peter Holland

First and much loved son. Wonderful human. Turned 30 this year. Loved always.

Ian James Johnson

My darling Father was born 90 years ago this year. We lost him 20 years ago in August and I shall be adding his departure date also. A good, kind and well respected man. Elizabeth Holland

Neveah Stone

Very proud of my beautiful granddaughter!

Hyacinth Stone

My mum Hyacinth arrived in Jamaica in 1941, travelled to London UK 1962, settled in Stoke-on-Trent 1971. Here she told us how friendly the people of the Potteries were towards her compared to people in London. “People would practically take you where you wanted to go, when you asked them for directions”. "The Jamaican national flag comprises of the colours green, black, and gold. Significance of the flag of Jamaica lie in Jamaica Flag Colours, so that green is symbolic of hope: for me the hope of a better in the mother country; Black is the symbol of strength and creativity of Jamaican people,which I have found in the people in the UK, and gold represents sunlight and Jamaica's natural wealth: living in Stoke I've experienced the wealth of knowledge and the warmth and friendliness of the local people" Nemonee Stone

Ella Yelich Oconnor

also known as New Zealand popstar, Lorde. She rose to fame with her 2013 single Royals which won her two Grammy awards. She has also been nominated for Album of the Year for her 2018 sophomore record, Melodram.

Annabel Grace

But in Norwich for her Great Nan's funeral.

Patrick and Rachel

Home for Christmas mark2

John Oldfield

First physical meeting with my brother for 14 months come back soon Jacqui

Tara Nickerson

My beautiful angel Tara arrived in my life! Tara means star in Bengali! She is also a Goddess in the Buddhist religion, and an Irish name! She is such a beautiful, sweet, creative soul, and I am eternally blessed to be her mum ❤ I love you sweet one.

Delilah Wren Whitehouse

Lilah was born just over a month ago. Her arrival was the most gigantic event in my life, in the form of an insanely cute and tiny body.

Melanie Kidd

My first cherished first born. I was not good at choosing names but it was first name that was in my head when I woke up from Anaesthetic.

Christopher Kidd

Although Cristopher was new year baby he was too late for celebratable Silver spoon given out by hospital. But still got mention in local newspaper.

Marshall Bishop

My cousin

Nova Doman

She brought love to the life of someone exceptional.

Theo Motta

Beautiful things happened in 2021, like the birth of little Théo – a result of the love of two friends.

Hugh Kemp

Brightening my lock down

Kim Nam Joon

Inspires me

Sir Thomas Browne

True thinker and a man of Norwich

Peter R Bishop

Peter was my father who died aged 89 of Covid at Adanbrookes Hospital. He was a businessman and still active, working and weight training up until his death.



Baby rabot

Got the news that we are expecting today!


My kind, clever boy. The centre of my universe. Xxxxxxx


My beautiful firstborn. Full of life and love. You rock my world. xxxxxxxxx



Paul White

The day I met my soulmate, the magnetic force that we could not see but we both could feel. Both just visiting Hastings, our paths destined to cross and our lives to intertwine. I love you. Esther x


George was named after my Grandad who sadly died in 2009 while I was out of the country and therefore unable to attend his funeral. Baby George was born prematurely, along with his identical twin brother, due to complications with his umbilical cord. The boys arrived nearly 3 months early and spent their first 4 months in hospital. They are now thriving one year olds ❤️


Alexander is a twin and his name was chosen to give him strength. He was born prematurely due to problems with his identical twin brother's umbilical cord. We knew he would need to be strong for both of them.

Fi Braidwood

Fi was beautiful, bright, quirky and loved. Though she died too soon I n 2016, were blessed to share those seventeen years and ten months with her.

Finley Murphy

The precious birth of a first grandchild during a pandemic- on my own birthday. Beyond happy

Halima Traore-Chabane

A new soul came over to brighten our lives

Amelie Marguerite

Xanthe and David’s new baby girl!

Betsy May Farr

The first child born of her parents Kelly and Billy at home in a water bath. Giving birth at home has to be one of the most special experiences .

Georgios fantis

Born on the kitchen floor in a flat in the Lianes! A proper brighton boy x

Alexandros fantis

My lovely first born

Seagull sitting

I've been flying around this park for years, I still can't figure out what you humans are up to. Thanks for feeding me your sandwiches, it gets a bit cold, fishing all the time. And please remember, although you might see a lot of me in Brighton. I am still an endangered species. So be kind to me and to each other.

Lenny Henry

New Faces contestant 1978

Sophie Hewson

My gorgeous daughter

Toby Platford

Toby. Lockdown rescue cat. Rescued us many times over last year. Beautiful boy. Now sleeping dreaming of Dreamies

Caleb Finer


Joshua Finer


Sam Swanson

Our wedding day

Mary Bacon

Mary Bacon is my Mum. She arrived and departed this world on the same day, 29 December. She led an extraordinary life and inspired me in my love of art and opera. She taught me abut independence and spirituality. She was the kindest person I know, always looking out for and helping others. I miss her. x

Claudia Martin

The love of my life

Phillip Terrence Armes

Phil was my dad, he was born in Brighton, then his family moved to Eastleigh (his father worked as an engineer for the railways). Phil came back to Brighton when he started working as a draughtsman for the railways and he lived the rest of his life in Brighton.

Alaia Ozturk

Commemorating the birth of our new niece

Malcolm Chamberlain

Born to conservative parents from a working class background my father never really had the chance to express himself creatively in the way he wanted, which I've always thought was a terrible shame. He loved drawing and had aspirations to be an architect, but was not encouraged to study so ended up working as a labourer on building sites instead. But a regular wage ensured he could fulfil his dream in another way, by travelling throughout Europe and beyond, marvelling at how others lived. And he loved a cathedral did my dad! So as a child I was fortunate to travel with my parents to amazing places which led to many adventures, not least of which was experiencing a pre-Glasnost Russia. I loved our holidays and will always hold those memories dear. His was a life well travelled and well lived. And now when I travel, following your path, I take you with me in my heart. Thank you dad xxx

Jakob Hamdani

Commemorating the birth of our new nephew

Florence May Chamberlain

Born in the middle of a field in rural Hampshire, my mother grew up with her younger brother in poverty. Her mother worked as a cleaner and her father was a serviceman who had fought in the Boer War and who ruled the household with an iron fist. At the age of 14, her father died and she had to leave school to work, to help support the family, even though she wanted to continue at school. But she was eventually able to pass on her love of language to me and my earliest memories are of her reading to me. From the time I could read myself, I always had a book in my hand and ended up doing well in English at school, which I know made her proud. When I left home, we would write regularly, even though I lived only a few miles away. Sadly, your letter writing days are over mum, but your passions live on in mine and so I am writing this now to you, with gratitude and all my love, Julie xxx

Sid McGuinness


Emily Hammonds

My bestest friend

Corn Roberts

Turning 21 in lockdown wasn't ideal

Rowan and Jesse

My beautiful nephews

Ess Kore and Addy

We have driven on the Honda c 90, swaning around town and the seafront. We have now arrived for coffe and cafe. We are here , we are alive. The sun is shining and we are smiling.


My beautiful friends baby birth.


Looking forward to baby Arlo’s imminent arrival.

Saffi Connie wickham

Born 1 month premature but very happy and well now even though being tiny

Lily Vilela Mousa

Our daughter was born on the last day of 2020

River and Everly

River and Everly were born on May 4th and we are all so excited!


She was born


Arrival to Bright ON.

Colin Varley


Roy Fears

First day of the rest of my life

Walter German

Our beautiful boy Walter arrived in the world on 30.12.20. Sadly he became poorly after birth and he was looked after in intensive care. Walter lost his battle and passed away peacefully on 08.01.21. He was a big 8lb 11oz baby with red hair. We spent 9 days at his side. We read him stories, took pictures and made memories. We held his beautiful body and stared at him mesmerised. I’m not sure anything can prepare you for the loss of a child. We have been working hard to find strength and peace over these past few months. The love and support shown by family, friends and colleagues has been wonderful. You are wonderful people. This experience has opened our eyes to a community of bereaved parents. Since we haven’t been able to register his birth or death yet due to an investigation, we are very much looking forward to seeing his name on the board and celebrating his life.


This day I want to celebrate, with millions the world over, the ‘first migration’ of our Guest Director, Chancellor of the University of Manchester, Doctor 5 times, but above all Writer and Poet extraordinary. His energetic personality never fails - by the magic only he owns - to bring light to countless human beings in their darkest hours. Thank you, dear Lemn, have a super HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

Kritpong Chumnansin

I met Kritpong alias Chris on Bumble. After experiencing domestic violence in my previous relationship with my son’s father, I had a hard time mentally, it still is a struggle sometimes to accept that I will never be the same, something has broken. Despite I tried to date a lot, and as many people, I went on Bumble at the first lockdown. I wanted to flirt with someone, I wanted to have something casual. I bumped into him... I loved his smile and he seemed ‘normal’ and kind which was unusual to me. I tried to flirt so hard but he was interested in me, not in my games I use, for hiding my true self. It was weird and terrifying when we started to bond and I still struggle to accept that life can be normal with a man. That he doesn’t shout, and he tries to always understand me, that we can share kind touches. I’m on the long path of recovery thanks to our journey together.

Marek Smit

I am happy for having the best brother I could wish!!! That's for being awesome brother!!!

Anouska Blesovsky

Anything is happy for my best friend and his wife. x

Martha Strange

Our beautiful unexpected daughter

Mazda Cabanas

It's my Birthday!

Suriya Jade Clark

Our darling girl is named Suriya - a name we heard in India when my husband and I travelled there 4 years ago. We both thought it was so beautiful and if we were to ever have a daughter she would be named Suriya - which means the sun.

Alice Clayton

Alice is an art historian of the highest order

Eddie Goatman

Long term Brighton resident and unsung hero

Edith Lamb Coughlin

My beautiful second Grandaughter born during lockdown

Nevaeh Rose Peggy Pursey

Born sleeping

Effy Mae Gibbs

Beautiful little lady, we can't wait to meet you. Your parents are our best friends. We love you already. Your big brother likes to visit us in Brighton and get ice cream so I am sure that when you are a tiny bit bigger you will be able to learn what your favourite flavour from Maroccos is - I promise to buy you as many scoops as you want.

Jacob Richards

This is me

Peter Fille

This is my father and has taught me so much about life

Niamh McHugh

Sexy girl xx

Alfie Eaton

My gorgeous grandson, who has made this past year so much better than it would have been. Grandad

David Andrew Jones

David Andrew Jones had Celtic blue eyes with an amazing twinkle, and in 1987 we fell in love. Our relationship was tumultuous, but fun and loving in so many ways, until we both tested HIV positive in 1995. When I fell ill David cared for me but in 1999 the roles reversed when he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The treatment left him a shadow of his former self, chained to opiates numbing the pain. I slept on the floor beside his bed so I could attend to his personal care and dignity, but David never left the ward and he died there in October six months after the diagnosis. We spent 12 years together filled with passion, love, adventure and kinky spontaneity. David was different but kind and honest; his own man and a dare devil true to his own values.

Poppy Ella Heffernan

My darling daughter

Kizzy Armstrong-Wood

Our beautiful daughter Kizzy, welcome to the world little one. May your life be full of joy and adventure, and thanks for completing ours. Josie & Danny

Arthur Sutton-Turner

Our darling new addition to the family, born in the USA during the pandemic, none of his family have been able to visit him yet. We are hopeful this little fella, his mum and dad will be able to move to Brighton in September this year. We just can't wait to meet him.

The Paps

nickname for ian edwards

Tony Ryan

My beloved stepfather, who lives in Ireland and who we haven’t been able to see for a year. Can’t wait to share an Irish coffee at my favourite spot overlooking the roaring Atlantic again!

Carol Major

Mum. Journalist. Bookworm.


A little spark of life in a year full of death. We can’t meet our new nephew, who is growing fast in Germany, yet because of Covid travel restrictions. I hope we do before he’s a teenager!

Patrick Zaky free

Freedom for Patrick Zaky

Peter Bauer

My German husband, a doctor in the NHS. He’s had a hell of a year. Thank you and all your colleagues

Jerome Major-Bauer

My son. Such a gentle and good person. He lights up our lives

Marcus Major-Bauer

My son. Drives us mad but is the light of our life.

Amelia Grace


Niamh Brennan

Happy Birthday!


I am a Radical Faerie and chose my name as a creature who thrives on death and decay bringing nourishment to the planet. Having been brought into existence around 60 years ago I anticipate being around for another 10-20 years. But- particularly- in these times of COVID who knows? My final act will be to bring physical nourishment to the worms and then the birds and then...and then...

Kami spiewak

English and History student at Sussex Uni :)

Julia Martinez

Taking part at Brighton Festival

John Louis Barber

We were in hospital getting induced during the first clap for carers on the Thursday night. John wasn’t born til the Sunday morning. Such an incredible experience and the NHS were incredible during such strange and uncertain times. He’s spent the last year meeting family via FaceTime but we’re very lucky to have such supportive friends and family. We have also lost friends and family this year so it was great to celebrate life when John was born.

Michelle Bucket Russell

Happiest of birthdays to the witchiest of witches!

Indigo Star

Magical homebirth

Patrick Taitt

Patrick arrived after 76 hours of labour. He’s been the biggest joy of my life.

Liz Wilkinson

The doll.

Amanda Joly

Adopted, artist, Mother, widow, wisest women, & role model.

Elizabeth Lonsdale

My gran was born in 1921, daughter of a miner and a WWI land girl. She served in the WAAF (military intelligence) in London and Belgium in WWII. She has a wicked sense of humour and gives the best hugs. I’ve not seen her in a year due to Covid but we video chat. She’s amazing!

John short

Identical twin, father and grandfather a loved arrival

Claire wills


poppy wills



I want to celebrate the ‘Arrival’ of my dear father, born exactly 110 years ago today, on May 1st 1911. From simple descent (he paid for his own education) he worked to be an architect, then an engineer, and he ended up as a responsible University Professor. More importantly he was an open-minded, tolerant, socially concerned person and a most caring father all his long life. I keep loving and admiring him.

Alasdair Howie

Same day as someone else here!

Sam Dastoor

My nephew

Florence ratcliffe

My granddaughter

Sienna Miller

Sienna Nichole Maureen Miller Both of her middle names are from two people I lost last year my good friend ( Nicholas) and my beloved Nan ( Maureen Miller ) I never got to tell them I was pregnant, so this was my own way to honour them both

Michael John Wilkinson

A boy and a half.

Hannah Wilkinson

A joy into our lives.

Elisa De Macedo Jeffery

Made in Melbourne, born in Río, heading home to brighton when covid allows

Peter Smith

I chose to add his name as a little gesture to celebrate his upcoming 70th which we will, unfortunately, not be able to celebrate in a 'normal' way. Having not seen my parents since February last year it won't be long before we are reunited once again. Happy Birthday Dad! See you at the Old Oaks. From Neil.

Dan Jarvis

Dan was raised in a farm.

Idris Michael Bradshaw

Idris, in honour of his Welsh heritage. Michael, after the granddad who departed before he arrived. Polly, Charlie & Eleni - his family who love him more than he could know.

Henry Vincent

Henry Vincent was the son of a Norfolk gardener. He worked as a carrier at a meat market & had four young children when his wife died in 1911. Henry signed up in 1914 serving at the front in France. After WW1, he enlisted again, this time to dig & tend the graves of his fallen comrades. Knowing dates doesn't help to tell Henry's story The Commonwealth War Graves Commission staff card has brief notes handwritten in ink Proceeded to France 3.11.1920 Promoted to gardener 9.5.21' "Agreement Terminated 26.4.30" Then there's a stamped entry: FILE DESTROYED 1962 Just how & when did Henry depart? Family rumour is that he was found dead in a French canal. What became of this father, widow, soldier, this gardener? His records DESTROYED. Henry tended others graves, his own last resting place is a mystery. My great grandfather is not forgotten though. RIP Henry Vincent

Brighton Gin

Our beloved Brighton Gin was born on this very day in our founder Kathy's tiny 1980s flat. Brighton Gin embodies the Spirit of Brighton - sustainable, fun, and fiercely independent! We've been through all possible ups and downs - we've been trying to look after our people and tiny team - and we're still here! Community and collaboration are at the heart of our brand and operations. Our mission is to take the Spirit of Brighton into the world! Join us!

Carmen Arranz Holmes

Carmen was born when a summer storm was at the pick

Noah Buckland-Weeks

Harri and family are excited to welcome their first nephew, Noah. Congratulations Emily and Matthew. I’m

Daniel Duke

Daniel has come into my life a few weeks before I was diagnosed with cancer. He has brought more healing in these few weeks than I have experienced to this point in my life. I love him deeply and with him I can begin to face my uncertain future with an open heart.

Simon Hincks

Simon Hincks is a wonderful man I met after my 4-year battle with depression and PTSD. A gentle, kind, healing and loving man who made me learn to smile, be happy and love again. I love you so much Simon x

Grace Keppel

She wasn’t born here, but she was re-born here. 5 years ago Grace Keppel became.. herself. Here, in Brighton. We love and adore her in her true form. Not as the ‘head girl’ from a private school in Wiltshire

Antonia Weeg

My wonderful niece, 18 this year. She has shown courage & determination as a child, I look forward to what she’ll do as an adult.

Devina and Bailey

Moved in together

Rosa Garcia-Hafez

Bienvenida hija!

Sarah Wafer

My Mum

Tom Wafer

My amazing dad

Frankie Anais Wafer

Frankie is the funniest cat in the litter and we love her more thank anything in the world

Ali Bestie Macdonald

My Mummy's best friend came to meet me for the first time.

Eden Kwesi

Eden you left to go travelling in December 2019 ; you didn’t know then , that you would remain for longer exploring Australia. Discovering new and hidden corners of yourself along the way. Over the years as your parents we have watched you grow and develop; you always leave us mesmerised and inspired. We learn from you now. Vicarious travellers we have become. You have taken us with you on these travels; you have shared and joined us into your inner & outer journey, your new found sense of self; embracing the weird and the wonderful and manifesting all you become, each moment of each day . With much love, the mums(in Brighton) xxx

Danny de Newtown

My beautiful son was born into the world.

Deryn Roberts

Deryn means bird in Welsh so we chose this name to mark her Welsh heritage. Fast forward to a year after her birth and she now loves birds, toddling round after pigeons at the park!

Edie Phyllis Iris Dunn

Our lockdown baby, born at home. Bringing joy to our family during a pandemic.


Born in Jersey, but has had an amazing 36 years in Brighton fulfilling so many dreams

Andreas Bartholomew

Andrea's Bartholomew, the newest member of the clan for only a few weeks more.

Fran and Jane

Cool dudes in love.

Sanjeev Talwar

The baby of the family. 6 of 6. Loved and beloved. Cut down too short but always in our hearts. Best to start but heart of gold as he grew like dad

Mins and Dins Talwar

Twins! The two -for-one set 4 &5 of 6. Diverging lives from teenage, pathe meant to come back. One black sheep and one goodie two shoes (a lot of tongue in cheek!) 50 in lockdown. But here's to years of health and happiness ahead

Cerri Devine

The day I changed my name

Gurmit Singh Talwar

A journey from a village in Punjab with wife Nacchaterto follow. Making a better life for the children she bore him in England. Forever gentle whilst hardened by the life he led.

Flynn Clydesdale

My second son, an artist in his soul, seeing and sharing with such intensity and purity still, a gentleness surrounds him that I hope he wears forever. FlynnFlynn I love you so xx

Milo Clydesdale

My first born, always fizzing with curiousity and his quirky eye on the world he continues to open up. He won't remember me singing him to sleep for hours as a baby, but that tune still runs within me. Changed me forever, I love our long dance together. Love you Milo xx (wiggle wiggle)

John Roy Alan Neeld

Loving father and grandpa Died 3 years ago today

Sonny Bedford Flewitt

A beautiful and loved baby boy arrived to parents Charlie and Rosie after a 5 day labour here in beautiful Brighton. Having only arrived ourselves in the city in March 2020, we had the most incredible experience meeting the wonderful midwifery team in our home and hospital across the 5 days and have only great memories of the whole time.

Freddie J A Streetly

Freddie Jonathan Arthur Streetly was born on Bastille Day 14 July 2020 in Brighton. His middle names are after his Mum's dad Jonathan and Dad's dad Arthur dearly departed..

Anuerin Young

A-nye-ren. A new addition and generation to our family.

Kit Tarka de Malplaquet

Beautiful Kit Tarka arrived in this world a healthy baby boy but departed just 13 days later after contracting the herpes infection in hospital. We miss him so much.

Kevin Paul Green

Just wanted to give myself a shout out :p

Otis Wilde Hubbard

This is our new grandson who we are looking forward to meeting as soon as we can. We met his brother when he was a few minutes old and his cousin who was born ten days after him in England when she was a day old. We do miss those across the sea but know there are so many in the same position and sadly some have lost loved ones. Grandma and Pops xxxxx

Caz liddall

Caz kind caring funny and loved.

Rafe Riley

My stepson and his wife had a boy, Rafe, on April 20th. He's going to be very tall!

Tristram Lake

I miss my big brother who is living abroad.. and I am grateful that he was born this day.

B J Holmes

The day that changed my life forever; day my son B J was born. It’s 30 years later and I still remain the proud momma of a brave, outspoken activist, who has and will continue to make his mark on and in our world!

Jacob Bedoya

I chose this name because it’s the day my baby nephew was born simultaneously as all our lives were about to change as we entered the pandemic. The day he was born only parents were allowed to visit. I had to be in isolation and wait 3 moths to meet him. I’m grateful for him and for showing me a kind of love I didn’t know. Natalia

Omid Ngaujah

This precious little magnificent soul is my nephew. He is such a bright light! He came to shine on us right after my Uncle Carl Ray transitioned. I love this boy infinitely like I love his parents, Roja Heydarpour & Sahr Ngaujah. He is a balm, a divine joy, and a blessing. He brightens my spirit every time I see him--as he does us all! We love you Omid!

Diana Jupp


Leo Sue

I love you, from mom

Jarena Grace Woofenden

Adoption :)

Joanna Cooper

Her grandmother Olive Keidan died on Joanna’s birthday in 2019

Phoenix Milan Arora

A beautiful miracle baby

Grace Lily Malin

Grace is our first grandchild and granddaughter . And the first child of Jack and Kate Malin from Ramsbottom.

Sage K

The birth of my son, Sage. As a new mother at age 44, Sage’s arrival forever changed the course of my life in positive and profound ways. I hope that I remain here long enough to celebrate my son’s 44th birthday with him.

Jorden Onyx Carter

Jorden, named after his parents Joanna and Arden, came to remind us that when love unites, beautiful things are created. Similar to the river of Jordan, love is cleansing, rejuvenating, and most importantly, everlasting.

Raymond Santana

On April 19th, 1989, Raymond Santana (age 14), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Santana, who identifies as Latino, was tried as a juvenile and convicted of rape and assault. He spent five years incarcerated. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Kevin Richardson

On April 19th, 1989, Kevin Richardson (age 14), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a brutal rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Richardson, who identifies as Black, was convicted of attempted murder, rape, sodomy, and robbery. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Yusef Salaam

On April 20th, 1989, Yusef Salaam (age 15), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Salaam, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of rape and assault. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Korey Wise

On April 20th, 1989, Korey Wise (age 16), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Wise, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of assault, sexual abuse, and riot. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Antron McCray

On April 20th, 1989, Antron McCray (age 15), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. McCray, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of rape and assault. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Leo Xavier-Lucas

Wow Leo! Life is even more full of adventures since you arrived! You are funny, clever & kind! You go for joy with 100% of your being. You are one cool kid (I want your neon pink light-up trainers)! We love you so much & are thrilled to share life's journey with you!

James Rickenbacker

Rest in peace, Pretty Ricky...that's what we called him.

Elizabeth Horton

Affectionately known as Peaches, she provided homes for the homeless, food for the hungry, clothes for the naked. She truly was the epitome of being God's hands and feet. Grandma, we love you, celebrate you and will always remember to spread love and to help our neighbor. Keep smiling down on us...your beloved grandchildren

Delores Rickenbacker

Delores "Cookie" Horton Rickenbacker left this world on January 23, 2017 after a 12-year battle with Alzheimer's disease. She was 66 years old. She was a beautiful soul and helped everyone along her path. Alzheimer's stole her from us way too soon. She is gone but never forgotten and will always be a shining star providing light from heaven above. Love always, your son David and daughter Jeanette


Beautiful woman

Edith N Batchler

During the Pandemic of 2020. My new life began. I am celebrating 50 years of changes, that culminated in life goals being realized. I became a foster parent, I spent time at home with my youngest children. I see them discussing the world they want to live in. They understand their role in making that happen. My youngest started college. I became a jewelry maker. I started retirement planning. I became a better friend. My birthday became a state holiday. The world is understanding, loving and protecting, honoring black lives is not a request, it is the only way to love.

Dominic M Davy

Dom was brilliant and hilarious. He left this world way too soon and I want to celebrate the life he had on this earth.

Daniel Lopez

Daniel Lopez left his family and loved ones behind when he chose to self-deport rather than risk getting infected by covid-19 inside of a detention center. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Pedro Rene Rios Morales

Teresa, Pedro’s mother, worked with MRNY to advocate for her son but he was found deportable and Teresa had to bring him a suitcase with his clothes. It was a tremendously sad moment for her as he was her main caretaker. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Alcides Mendoza

My life has been very hard since I was deported, life in Honduras is not the same as the United States. I hope one day I can go back. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Jean Montrevil

Jean Montrevil is a beloved immigrant rights leader, co-founder of the New Sanctuary Coalition, and father of four U.S. citizen children who was deported to Haiti in 2018 in retaliation for his activism. Jean's congregation at Judson Memorial Church has mounted a campaign to return Jean to his family and community. Find out more about how you can get involved at (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Kayann Darby

Kayann Darby entered the U.S. in 1994 at age 18. She adjusted to a Lawful Permanent Resident in 2010. She was deported at the very end of 2020 to Jamaica. Kayann’s family, particularly her teenage daughter, are desperate for her to return to the U.S. and resume her life with them. She has a robust legal team who are fighting for her to lawfully return to be with her family. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Concepcion Barrios

Concepcion came to the U.S.A to give her children a better life and opportunities and she did. Concepcion was the most loving and caring person and was detained and put into an ICE BOX where she also suffered second degree burns from the ICE detention center where they mistreated all the ladies in there. Wrongfully convicted, my mother was set free to reunite with her family in Brooklyn NY to only be taken away from us by COVID-19 on March 31st 2020. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Sabino Andrade

Sabino was a member of Make the Road New York. He arrived in the United States in 1963 and passed away from COVID-19 on May 22, 2020. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Gianna Elise Medved

Gigi was born 367 days after the departure of her namesake, who was loved beyond measure. Like her Nana, after only moments on this Earth, little Gigi is loved the same. From an ocean of grief, a little bundle of joy. May your life be filled with every happiness little one. You have blessed us all.

Jeremy Grant Goldstein

Happy birthday my angel baby. I am grateful for the one day your were on this earth 24 years ago. You gave me the love and courage I needed to have your brother Evan.

Evan Jake Goldstein

Evan Jake Goldstein-Lessinger, you are so loved by so many! I am so grateful you are my son!

Giselle N Ponce-Arenas

My first daughters birth!

Eric Ramirez

We became friends on a pc game. Maple story 2. Slowly but surely he became my everything until we agreed to go our own ways. I will forever love his soul and wish him the best on his next adventure.

Maximilian Ralph Pryke

A lockdown grandson we cannot wait to meet

Irina Danilova

She is wonderful woman, great mother.

Fernando Wong

My father... I will love him always ^_^

Severino Abellas

I miss my dad every day, lost him early to an accident but treasure the time we had together.

Bodhi Hwang

Lil Bodhi came out the womb

William Staton

He was a gift to his family and friends.

Dominic Mckenzie Smith

Dominic was one week past his due date and seemed in no hurry to appear. The Doctor decided that it was best to deliver by cesarean section. It was a really difficult and scary time with the virus raging in NYC. We were just so happy he was ok. Vivienne Davis(his nana)


I was born in Brooklyn, NY. I am creative, supportive. Mother to two sons who are also extremely talented. I have finally reached retirement but am still busy going to school and painting. Still keeping very busy. I still am so curious about the world around me.

Jason Linetsky

My oldest son was born in Berlin, West Germany while my husband was stationed with the American army. He is a fantastic photographer and is extremely creative.

Brandon Linetsky

This is my youngest son. He is autistic but this has not defined him. He is extremely creative and a very loving individual

Janine Szymanski

Janine was born a daughter, a sister- a child of bright light and love. She is all at once angular and calculated while supremely sensitive and intuitively kind to the earth and all those that surround her. A partner to Jay and dedicated mother to three beautiful, gentle souls that call her mother. Today on the day of her birth, we celebrate Janine, her legacy, creativity, all that she is- and all that she will become.

Nairobi Colon

This is me, this is my name and this is my story. I wanted to put my name on the board because i am a 26 year old non binary person of color apart of the LGBTQ community and I matter. My voice matters.

Chelsie Mariah Vinson

Long awaited beautiful 1st daughter of Corio and Lameisha Vinson.

Luz Varela

Luz Varela knows what it is like to start in a new country from zero. She arrived in the United States at the age of 13 from Mexico, is a DACA recipient, and works with unaccompanied minors who are held at Health and Human Services shelters in her role as Legal Assistant for RAICES Children’s Program that provides children with information about their legal rights and pro bono legal representation. (Submitted by RAICES)


Diango, a village fisherman from Cuba, was placed under surveillance, harassed, and detained after being suspected of smuggling Cubans into Florida by Cuban authorities, who ultimately revoked his fishing license without permission to relocate, thereby depriving him of his ability to make a living. After being persecuted for his political opinion in Cuba, Diango arrived at the United States border to seek asylum on July 29, 2019 and was subject to the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a policy that forced more than 71,000 asylum seekers to wait in dangerous conditions in Matamoros, Mexico while their claims were processed, before being released on parole 590 days later on March 10, 2021. (Submitted by RAICES)


Jesus was harassed, beaten, and detained by Cuban authorities and forced to undergo weekly HIV testing by his community CDR leader because he is a gay man. The harassment only intensified after he expressed support of same-sex marriage yet refused to vote on a Constitutional referendum on the topic, deeming it a charade in a country that is not a real democracy. After continued persecution, Jesus arrived at the United States border on July 24, 2019 to seek asylum. Under the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) he was forced to wait in dangerous conditions in Matamoros, Mexico for his claim to be processed before being released on parole 604 days later on March 19, 2021. (Submitted by RAICES)


Kimberly was born in El Salvador and arrived in the United States as an unaccompanied child at the age of 15 to reunite with her mother: “February 20, 2016 was one of the best days of my life because it was the day that I was able to see my mom after many years without seeing her. It was such an overwhelming emotion that my most desired dream would come true that day.” Kimberly received her Lawful Permanent Resident status 1,683 days later on September 28, 2020 and hopes to pursue a university degree. (Submitted by RAICES)

Juan Galos

Juan Galos arrived in the United States on May 5, 2014 at the age of 14 after a long journey from Honduras with his aunt, cousin, and father. They hoped to reunite with his mother. Upon arrival they were arrested and detained in a “hielera” (icebox) by United States Customs and Border Protection, who eventually deported his father. Juan obtained his Lawful Permanent Resident status 2,409 days later on December 7, 2020 and today lives with his mother while studying to become a physical therapist. He hopes to help others like him succeed: “I am very happy in the United States… I am grateful because I have been able to take full advantage of many opportunities this country has to offer and because I live in peace and have made very good friends; I do not live in fear and I can't imagine living somewhere else.” (Submitted by RAICES)


Yorleni fled violence in Guatemala and arrived in the United States on June 18, 2017 as an unaccompanied child at the age of 17 with her baby girl. Three months later she reunified with her mother after spending 11 years apart. At their asylum merits hearing held 958 days after arrival, an immigration judge granted Yorleni and her daughter withholding of removal under the Convention Against Torture: “I feel happy and grateful to be here in the United States. I am working to give a better future to my daughter and give her all the opportunities that I did not have back in Guatemala… but most importantly I want her to be safe from violence and have a happy childhood.” (Submitted by RAICES)

Hope Lakiesha Garvin

Hope is a medical social worker who worked throughout Covid as an essential worker before she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Hope continued to work even while dealing with chemo in the fall of 2020. A mother of 5 and grandmother of 1, Hope embodies selflessness and love to her family. We choose to celebrate her arrival in this life as she fights for her life.

Hanne Mia Sydserff

My little ray of sunshine.

Matt Reich

Matt was hit by a car in February 2021, while walking his bike. He has 42 fractures, head injury, 4 broken vertebrae, broken pelvis, elbow, and clavicle. Since the accident he has been in the hospital and has had many surgeries, including partial removal of his lungs. He has a long recovery ahead of him. Knowing people are cheering him on might help. Please consider this remarkable human for your installation. He’s our Miracle Matt

Barry Talesnick

He was a joy to all. Playful, bright and kind and he sang like an Angel.


The joy of welcoming our newborn child - a ray of light we would like to share within the gloom of the pandemic. Sebastian and Sylvia

Samson Gene Tanenbaum

Our first child was born between two snow storms, during a global pandemic. He took his time, maybe because the world seems extra scary right now. Samson Gene is named for two of his great-grandfathers; we hope he has their tenacity and creativity, their humor and their honesty. We love him so much.

Magdalena Treska

Little angel, you're loved forever.

Taj Sheares

My first grandchild- he is love! Grammy Alexander

Faye Ashley

Faye was blessed with new life again. She lost consciousness twice and has been ventilated twice. Faye has a purpose in life. Faye is a Survivor!

Elaine Rosetta Holmes

This is my mom, whom had she not been born, I would not be here. I love her dearly. With every step I take, I know that she is always rooting for me, and proud of me- even when I doubt myself.

Henry Larsen-Solomito

Henry was born right when COVID shut down New York. We had him through surrogacy in Virginia and he was born a week early. When we got the call to head down there from NYC, we didn’t know if we’d able to come back. We did, and the contrast between the life and joy inside our apartment and the fear and death outside it was stark. Focusing on his arrival got us, and many friends and family, through the darkest time. We just celebrated his first birthday and what to us was the strangest year of our life, is all he’s ever known.

Maria Medellin

This is my Mother who was born in Mexico came to America for a better life then she had me.

Greta Heath

Home birth of my first daughter Greta in our little rental home we used to call the Gingerbread House


The arrival of joy in the middle of the pandemic: glorious baby, son, grandson, nephew, great grandson and big brother to a pup named Truman.

Rhian Hancox

Happy 40th Birthday our dear friend Rhian! x

Glen Winston

My dear husband, you arrived in my life on one of those terribly hot and humid days in June, in Borough Hall farmers market. The air was full of sweet smell of ripe strawberries. We spend all day walking around Brooklyn and I felt I’ve known you for a long time.

Monika Winston

My first born daughter. You arrived with a bang and our lives changed forever. An old nurse lifted you up, wrapped a like a burrito, in front of a window, grey Manhattan across the river. And said- look at those bright eyes. It felt like a blessing of Simba on Pride Rock from Lion King. And I knew you will be ok. This is a day I became a mother, though 10 years later I’m still learning how to be one. I love you very much.

Faith Ringgold

Faith Ringgold is an incredible artist, who's mother taught her quilting. Through this mother-daughter act of quilting, her mother not only passed on her stories and legacies, but helped practically, with sewing and childcare. Quilting became a form of grief therapy for Faith. This very honest and real storytelling, is raw and real. Faith challenged the art establishment and larger society....provoking debate about art and race.

Lina Joyce Nadeem

She is our spark lit in the midst of such staggering loss.

Lenny Kravitz

Leonard Albert Kravitz is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and actor. His style incorporates elements of rock, blues, soul, R&B, funk, jazz, reggae, hard rock, psychedelic, pop, folk, and ballads.

Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder, original name Steveland Judkins or Steveland Morris, (born May 13, 1950, Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.), American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, a child prodigy who developed into one of the most creative musical figures of the late 20th century.


Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016) was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, dancer, actor, and director. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest musicians of his generation. Considered a guitar virtuoso, he was well known for his eclectic work across multiple genres, flamboyant and androgynous persona, and wide vocal range which included a far-reaching falsetto and high-pitched screams.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, in full Michael Joseph Jackson or Michael Joe Jackson (see Researcher's Note), (born August 29, 1958, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died June 25, 2009, Los Angeles, California), American singer, songwriter, and dancer who was the most popular entertainer in the world in the early and mid-1980s.

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix, byname of James Marshall Hendrix, originally John Allen Hendrix, (born November 27, 1942, Seattle, Washington, U.S.—died September 18, 1970, London, England), American rock guitarist, singer, and composer who fused American traditions of blues, jazz, rock, and soul with techniques of British avant-garde rock to redefine the electric guitar in his own image.

Beyonce Knowles

Beyoncé, in full Beyoncé Giselle Knowles, (born September 4, 1981, Houston, Texas, U.S.), American singer-songwriter and actress who achieved fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B group Destiny's Child and then launched a hugely successful solo career.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, in full Britney Jean Spears, (born December 2, 1981, McComb, Mississippi, U.S.), American singer who helped spark the teen-pop phenomenon in the late 1990s and later endured intense public scrutiny for her tumultuous personal life.


Two of my dearest friends announced the arrival of their daughter whilst quarantining in Los Angles. I cannot wait to meet my beautiful nibling, Rosie! Oh how you are loved! - Aunt Josie

Eli B Wells

Love you

Kodak Black

Dieuson Octave, (born June 11, 1997), better known by his stage name Kodak Black, is an American rapper from Pompano Beach, Florida, United States.

Vanilla Ice

Robert Matthew Van Winkle, known professionally as Vanilla Ice, is an American rapper, actor, and television host.


Ice Cube, byname of O'Shea Jackson, Sr., (born June 15, 1969, Los Angeles, California, U.S.), American rapper and actor whose membership in the seminal gangsta rap group N.W.A gained him acclaim and launched his controversial but successful solo career.


Kimberly Denise Jones, better known by her stage name Lil' Kim, is an American rapper, songwriter and reality television personality. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City, she lived much of her adolescent life on the streets after being expelled from home.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Koren Pinkett Smith is an "entangled" American actress, screenwriter, producer, talk show host, businesswoman, and an occasional singer-songwriter. She began her acting career in 1990, with a guest appearance on the short-lived sitcom True Colors, and subsequently starred in the television series A Different World.

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler is a Spanish singer, songwriter, actor, record producer, and philanthropist who is known as the King of Latin Pop.

Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars, byname of Peter Gene Hernandez, (born October 8, 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.), American singer and songwriter who was known for both his catchy pop music—which often featured upbeat lyrics, blended different genres, and had a retro quality—and his energetic live performances.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, in full Selena Marie Gomez, (born July 22, 1992, Grand Prairie, Texas, U.S.), American actress and singer who won legions of young fans as the winsome star of the Disney television series Wizards of Waverly Place (2007–12) and as a pop vocalist.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez, in full Jennifer Lynn Lopez, byname J. Lo, (born July 24, 1969, Bronx, New York, U.S.), American actress and musician who began appearing in films in the late 1980s and quickly became one of the highest-paid Latina actresses in the history of Hollywood.


Shakira, in full Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, (born February 2, 1977, Barranquilla, Colombia), Colombian musician who achieved success in both Spanish- and English-speaking markets and by the early 2000s was one of the most successful Latin American recording artists.

Wyclef Jean

Wyclef Jean, byname of Nel Ust Wyclef Jean, original name Nel Ust Wycliffe Jean, (born October 17, 1969, Croix des Bouquets, Haiti), Haitian rapper, producer, and philanthropist whose dynamic, politically inflected rhymes and keen ear for hooks established him as a significant force in popular music.

Lauryn Hill

Lauryn Hill, (born May 26, 1975, South Orange, New Jersey, U.S.), American singer whose soulful voice propelled her to the top of the hip-hop and rhythm-and-blues charts at the end of the 20th century.


Madonna, original name Madonna Louise Ciccone, (born August 16, 1958, Bay City, Michigan, U.S.), American singer, songwriter, actress, and entrepreneur whose immense popularity in the 1980s and ’90s allowed her to achieve levels of power and control that were nearly unprecedented for a woman in the entertainment industry.

Jonah Koenig

Jonah - creative, loving, thoughtful, musical, talented ball of butter scotch!

Danielle Koenig

Danielle - actress, writer, organizer, beauty, friend, teacher, producer, director.

Elan Koenig

Elan - meaning - energy, style, and enthusiasm - was born in the middle of the night on the 18th. Elan is a pair of Austrian Skis, in Hebrew it means Oak Tree, in French in means Panache, it is also a car line from Lotus, in Africa it is a subspecies of an Antelope, but to us - he is our son.

Waka Flocka Flame

Juaquin James Malphurs (born May 31, 1986), known professionally as Waka Flocka Flame, is an American rapper.


Artis Leon Ivey Jr., known professionally as Coolio, is an American rapper, singer, record producer, actor and chef. Coolio achieved mainstream success in the mid-to-late 1990s with his albums It Takes a Thief, Gangsta's Paradise, and My Soul.

Post Malone

Austin Richard Post, known professionally as Post Malone, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor. Known for his tattoos, introspective songwriting and laconic vocal style, Malone has gained acclaim for blending a range of genres including hip hop, R&B, pop, trap, rap rock, and cloud rap.

Fiorlea Tiedemann Canepa

Twin of Gemini. Please add.

Cardi B

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, known professionally as Cardi B, is an American rapper, songwriter, and actress. Born in Manhattan and raised in the Bronx, New York City, she became an Internet celebrity by achieving popularity on Vine and Instagram.

Childish Gambino

Donald McKinley Glover Jr., also known by the stage name Childish Gambino, is an American actor, singer, rapper, stand-up comedian, writer, producer, and director. After working on Derrick Comedy while studying at New York University, Glover was hired at age 23 by Tina Fey as a writer for the NBC sitcom 30 Rock.

Gemini Tiedemann Canepa

Where there is darkness - there is light in the form of baby twins being born to Jason and Lori!

Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar, in full Kendrick Lamar Duckworth, (born June 17, 1987, Compton, California, U.S.), American rapper who achieved critical and commercial success with such albums as good kid, m.A.A.d city (2012) and To Pimp a Butterfly (2015).

Vincent Livelli

Vincent is my 100 year old best friend. Celebrating 101 in only a few weeks. Honoring this centenarian.

Nicki Minaj

Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty (born December 8, 1982), known professionally as Nicki Minaj, is a Trinidadian-born rapper, singer, songwriter, actress, philanthropist, and model. Born in the Saint James district of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and raised in the Queens borough of New York City, she gained public recognition after releasing the mixtapes Playtime Is Over (2007), Sucka Free (2008), and Beam Me Up Scotty (2009).


Jonathan H. Smith, better known by his stage name Lil Jon, is an American rapper, songwriter, DJ, and record producer. He was the frontman of the multi-platinum selling rap group Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz and was instrumental in the emergence of the hip/hop subgenre crunk.


By the late '80s, hip-hop was on its way to becoming a male-dominated art form, which is what made the emergence of Salt-n-Pepa so significant. As the first all-female rap crew (even their DJs were women) of importance, the group broke down a number of doors for women in hip-hop. They were also one of the first rap artists to cross over into the pop mainstream, laying the groundwork for the music's widespread acceptance in the early '90s. Salt-n-Pepa were more pop-oriented than many of their contemporaries, since their songs were primarily party and love anthems, driven by big beats and interlaced with vaguely pro-feminist lyrics that seemed more powerful when delivered by the charismatic and sexy trio.


Earl Simmons (born December 18, 1970), better known by his stage name DMX (Dark Man X), is an American rapper and songwriter.


Afrika Bambaataa (/ˌæfrɪkə bæmˈbɑːtə/; born Lance Taylor, April 17, 1957) is an American disc jockey, rapper, songwriter and producer from the South Bronx, New York.


Missy Elliott, original name Melissa Arnette Elliott, byname Missy Misdemeanor, (born July 1, 1971, Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S.), American rapper and music producer who made a mark on the male-dominated hip-hop world with her talents for writing, rapping, singing, and music production.


Kanye West, (born June 8, 1977, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.), American producer, rapper, and fashion designer who parlayed his production success in the late 1990s and early 2000s into a career as a popular, critically acclaimed solo artist.


Aubrey Drake Graham is a Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, actor, and entrepreneur. A prominent figure in popular music, Drake is credited for popularizing the Toronto sound.

LL Cool J

James Todd Smith (born January 14, 1968), better known by his stage name LL Cool J (short for Ladies Love Cool James), is an American rapper, record producer, actor, author, and entrepreneur from Queens, New York.


Shawn Corey Carter (born December 4, 1969), known professionally as Jay-Z (stylized as JAY-Z), is an American rapper, songwriter, record executive, businessman, and record producer.

Royal Thomas Molloy

My newest nephew is a bright spot in a rough year.

Chance The Rapper

Chance the Rapper was born on April 16, 1993 in Chicago, Illinois. His father, Ken Bennett, was a political aide, and his mother, Lisa Bennett, worked for the Illinois attorney general. Chance and his younger brother, rapper Taylor Bennett, cite pop superstar Michael Jackson as their first exposure to music growing up.

Wu Tang Clan

Wu-Tang Clan is an American hip hop group formed in Staten Island, New York City in 1992.[4] Its original members include RZA, GZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Method Man, Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, Inspectah Deck, U-God, and Masta Killa. Close affiliate Cappadonna later became an official member. Wu-Tang Clan are regarded as a highly influential group in hip hop, helping to popularize and develop the East Coast hip hop and hardcore hip hop styles.

Reesa Hirani

Lockdown baby! My husband and I wanted a unique name that not many other people had. We wanted to incorporate both cultures as my husband and I come from different backgrounds. We had a few names in the pipeline and thought we’d decide when she arrived. A breech baby and a c section later, little Miss Reesa Hirani was born. Her name incorporates best of both worlds.

Sean P Diddy Combs

Sean John Combs, also known by the stage names Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Puffy, or Diddy, is an American rapper, record producer, record executive, and entrepreneur.

Fifty Cents

Curtis James Jackson III, known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, songwriter, television producer, actor, and entrepreneur. Known for his impact in the hip hop industry, he has been described as a "master of the nuanced art of lyrical brevity".


Nas, byname of Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, also called Nasty Nas, (born September 14, 1973, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.), American rapper and songwriter who became a dominant voice in 1990s East Coast hip-hop.


Christopher George Latore Wallace, better known by his stage names the Notorious B.I.G., Biggie Smalls, or simply Biggie, was an American rapper and songwriter. Rooted in the New York rap scene and gangsta rap traditions, he is considered one of the greatest rappers of all time.

Method Man and Redman

Method Man & Redman (also referred to as Meth & Red, Red & Mef, John Blaze and Funk Doc or Funk Doctor Spock and Johnny Blaze) are an American hip hop duo, composed of East Coast rappers Method Man (of Wu-Tang Clan) and Redman (of Def Squad). They are signed to Def Jam Recordings both as solo artists and as a duo. While they had been collaborating since 1994, it was not until 1999 that they released a full-length collaborative effort, Blackout!. The follow-up album, Blackout! 2, was released in 2009.

Theo Hakopa Roberts

My little surprise arrived 8 days early. At the scan we were told we were having a girl but we got a boy.


Trevor George Smith Jr., known professionally as Busta Rhymes, is a Jamaican-American rapper, singer, record producer, actor, and record executive. Chuck D of Public Enemy gave him the moniker Busta Rhymes, after NFL and CFL wide receiver George "Buster" Rhymes.


Tupac Shakur, in full Tupac Amaru Shakur, original name Lesane Parish Crooks, bynames 2Pac and Makaveli, (born June 16, 1971, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.—died September 13, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada), American rapper and actor who was one of the leading names in 1990s gangsta rap.


Eminem, byname of Marshall Bruce Mathers III, (born October 17, 1972, St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S.), American rapper, record producer, and actor who was known as one of the most-controversial and best-selling artists of the early 21st century.

Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne, byname of Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr., also called Weezy, (born September 27, 1982, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.), American rapper who became one of the top-selling artists in hip-hop in the early 21st century.

Doctor Dre

Andre Romelle Young, known professionally as Dr. Dre, is an American rapper, record producer, audio engineer, record executive, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and Beats Electronics, and was previously co-owner and President of Death Row Records.


Snoop Dogg, byname of Cordozar Calvin Broadus, Jr., also called Snoop Doggy Dogg and Snoop Lion, (born October 20, 1971, Long Beach, California, U.S.), American rapper and songwriter who became one of the best-known figures in gangsta rap in the 1990s and was for many the epitome of West Coast hip-hop culture.

Richard Simmons

Physical fitness instructor, actor, video producer.

Billie Jean king

She Won 39 grand slam titles

Joseph Richard Burke

My nibling Joe was born on one of the last days of the worst year, redeeming it with his very presence. The first member of his generation on either side, I’m so grateful for the light he brings and that he won’t remember any of this.

Jasmine Tuesday Price

She is my shining light

Destiny Elvira Rose

New Beginnings!

Olivia Cossette Squashic

The birth of the love of my life, my daughter, Olivia. The person that makes me, me.

Logan De Filippo Poulin

Logan, my nephew was born this morning.

Sydney Jet Broockerd

She was meant to arrive in NYC, but her parents thought it best to find a safe haven whilst Covid raged. She returned to Brooklyn in August and is now growing up on the sidewalks of our scarred, resilient city.


An entire pregnancy experienced by family virtually has been hard on everyone. Updates throughout the birth and Hugo's first moments shared via Whatsapp were full pf happiness and wistfulness. When we unite to see her and meet Hugo, it will be one of the most joyous occasions of our lives.

Teodora Georgiana

My best friend's arrival on Earth.

Juniper Cato

My Second Granddaughter in 2 years !!


My baby, born in lockdown

James William Maloney

JW appeared as the pandemic was exploding all around us. I almost wasn't allowed to be there for his birth. My wife and I were locked in a room and we watched ambulances unloading sick patients and remove sheeted bodies down below. JW was born and held my finger, and everything changed from then. Life moved forward, and we didn't stop to look back.

Shay Henry Harmatz

I hope that Shay doesn’t remember the fear, isolation, confusion, and pain that defined his entry into a most uncertain world the day before New York City hospitals banned birth partners from delivery rooms. I went into labor with his dad at my side the day before my due date. Shay arrived right on time.

Eva Isobel Sims

My niece, born in the wake of horror as we look towards a hopeful future.

Blaise Albin

My son was born on 3/13/20. His first day happened to be the same day that many people remember as their “last” - their last day of in-person school, their last day in the office. His first year on earth has been unexpectedly challenging, but at the same time unimaginably rewarding and beautiful. He is our shining light amid the darkness.

Jace Matthews

Jace’s Mom works at a Nursing Home and went to work during the pandemic up until his birth and suffered the loss of her Grandfather. We were worried and fearful, but eternally grateful that he made it here safely. In a year when everything seemed to be going wrong, Jace’s arrival brought us pure Joy. Love Nana Cordell

Oliver Alexander

Our younger son was born at the height of the pandemic in NYC. As scary and chaotic as that time was—I had to give birth alone and watched the tent hospital in the park go up outside my hospital window—he has been a bright spot to the year and we are so grateful that our family is all here and healthy.

Luca Zavian Remnek

Luca Zavian Remnek was born on September 2nd, measuring 8 lbs 12 oz. and 21 inches. Luca and Zavian both mean light, with Latin and Arabic roots. Luca's hebrew name is Lior Barzilai ליאור בַרְזִלַּי. Lior means "my light" and Barzilai means "man of iron." Iron in french is Fer. F-E-R pays tribute to the matriarchal lineage of 3 great grandmothers: Florence (Katia Remnek's mom), Evelyn (Richard Remnek's mom), and Ruth (Debbie Dinner's mom). The B in Barzilai is for Belle (Dan Dinner's grandma, Luca's great great grandma). Barzilai brings together these 4 matriarchs to honor them and share their best attributes with Luca. This bright, beautiful child, born during the COVID pandemic, is imbued with light and strength. He is the light of our lives and may he be a light to the world! With unconditional love from his proud parents, Stacey Dinner and Alexi Remnek

Shawn Caleb Martin

Shawn means 'God is gracious.' After 7 years of infertility, we found out that we were welcoming a baby. At our first ultrasound, we found out that we were 5 month pregnant, which was way off based on our calculations. With an expected delivery on Thanksgiving, Shawn came a month early at 34 weeks and weighed 7lbs 1 oz. His Apgar score was a 9.9 and his healthy weight meant that he did not have to stay in the NICU as expected. In a world of COVID-19 and uncertainty, Shawn truly was a symbol of God's grace and his big brother, CAM, couldn't be happier to have the little brother he prayed for. Carl & La Shawn Martin

Max Patrick Givens

We welcomed our bright light, Max, in April of 2020 during the height of the COVID pandemic.

Amal Aisha El Bakouri

I made it from NYC to Marrakech, just in time to welcome into this world my great niece, Amal Aiesha (aka hope/life). I stayed a few months and got to sing to her everyday: "Amal Aiesha, four days old. How do you like the world so far...?" She's a beautiful multicultural, Arab, Polish, Puerto Rican, Muslim, American, Morrocan, Female, Human. Her great grandmother (see Frieda Pawlukewicz) got to see her on Zoom, before she herself passed 3 months later. #HOPE/LIFEishere!

Marwan Emam-Escudero

Marwan Unai Emam-Escudero was born during covid, in Glasgow, so his loving family in Pontefract couldn't give him the hug and snuggles they wanted to give him. We love you Marwan, and well done Anya and Wasseem for bringing such an adorable baby into this world!

Milo Brichall

Milo Birchall was born on 28th Feb and brought such a lot of joy and has been a long awaited baby brother for Elliot. Your loving aunty Caroline

Edith Atherton

We call her Punky and we forget why. She is fussy but a good sleeper. She has a birthmark that looks like a ladybug without the spots on the top of her head. To calm her down she likes when both her hands are held at the same time, listening to Imogen Heap's "Goodnight and Go" or Harry Nilsson's "Coconut," when you make silly faces at her, or sitting on your lap facing the world. We are committed to barging into her room at 3am the night she turns 40 and crying and shitting our pants as revenge for the past few months.


Adriene from Yoga with Adriene has literally helped to get me through lockdown! It sounds an exaggeration but it’s really true and I think it is to a lot of people. I thrive on routine and found a way to embed yoga videos with Adriene into my daily morning rhythm despite homeschooling two kids and continuing to work. I woke up every morning looking forward to this precious calm and meditative time to myself, which equipped me for the rest of the day. Adriene has taught me to carry my yoga practice into my everyday life and to focus on gratitude for the things we do have - these two things have helped to keep me sane over the last year and I feel so thankful.

Angela Davis

When Angela Davis spoke at BAM’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in 2014, she said that “We cannot afford to believe that we inhabit a post-racial society. Racism is more entrenched in the economic, social, political, educational, correctional structure of this country than ever before in our history.” Davis reminds us that we are part of a historical continuum to excise racism. Will historically white institutions remain accountable for the possibility of change?

Katsi Cook

Sherrill Elizabeth Tekatsitsiakawa “Katsi” Cook is an Elder Mohawk grandmother and midwife who has led her people in a wide array of initiatives at the intersection of women’s reproductive health issues and environmental justice. Katsi bases her midwifery in Indigenous ancestral knowledge and is a founder of the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives, and Akwesasne Mother’s Milk Project in 1981.

Bonnie Joyce Drummond

Bonnie is my youngest daughter, six already - I can’t believe it! Bonnie didn’t want to come out of my tummy - she kept us waiting 2.5 weeks and still then needed to be taken out by cesarean after a failed 2 day induction. She boasts now that she was so cosy in there that she didn’t want to come out and would go back in if she could and sometimes tries to get under my top to prove her point. Her favourite time of year in Winter, when she likes to snuggle with a hot chocolate, a story and my arm firmly around her - I hope to have another six years of being her favourite cosy spot.

Esmat Elsherbini

Our father is our moral and intellectual compass. Born in Al Minya, Egypt in the 40’s, he is a lifetime advocate for progressive independence leaders, social justice, and free healthcare. As a psychiatrist he is passionate about non-medical approaches to mental health. He has dedicated his retirement to researching and writing about faith, encouraging readers to re-evaluate their own understanding. He instills in us a passion for social justice, encouraging us to make the world a better place.

Wendy Montague

Wendy and I became good friends aged 21 as residents in a Civil Service Hostel, 50 Belsize Park Gardens. London NW3

Duncan Robert Fry

Duncan, Suzanne Flanagan Corke’s friend/partner since February 2015.

Tony Fuqua

Tony is married to my neice Sarah and is my Nephew-in-Law.

Suzanne Flanagan Corke

This is my name. It appears that I have been issued with two birth certificates; one in the name of Suzanne Victoria Flanagan and the other with Suzanne Victoria Corke!

William Charlton

William Charlton, my brother-in-law. My sister Sheila’s husband and father to Sarah and Katie.

Billy Van Sanden

Billy is my great nephew, son of Roy and Katie VanSanden. Sister to Rosie VanSanden.

Rosie Van Sanden

Rosie is my Great Neice, Katie and Roy Van Sanden’s daughter.

Roy Van Sanden

Roy is my nephew-in-law, married to my niece Katie

Katie Charlton

Katie is my youngest niece and sister to Sarah. Daughter of Sheila Flanagan ( my sister ) and William Charlton

Sarah Charlton

Sarah is my eldest niece and sister to Katie. Daughter of Sheila Flanagan ( my sister ) and William Charlton

Svetlana Nartey

She was born

Stella Rae

Born in a storm

Denise Sokolowski

Dee is my best friend and when I moved to London she was there. Our lives have been intertwined. Dee has a daughter chloe who is special sadly dee lost her husband Andrew and he is thought of a lot

Jonny Haynes

Jonny came into our lives on this wonderful day, and it's the day I choose to remember him by, rather than the day he left us too soon. An artist and a true gent

Freya Aroha Ellaway Pool

Aroha is the Maori word for "love" . We choose this middle name as our daughter was conceived in New Zealand and this country is very close to our hearts. It's where her auntie and cousins have been living for the last two decades; we miss them tremendously particularly during these restricted times. The last time we met ....was here at Somerset House.

Merryhill Suralta

My Bestie

Ayesha Saske Rosales

Happy birthday my babies

Hendryx Rosales

Happy 17th birthday miss you and be good

Pauline Barry

The Queen of Tipperary!

Taras Nadvirny

It's my birthday


My baby nephew!!

Louise francis

Teacher of french and spanish in shropshire

Raphael Emmett Alexander

Welcome to the world Raphael

Edward Francis

Head Teacher in Worcester

Louise francis

Teacher of french and spanish in shropshire

William Francis

Studying Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy at NCH

Joseph Francis

Studying Geography at Exeter uni

Rose Gay

A wonderful and inspiring person and grandma

Luca Rossini

Re birth

Jane Marle

Re birth

Ines Bryan-Brown

She’s my goddaughter and I’d live to see her on the Arrival Board!

Olympia Jackson-Pereira

To celebrate the little girl that I have dreamt of my whole life.

Carina Scherrer Peroni

Loved nephew and god-daughter S2

Eric Cuenca Torremocha

First baby boy cousin birthday

Amine Belabbes

Little Bro

Felix Nutt

Welcome into your marvellous family, Theo, Thomas & Justine. Can’t wait to meet you when Corona times are better

Theo Nutt

Welcome to life. May you enjoy the character, laugher & loving nature of your wonderful parents.

Tara Pantovic

May you enjoy the strength, warmth & laughter of your parents

Stella Rae

Born in a storm

Ekanjali Dhillon

We love you

Sascha Vosper

This is for my beautiful daughter who graduates this year from school...born in Australia, lived in UK from 2010 to 2015..very much embraces her UK roots and misses our family in Devon! She loves the Arts, so will love the idea of this project and being a little bit of UK history in what has been an unprecedented year to graduate! Sarah Vosper (mama)


Life changes

Juwad malik

My sunshine

Maryam khan

The love of my life. My life started when I found her.


Lottie arrived and departed on the same day. She was born asleep at 37weeks of pregnancy.

Katie Drew Mason

Katie is my miracle baby

Joshua John Watts

I have added my son's birth to close the circle between him and my dad who's name also appears here. He is a father himself now

Charlotte Jeffries

My eldest. You've got it in you, whatever you want to be. Remember yourself and be The Kind One, the one people want to call. My Sunshine ⭐

Isla Jeffries

My youngest. You make me the mum I want to be. My Star ⭐

Joseph William Alcock

My lovely dad following a traumatic arrival (forceps delivery) a scar so deep it was visible his whole life, he was left in a crib to pass away but didnt! He carried on breathing! He did his national service, married my mum fathered myself n my sister was the best dad our whole lives! until Parkinsons affected the last 20 yrs n sadly dementia (loss of speech) for the last 2 years and he passed away 10th February 2015 due to this loss I became a bereavement volunteer with Cruse and am now an independent Bereavement supporter.

Cennet Sonmez

A lovely mother

Fikriye Turan

My mother is an exceptional person who has survived many adversities, losing her sister, husband, brother, and father within a few years of each other. She was a widow by the age of 25, mother of five children, and became a refugee in UK soon after. I could go on but let’s leave it here :)

Christiana Von Wunster

Love you mum! Happy bday x

Mubashir Quidwai

70th birthday

John George Cooke

It’s me!


she’s amazing

Tina Ramos Ekongo

Tina Ramos Ekongo is a Equatorial Guinean -Spanish figurative visual artist and illustrator who lives and works in England. She was born in 1987 in Malabo and grew up in Spain between Madrid and Zaragoza and moved to the UK in 2011. Regarding her work, it is mainly portraiture and is very influenced by the African traditional murals on health campaigns and the artwork found in African barbershops and hair saloons. The use of cardboard as the principal medium to develop her work serves as a juxtaposition on the undervalue of black women in Western societies and their real value as pillar of their communities and force of change . Through painting them on cardboard, she gives a new value to a disposable material and highlight the exquisite beauty of the black woman in her different shades.

Jessica Key

Welcome to my niece who I met once before tighter restrictions up in Greater Manchester. Hope I'll see you again soon, Rosie xxx


Milon is my child and had to endure years of my depression, self-harming and eating disorder. From the age of 7, he had already experienced more heartache than I have had in my entire life. I know I don't deserve him, but I am so thankful he's mine. I love you, honey x

Nicole Isabella

Our beautiful daughter was born at St.Thomas’ Hospital in the middle of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and despite all the odd both her mum and baby are doing remarkably well.

Brett Lockwood

Brett Lockwood has shown me how to be a better human, shown me care and kindness, but most importantly has shown me love. He is hardworking, self improving and a real goof. I would not be here without him.

Amber Amare

Amber and I studied in the same University. We didn't know each other much and I had no idea our futures would combine together so beautifully. It only took a global pandemic to kick-start our wonderful, loving and caring relationship. She's my inspiration, both to my practice and to my self improvement, she's my happiness and most importantly, my love.

Judah John

A handful of God. very Black.

Andrea - Mamar - Heaney

Thank you for being you. We’re so glad you are here

Remy Aron Haggard

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it

Minnie Mae Murphy

Our amazing first grand daughter. We are all blessed by her arrival Tim Molloy

Perdia Tate

You don't have to match, to match

Zia Bahia Ashton-Jansz

Zia means light in Farsi and Bahia is after both the state in Brazil, where her parents got engaged, and also one of the first names of Mumbai which was Boa Bahia, as a memento Of her mother’s Indian and Dutch Portuguese Sri Lankan heritage.

Adkatomp Matthieu

Born with two cultures french Algeria and British

Amir Rahim

I arrived into this beautiful and wonderful world on this date! Couldn't be more happier that I did.

Effie Mabel Haworth Hird

Named after Effie Neal Jones, civil rights activist and Effie McCollum Jones, suffragette.

Denise Fakley

I will be half a century this year

Lila Rose Tazi

Our beautiful daughter came to life in April 2019 and this arrival created the most joyous moments of our life

Alice Lawton

My great neice!

Henry Lawton

My great nephew!

Raife EmileFredericBerry

My baby great nephew, coming into the world just in time for the pandemic! We won’t forget the year he arrived!

Ishaan n Sunshine

We came here to create. We were born to shine. We can here to heal to move beyond space and time

The Most Honourable PK

The birth of the Most Honourable. Born on the day of Caesars birth. Destined to be great - happy are those who are blessed to be on his journey.

Ellery Ron Thornton

Welcome to the world!

Blake Anna Nusa Wieder

My beautiful multicultural daughter born of a globalised world experienced the first year of her life in the hyperlocal.

Maya Kasterine

To my dear friend!

Francesca RhysWilliams

A beloved daughter bravely making her way in the world

Akeelah Bertram

An artist who challenges the limits of bodies as they move through physical and emotional states of separation. Her work contends with the violence of slavery, prompting a sense of arrival grounded in return.

Simon-Reuel Chimwaji

A very special boy's birthday!

Francisco Valenzuela

Mexican enjoying the luck of living in the UK.

Abdalla Idris

a blessing was born

Anjali Devi Gadhok

This dates marks the birth of a beautiful baby girl born to very blessed parents.

Brayan Castillo Ortiz

Product of a migrant mother seeking for a better life for her offspring.

Dylan Collins

Her sister has a gender neutral name (Robyn) and we wanted to find one for her. We liked that this has a Y too and that it's the same number of letters.

Robyn Collins

We wanted a gender neutral name as we liked the idea of her going to a meeting and the other person not knowing her gender in advance and be a little more free of gendered expectations. It seemed like a way to empower her through her name.

Bianca Sirbu

For all the desperate housewives episodes and the ice cream we should have never eaten.

Iulia Tudor

For all the moments when we laughed and we cried and we sang stupid songs - big doggo, small doggo.

Anca Franculescu

It all started in the last bench of classroom 9B. 16 years of friendship and still counting. I love you.

Laura Lacey

35 this weekend.

Jason Collins

A cardiac radiologist working in the wards through covid.

Reesa Hirani

We wanted a modern but powerful name for our first born daughter. A Sanskrit name seemed to fit the criteria of combining the Indian cultures of her Punjabi mother and Gujarati father. We couldn’t decide between a small shortlist. However, within a few days of her birth, we knew her name could only be Reesa. Reesa means laughter in Latin. She is a beautiful happy baby and fills our hearts with so much joy. Sharan & Rupen (Mum & Dad)

Ferdinand Tao Adhami

Tao, the one who always smile. Because you truly were the happiest baby amongst the storm. You came amidst the fireworks of the night of 4th November. You swam to my hands in the warm pool in our living room. You and I made it, a VBAC at home. Blissful. SLQS

Alice Mai Adhami

Mai, the first spring flower that blossoms in Vietnam. A symbol of good luck. A flower that makes you smile. You came 6 weeks premature by emergency C-section. I tucked you under my shirt against my skin for two weeks in Intensive Care. When we got home, I cried when I held you. My heart is aching I love you so much. My Alice Mai. SLQS

Daniel Wade

My twin

Nelson Mandela

Activist, politician, philanthropist, lawyer and hero.

Ellis Mackenzie-Ingle

She makes me laugh so much!

Rebecca Lucy Clarke

Our lovely daughter

Sara Bloomfield

Born where she was never wanted a refugee to the US free education changed her life with a PhD and a university teaching post

Harold Taubin

Born to immigrants struggled through the depression married his sweetheart fought in WWII went to Harvard and changed the built urban face of Philadelphia to put people first: Streets are for People

Hans Geberbauer

My German Grandfather fought in WWI with my wife's Polish Grandfather and in WWII against my wife's US Father

J W Taubin Geberbauer

I'm named for my mother's family and my father's family. I'm called Wim. I study Quantum Lasers

Abigail Taubin

My mother was born in Lithuania. I was born in the USA. My son was born in Germany. I live in the UK.

Wim Wumm

Der Engel der u ears Somersethouse flog


Welcome to the world baby girl.

Elodie Anne Holdsworth

A friend new baby Daughter!

Nicki Websper

Nicki was a passionate about the Arts, she touched the lives of all she met, was inspirational and a pillar of positivity in these uncertain times. A hard act to follow.

Thomas Eliot Healey

I chose Tom because he’s an all around amazing guy and knows how to fix anything. He’s also not afraid of mice :-)

Bailey Storms Hewitt

My bright and beautiful child, she makes the world a better place every day

Beatrix wignall


Victoria c c russell

I love you mom

Lucky McMeow

My darling black Moggy


All good in the hood.

Odessa Rees

Odessa is one of the many “lockdown babies” born when no one could visit or see her. Her arrival day is bittersweet as it is also the day we said farewell to her twin sister who died after surgery done in the womb to try and save her. The journey we travelled for Odessa was long but she brings us indescribable joy everyday.

Willow Skye Bhatt-Wright

After complications during birth our first baby was taken straight to ICU at Kings College Hospital, Camberwell. The first time we held her was at 13 days old when our little fighter survived her tough start. We named her Willow, which was perfect for her as a symbol of healing. We are so incredibly lucky & thankful to have her in our lives - she is a life giving spirit. Forever grateful to the angels who cared for her at Kings #NHSHeroes Pippa Bhatt & Charlie Wright

Bel Ava Bhatt-Wright

Our second daughter burst into our lives with the force of a champagne cork popping. She hasn’t slowed down yet and continues to bring sparkle and effervescence to our lives every day. We know how lucky we are & I’d like to commemorate her here so she knows how special she is to us. Pippa Bhatt & Charlie Wright

Justin Daurat

This is the birth date of my best friend who died suddenly this year. He was a simply wonderful unique and hilarious person, he is missed desperately. He lifted the lives of so many people every day. That is why I am marking his entry to the world -not his exit. XXX

Clare Dubois

Clare Dubois is the founder of TreeSisters, a charitable organisation that seeks to contribute to a transformed world by funding the reforestation of the tropics while supporting feminine nature-based leadership. Through TreeSisters, Clare has devoted her whole life to Earth, to Life, and to helping us humans find our unique contributions to its thriving. She is an inspiration speaker with deep passion and compassion as well as great integrity. I’ve been a contributing member and volunteer with TreeSisters since 2017. Yi Pang

Isaac Harrison Lewes

Beautiful baby boy of Minna and James

Ben Prescott Whetton

Named after the doctor who ensured we both made it!!

Nathan Paul Collinson

Starting 6th Form after a whirlwind GCSE year.

Joe Rodgers

My nephew born just before lockdown into a strange new world

Que Nakamarra Kenny

Que Nakamarra Kenny is an Arranta visual artist and activist working in their community in Alice Springs to resisting mining projects. She has been working to raise awareness about the social conditions of Indigenous Peoples and the impacts on Indigenous lands and lives and the climate crisis to a global audience through film and art and has been providing frontline care for Indigenous elders in the midst of the pandemic.

Tom Goldtooth

Tom Goldtooth is an Indigenous climate justice activist, serving as executive director of the INdigenous environmental network since 1996. Tom has been an international advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the climate movement, and vocal in bringing attention to the disastrous consequences of many solutions being put forward to the climate crisis on Indigenous people such as REDD (a mechanism of carbon trading and carbon offsets). He works alongside his son Dallas Goldtooth, an activist and comedian to elevate the environmental justice struggles of Indigenous People’s with care and humour. 


Kanahus Manuel

Kanahus Manuel is a Secwepemc and Ktunaxa mother of four Freedom Babies, an indigenous activist, birth keeper, and a member of the activist group Tiny House Warriors who is currently resisting the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Canada. Kanahus has also been involved in resisting the Sun Peaks Resort, and Imperial Metals projects, and holding accountable those responsible for the Mount Polley mine spill. Kanahus is an author, artist and has hosted podcasts and appeared in multiple documentaries and is inspiring a generation to stand up for their treaty rights and take traditional “Land Back.’

Crystal Laemen

Crystal Lameman is from the Beaver Lake Cree Nation and currently serves as the Nations Government Relations Advisor & Treaty Coordinator. Crystal is a mother and a teacher working to protect her land and culture for her children and future generations. She has worked to internationalise awareness of the exploitation of highly polluting tar sands, highlighting the impact of extraction her people, and of their land and the global climate. Along with her nation, she is working to hold the Government of Canada accountable for violations of their treaty rights due to tar sands projects.

Tobin Jamieson

My very loved child who challenged me from day 1

Que Nakamarra Kenny

Que Nakamarra Kenny is an Arranta visual artist and activist working in their community in Alice Springs to resisting mining projects. She has been working to raise awareness about the social conditions of Indigenous Peoples and the impacts on Indigenous lands and lives and the climate crisis to a global audience through film and art and has been providing frontline care for Indigenous elders in the midst of the pandemic.

Paloma Hambury-Sanchez

Paloma is the first of a new generation for the Hambury-Sanchez family. Her ancestors come from Britain, Cuba, Belgium, Ireland and Poland, with Jewish, Protestant and Roman Catholic roots.

Bruno Giannachi

My father, doctor, loved eating, art, cartoons, music, reading, teasing... will always be with me.

Otto Langenmayr

My son

Katla Homer Westling

Born at the hospital. We looked into each other’s eyes most of that first night, and my life changed forever.

Caius Westling Matthews

Born at home. A beautiful child who started laughing in his sleep two weeks after his birthday.

LillyStarWillow Windsor

Your name was made on Hampstead Heath. You were dreamt of and longed for.

Edgar Bushnell-Brown

Edgar was still born. He died some days before he was born. My hopes for the future temporarily died with him. But in the intervening 11 years I have learnt it is important for me to acknowledge his existence at every opportunity. This project provides a chance to do so publicly, so thank you.

Helen Sharman

Helen became the first British astronaut (and in particular, the first British cosmonaut) as well as the first woman to visit the Mir space station in May 1991.

Tallulah Haddon

My first born who made me a mother - always grateful

Mirabelle Haddon

A super fantastic daughter born early on St Patricks Day

Isla May Neale

First grand daughter .

Genevieve Davidson

It has been a huge pleasure to see my brother and his wife step into parenthood over the last few months. A great source of joy for the whole family. Looking forward to watching Genevieve grow over the coming years. Kevin Davidson

Ahed Tamimi

Ahed Tamimi is a Palestinian activist from the village of Nabi Salih in the occupied West Bank in the Palestinian territories. She has been imprisoned and is an amazing inspiration.

Natasha Bailey

Aunties Mary and Lucy both worked as nurses in London in the 60's and 70"s helped raise me the first of the British born family.

Marion Turner

Great Christian lady, a great friend to many. Selfless. Miss her terribly.

Violet Beddoe

For my mother Vi who turns 90 in the coming months. An inspirational woman who always forged her own path. Worked her way up, backpacked the world when most others were happy in their back garden. An enquiring mind and an open heart. Our plans to be together this year scuppered by a virus.

George Kenneth Hird

Yorkshire born and bred. A man of Yorkshire who served his community in so many ways and, as a result, was a model and an inspiration to others to do the same. One of millions who put others before self and supported the the institutions which brought us all together such as the NHS.

Peter Wilhelmson

My name, most important arrival for me. Grew up in Kragom, was educated in Gothenburg, and settled in London. Now aiming for Scotland after a pandemic break in stockholm.

Nick Martin

Happy Birthday!!

Elizabeth Grace James

Elizabeth, known as Elsie, made a pretty rapid appearance the day before her brother’s 2nd birthday in the depth of lockdown- a day of joy in an otherwise joyless time. A quick delivery was a bit of a surprise since she weighed in at 11lb 1oz! She is my first granddaughter and I love that she has family names, Grace after her aunt and my aunt and Elsie after another of my aunts.

Christina Alisa Campbell

Born in rural Scotland, adventurous spirit moved to London, married in Israel, died in Germany. Much loved Mum.

Matilde F B Bauschinger

Matilde was born in a heatwave, in a NHS hospital that was weathering a different type of storm. For nine months and two days we had awaited her arrival, through winter when she was hidden behind woollen jumpers, to spring where we were required to isolate from friends and family by ‘staying at home’. Her first days were spent by a sun drenched window facing Westminster, the streets starkly empty, the politicians gone. Then all at once the bridge was filled with BLM protesters, a sudden sign of hope for the world in to which she had come. Joanna Brinton (Mother)

Afton Rose Barnwell

We are good friends with Yara. Our friends' baby was born last month.

John Henry Campbell

John was a honest man helpful to strangers. In the Second World War where he was in France Holland and Germany. After the war he met and married Florence where he had 4 children 3 girls and a boy. Sadly the son died David as a baby. This year on his birthday One of his 3 grand grandchildren Grace is marrying Chris on Sat 19 September 2020 John’s birthday.

Florence Campbell

Florence Campbell was a twin sadly her brother died a few days after. Florence went onto live in Newcastle upon Tyne marrying and had 3 daughters and a son who died as a baby. A lovely’s gentle lady.

William Samual Brown

Our lockdown baby

Rosie Kent

A new little addition to our extended family born yesterday to my husband's cousin.

Autumn Rosie May

My little muggle arrived unexpectedly in emergency situation. She is everything I didn't know I was missing. She has made me a better person and I know my experience with her will make me a better midwife. 
They say when one life enters the world another is taken. With Autumns arrival, I lost my Grandpa the next day. My heart felt so full and then broke. Autumn was the light that kept me together. She may never meet him but she will know of his love and kindness.
 She has entered a world that seems so full of hate. I hope she may bring some light to those around her. Love is love. Hayley Elizabeth

Penny Cleo Howard

Penelope known as “Penny” is our first baby born during the COVID-19 pandemic. Known as a “lockdown baby”, she made her dramatic entrance to the world after a speedy labour. Everyone would say, “ but mummy you did all the hard work, you should name the baby” but I decided that Penny should be named by her dad and felt this added to their already strong bond with each other. Lizzy Howard, midwife

James Wilfred Wynn

My son born during lockdown. He is the best thing that ever happened to me

Alfie Sparkles

A wonderful new family addition

My star daughter Bibi

My best friend Jeni’s little and much wanted daughter - my god (star) daughter and star sister to my daughters.

Freddie Streetly

Freddie is the son of a good friend and valued colleague. Welcome to the world Freddie!


Te amo madre

Danna Cecilia Nava Lara

Casi es su cumpleaños #11

David R J Brown

Our Dad as we want to celebrate his life.

Sybil JEAN Maxwell

My wonderful Mum. I wanted to record the day she arrived, rather than the day she departed, as death should not be the defining date of a life, especially hers.

Frank Merrett

Frank is my eldest son, I chose to have his name on the board as this week my baby will become a teenager.


A very special little girl

Boswell Brown

My wife

Kirthika U

Free Tamil Eelam

Paula Brennan

An amazing woman, the rainbow

Sophie Allies-Curtis

Sophie came into my life at the beginning of October 2003. She changed the trajectory of my life for ever.

Annie Marsh

Best mum ever was born


Don’t want to come out for 10 hours.

Iseult O Gorman Goan

Wizzo the Wizard arrived on the first of July, like a warm summer breeze bringing great joy into the lives of all her family. We love you Iseult!

Marmalade Somerset

Our new beginning, our fresh start. Marmalade, you’re our first! Courtney & Georgina

Patty And Ralph

Our wedding anniversary (today)


Never felt so full.

Winnie Ankerstjerne

My dear wife

James Jenne-Cons

James has lived in London since 2016. He thinks he will depart when he’s 67 in 2078. But we won’t add that to departures!

Declan Jenne-Cons

Declan moved to London in 2016. Somerset House is a walk away from his home and he loves visiting the fountains!

Julian Coppen-Gardner

My little brothers birth is one I will always remember. I was woken up by a family friend who told me I had a little brother on the way. He’s now 15 and well into his grumpy teenage years but he will always be my baby bro (no matter how much he hates being called it.)



Sidney Edward Watson

Born to a London (clerckenwell) clock maker, Accident caused Brocken neck at age 34/36 he lived with paraplegia of The left side for the rest of his life until 1987 he had 2 children before the accident and 2 after. He was amazing .

Bibi Seren James

Our IVF joy

Nuno Santana

He’s my husband. I met him on Tinder after years of silly dating and having lost the faith that someone good and normal existed. Love seems a dream when you keep just finding games, short passions, theatrical drama, too much fiction and too little reality. He came in my life as if he had always been there. He filled my corners, seamlessly and endlessly. He is not perfect, but he is the most real element of my life, the reason why the world has stop spinning with no rationale and has started to slowly turn with me. He is my love, and I am so thankful he arrived.

Yonca Keremoglu

It's my name. Recently, I'm learning to appreciate life in a different perspective, it feels like a rebirth - to be able to appreciate each day, the bad and the good.

James Thomas

Celebrating my dad’s birth after losing him on August 28, 2020. I love you dad. I will miss you every day. -Jamesia Thomas

Eli Holewell

My awesome nephew. Such a clever dude x

Knox Maverick MacQueen

Thank you for choosing me as your grandmother, you’ve brought light and joy to the darkness x

Pippa Blackburn

A very beloved arrival in our family - a small fix coloured cockatoo puppy- centre of our family !!!

Oliver Covell

My nephew is the absolute best. Caused lots of concern during my sister's pregnancy, but since arrival has brought so much joy and laughter to their lives. Such an awesome care free personality xx

Oscar Thomas

Oscar Thomas is my new nephew. Or as my family call him, ‘Lock down Oscar’ ❤️

Luka Belgrave

After a traumatic miscarriage, I got pregnant with Luka. The pregnancy was unpredictable And then he arrived. His name means “harbour”. He has a heart the size of Universe

Kieran Kavanagh

My loving boyfriend. The one thing that fell into place this year, on your 30th I celebrate you.

Iza Purins

To celebrate the birth of my second daughter.

Maija Purins

To celebrate the birth of my first daughter.

Celso Paz Carballeira

My daddy was born on this day. Te estopo is what he used to say when I was a little girl.

Olivia Mary Seddon

I picked Olivia's middle name 'Mary' after my unique and larger than life Nana. If Olivia has even a little amount of my Nana's sense of humour then she will be a lucky girl.

Emilio Andres Roderos

Named after two Filipino heroes, Emilio Aguinaldo and Andres Bonifacio

Anna J Chappell

My best pal

Jackson Mercer

Our beautiful daughter Jacks was born at 16:56 on Thursday 20th August 2020. She is such a joy to behold and is much loved by all. We love you, baby.

Gaynor Cooper

My sister born on this day, 70 years ago, also celebrating the 20th birthday month of her kidney transplant. She is currently recovering from a broken hip caused by osteoporosis from long term use of steroids related to the transplant

Jessie Shiach Burns

Tomorrow would be my mother’s 109th birthday.

Nawal El Saadawi

Nawal El Saadawi is a beacon of light - a radical Egyptian feminist writer, activist, physician, and psychiatrist. Inspiring through and through she has been imprisoned for her writings and yet she continues.

Steve Addison

My nephew is the most loving, modest and kind man. He and his wife longed for a child. They do not know but I asked for help from a monk in a monastery in Leh Ladakh. Eventually they had a girl who is now 7. He is a fantastic father and i would like to celebrate how he has made his way to this point.

Coco Luna Iris Fischer

Coco is our Rainbow baby born after the loss of our first daughter Isla-Rose. She’s one charismatic, smiley, fun giver!! She loves everyone that she meets and waves at strangers. Michelle and Ali Fischer

Sam Gilburd

Not a birth, but the arrival of a brilliant new colleague who has made a huge difference during a challenging time. I can't imagine getting through the last six month without her!

Gideon Blake Whittaker

Our beautiful son, who arrived just before lockdown into a strange world.

Herbert douglas ling

Love of my life

David NormanHunter Greig

This is the man who’s influenced me more than any other, and who has been there right from my very beginning. Thomas

Emilia Grace Gabriele

Little Emilia finally, reluctantly, hatched into the bizzarre pandemic world...

Olivia M C Frith-Salem

I was 6 when my sister was born. I could never have predicted how much of an influence she was going to have on me (and I guess me on her too)! We have such a strong bond and I can't wait to see her flourish. - Rosanna

Cassius Motteram-Short

Welcome little Cassius one of many Lockdown babies! I can’t wait to be able to cuddle you Aunty Aggie xxx

Lucian Longshaw

My son Lucian was born in the USA this year. My wife and I are from the UK, but are both professors (& designers) at a University in the US.

Jake Kweku DenningMensah

Kweku is a Ghanaian Akan name meaning born on Wednesday. We just liked Jake. We wanted him to have an English and Ghanaian name to reflect his parent's roots.

Emile Broscoe Abernethy

He is our son and we love him so much

Nicola Jones

A very special day when one of the world’s best humans was born to Toni and Allan Jones. For 47 years Nicky shone so brightly and all her family and friends felt very lucky to have her in their world. She is loved and missed every single day. Love from her little sister, Laura x

Malakai S Antwi-Moore

Malakai came into my life on the same day that my younger sister came into my life, fifteen years apart. They have both given me nothing but sunshine ever since. I love you Malakai. You are a real joy even at fourteen. 2006; how time flies.

Nathaniel Carter

Our first born son ❤️

Effie Finlay

My dad is a “coronation baby”, born in the UK at a time of celebration, hope and post-war joy. People gathered for street parties, eating and drinking and dancing together. He was passed around neighbours, who laughed at his chubby cheeks and shock of dark hair. My daughter is a “lockdown baby”, born in the UK at a time of chaos, illness and social separation. She was passed to midwives wearing latex gloves and plastic aprons, smiling at her from behind disposable masks.

Freja Ash

Freja started to show signs of arriving on a still bright January morning, heralded by a gush of water and observed by concerned Sunday cyclists. We hurried the older children home, filled the pool, calling for support, eager to meet her. As the first full moon of the year slowly climbed into the darkening sky, Freya arrived swiftly surrounded by water, a calm lotus birth. She has been in our family circle for almost a year; she is a joyful tiny being, with milky pale skin, a huge smile and a recent climber - full of a life to come. Sophie Allies-Curtis, Somerset


Jude is is my nephew and has special needs. He has made me think about my role to serve others with an open heart and not expect anything in return and it has literally proved to me that it takes a village to raise a child and ever more so when a child has special needs. Jelena Belgrave - Potter and food fermentation enthusiast and educator

Greta Thunberg

“I want to celebrate Greta Thunberg’s birth because I LOVE her and in the future I think she will save the world! Without her being born the future World might not exist. Elfie Marsh, 9 years old

Derek Allen Preece

I miss you granddad, you were the greatest man to exist

Christopher Henderson

Murdered for his sexuality, drug spike

Doris Redfern

The most incredible granny anyone could wish for. Miss you so much.

Diana Chipperfield

Our very own WonderWoman. Miss you mum. Xxxx

Diana Chipperfield

A true worrier. My very own Wonder Woman. Miss you mum. Xxxx

Susan Dale

A wonderful, kind woman who was an amazing grandmother

Mark Harrison

Mr brother Mark died of Huntingtons disease just 47 . Also remembering my mum Jean Iles , age 48 my uncle Barry Iles age 46 & grandfather Roy Iles who also died of Huntington’s disease . And tribute to my nana Edith Iles who cared for us all xxx

Maetin Vandy

My lovely husband.

Pete Rowe

Pete was originally from Redcar and we met while he was at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London. We fell in love and spent 45 fabulous years together before he died from lung cancer.

George Hirst

A magical man who never let his disabilities get in the way of a good time. Hugely missed and never forgotten

Bernard Milburn

This is to remember by father who died of lung cancer in March 2021

Kate Woods

Green Room stalwart and friend to many at India House. With us always xxx

Mama Mimi Muriel

Mother/Grandmother. Missed every day. Brave, strong, determined

Lisa Jayne Morgan

Lost my beloved beautiful 38yr old Daughter to Cancer within 12 weeks. Loved & so sorely missed, until we meet again. All my Love Forever. "SCPADDILY" Mam x

Eileen Lumb

My mum...the loveliest person ever. We miss her so much xx

Paul Gardner

My dad died suddenly in 2020. It’s still hard to believe he’s not here when the rest of our lives continue to move forwards.

Darren Grogan

Died of a stroke 46 years old during the pandemic

Phyllis Bown

In loving memory of my mum.

Sheena Ward

This is my Aunt, who passed away in her sleep. She unknowingly had heart disease. People tell me dying in her sleep is the best way for someone to go, but we didn't get to tell her we loved her or to say goodbye.

Rosemary Phelps

Artist, wife, friend

Peter Lewis Rost

My gorgeous dad, passed away in his sleep peacefully in the early hours.

Anna Mercedes Wear

Feisty , kick ass , creative, funny lovely Anna X❤️

John Fleming

Much loved husband, father and grand father, RIP Dad xx

Barbara Fleming

Much loved wife, mother and grandma. RIP xx

June Douglas

Much loved wife, sister, mum and nana. Xx

Zdzislaw Kaminski


Melty Mangubat

Aunt of Joice Arden of Brighouse, West Yorkshire

Katie Wiles

Died aged 17 of glioblastoma. Funny, kind, clever, chatty, stubborn, irreplaceable.

Dennis Joseph Mulligan

My dad - who died at 46 but was always the life of the party.

George Morgan

Died of Coronavirus

Wendy Gale

Miss you nan

Karen Donovan

My sister

Brian Pegg

I retired in May , after 35yrs as SEN Teacher to chn with complex SEN , to help nurse my Dad at home … Dad died peacefully @ home on Fri 22.07.22 How lucky was I to be able to do this … He was 96 this May …What a privilege … x

Joyce Wright

My mother who sadly passed away at the age of 86.

Dave Askew

Died too young

Joanna Clare Smith

Joanna my beautiful wife was taken too early from me. I love you. Xx

John Robert Cook


Joyce Knowles

Teacher and mum


A best friend tragically taken too soon.

Paul Coffey

Much loved husband, father, grandfather and GP for over 40 years.

Roger Beadnell

“The King” my amazing dad

Dorothy Curtis

In loving memory of nanna, with recognition to Freddy Martin who added to her story. Show me the way to go home....

Magz Hall


Martin Baumann

Mein lieber Papa

Kay Garretty


Gail Pannel

My Sister died of cancer

Rob Hill

Our dear friend Rob lost his cancer battle. His wife is visiting YSP 25/08/22 so this is for her

Mohammed Yaqoob

Lived with strong human spirit

Patricia Mary Partington

Our fabulous Patricia xxx

Neve stockdale

Died by suicide. Forever loved, forever missed x

Mike Marcus

My beloved Mike died from EGFR lung cancer. A marathon runner, Dad, beloved

Henry Pattinson - Harvey

My Dad, no greater man will there ever be. Missed everyday x Julie Howell

Jean Ashton

Loved by us all, recently departed age 91. Goodbye our Jean

Mari Farelly

From Ballyjamesduff to San Diego and back again. The spirit of adventure you inspired will live on.

Kath Aston


George Cowell

In honour of George Cowell.

Declan Larkin

Died after a short battle with cancer. Family friend that I grew up looking up to as a father figure. Vicky

Maxwell Charles Fletcher

He was a flint finder and friend

Peter Cardwell

My father passed away during the pandemic meaning we were unable to visit him prior to his death.

Myra Brown

Myra my grandma passed away. She had dementia for 8 years and died while i was on a trip.

Gianna Devin

My beautiful mum. Who lost her battle with cancer after only a few weeks. Loved by all.

Susan Cogley

A fearless, caring, warm woman. Started a breast cancer charity paddlers for life, and fought to disease three times herself. The pink lady of the north.

Evelyn Sarvent

The best lady I've met, she showed me the world through her eyes

Victor Quinn

Lecturer at Bretton Hall for many years

Alan Sutton

He’s my dad, I love him, he walks with me still, he talks in me

Max Harrison

Our father

Val Harrison

Our mother

Enid Mary Biller

A dear wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother. Much missed.



Peter Grant

My farther the one the only. Always in my thoughts. Chelsea

Jeanne Hinton

My aunt who loved art in public places and community

Doreen Farrelly

My sister, much missed

Bertha Cottingham

My Mum died in 2016 aged 89. I still miss her.



Leslie Roy Stacey

Friend's father death

Fulvio Caselli

Friend's father death

Arnold J Pearl

Father's death

Daphne Sylvia Stacey

My mother's death

Edward Pye

My dear Dad, who left me too suddenly but is always by my side x

Nasreen Fazal

My Mum

Alfie Bones

My beautiful boy

Joan batty

Much loved wife mum grandma and great grandma xx

Val Holt

Love you mum

Derek Shuttleworth

Bless him, my lovely Dad on his retirement day

Big Dawn

Big Dawn played a bug role in my Big life. She brought Big laughs and Big presents when ever she came back from the war. Big Dawn was my hero.

June Wood

Journalist, mayor, mother and much missed

Bill Wood

A traveller and philosopher and Yorkshireman

Shi Fang Shi

Much missed Grandma from a lost generation

Martin Howard Taylor

Much loved father, grandad and Detective Inspector 91

Edwin John Lammas

Awarded the DSM by the King in WW2

Roger Mortimer



Our lovely cat x

Pearl Neumann

Departure of my beautiful mum.

Bob Laybourne

This was my lovely dad. He suffered much.

Bill Russell

Legend basketball legend and prominant civil rights activist.

Christopher Middleton

Our father, Chris, died of Frontotemporal dementia in April 2022, but really the father we knew and loved died from the date of his diagnosis in 2017, aged 62. We flew abroad on some intrepid family holidays as teenagers for his job as a journalist and he was famously very nervous at airports. He instilled in all of his family a 'getting to the airport four hours early' mentality, for which we are forever grateful.

Kathleen Lynch

For mum who is loved and missed

Debbie Lane

My much loved sister

Renee Old


Pamela Maley

My mum. Missed every day.

Renee Old


David Yeoman

A beautiful man gone too soon.

Bernard tinker

Grand chap who knew how to tell a tale

Yuriy Mushinskiy

My father was killed in the 9/11 attack

Harry Holt

My beloved father whom lived to be my rock through out my life and gave me inspiration through my art.

Heinz Bracher

Missed every day

Stephen Paul Bainbridge

Our beautiful dad, husband, grandad. Creator and lover of art. Loved by everyone who was lucky enough to know him.

Helen Mccullum

My lovely sister and her zest for life xx

Edward William Dunthorne

Born on 14th May 1923. Beloved Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather. We had a wonderful Grandad, one that never grew old. His smile was made of sunshine and his heart was made of gold! He taught us family values, an how to spin a tail. His memory will live on in us and his light will never fail!

Gabrielle Langdon

Lover of art and laughter

Eduardo Estrada

My soul mate

Irene Aitman

My mum. I miss you

John William Pearson

Beloved father, husband, brother, son and Blue.

Jean Muirhead

I’m visiting here on what was my mums birthday 25 July

Bill Hawthorn

Bill was an inspiration and a great friend to so many- he loved people and loved life and departed it in surrounded by love.

Brian Allen

This is my dad

Peter W G Davies

A life well lived. Saying farewell to Dad


Our sweet little furry princess, Winnie left us on this day, 5 days short of her 7th birthday.

Karen Lesley

Traveling to Ireland

Barbara Birchenough

My grandma

Rhoda Kohn

My other lovely Nan

Glenys Maud Payne

My lovely Nan

Sven Birkeland

Inspiring arts programmer /artistic director based in Bergen . May you rest in peace.

Rich Pastrami

A wonderful friend to so many people

Rita hudson

My best friend

Gerald Ernest Stott

Much loved and missed every day ❤


My wonderful mother in law who made her departure last July. We think about her all the time and especially when we see daisies x

Jiri Menzel

A beloved Czech film director

Thomas Daly

Died of a massive stroke

Paridokht Nasri Shirazi

She was an intelligent brave Iranian woman. She was an accomplished artist that never separated her paintings from herself. She died in London but the love for her country of birth, Iran never left her. We miss her passion, her humour and her creativity.

Louis Britton

The person who made me follow my dreams

June and George

The most fantastic grandparents you could ask for

Agnes Jamieson

Much loved Mum, Grannie and Great Grandmother. Loved teacher by all her pupils and all her children's friends and all her neighbours

George Rossi

My best friend for nearly 50 years. Loved by many and missed every day

Susan Collier

My mum.

Peter Brook

One of the most Influential theatre directors of 20th century- a shaman and a showman, a seductive mixture of spirituality, worldliness and mischief......

sajid javid

Former health minister.

bim afolami

Former vice chairman (tori)

Jonathan gullis

Former parliamentary private secretary to the secretary of the state of northern Ireland.

saqib bhatti

Former parliamentary private secretary to the Prime minister.

Laura trott

Former parliamentary private secretary at the department for transport.

Alex chalk

Former solicitor general.

will quince

Former children's minister.

John glen

Former treasurer.

Andrew murrison

Former trade envoy to Morroco.

theo clarke

MP for Stafford - resigned from position as trade envoy for Kenya.

Nicola Richards

Parliamentary private secretary to the department for transport.

robin walker

Minister for schools standards

felicity buchan

Former parliamentary private secretary

Nona Hunt

My lovely Godmother - just made it to a century!

Elizabeth Cromack

A wonderful mother, friend and Angel. I miss you every day mum, the world doesn't turn the same anymore.

Steve Waldron

This man had soul - and I loved him xx Cherry


Omar' a 17-year-old Sudanese national, died falling from a bus attempting to reach England from Belgium. He had hidden under the bus leaving Gare du Nord in Brussels but fell and was dragged 100 metres down the road. He died in hospital.

Mohamed Abduljabar

Mohamed Abduljabar, a Sudanese national, died in England after being crushed under the wheels of the lorry that had just brought him across the Channel, which started up as he left it.

Fisehatsion Samrawit

Fisehatision Samrawit, a 19-year-old from Eritrea, died after being hit by a lorry on the Calais port ring road. She arrived in Calais 5 weeks earlier, alone, trying to join her older brother in Great Britain. She rested for a few days in the Jules Ferry women's accommodation centre, then left for the Steenvoorde camp to try and cross the border. When this camp was suddenly dismantled by police, she returned, like many others, to Calais. The following day a lorry hit her on the road where she was desperately trying to stop traffic to find a way to cross.

Mouaz Al-Bakhli

A body found on an island in the north Netherlands in October 2014 was identified as Mouaz Al-Bakhli, a 22-year-old Syrian missing from Calais. A second body, found on the coast of Norway, was identified as Shadi Omar Kataf, also Syrian. Mouaz and Shadi Omar spent several weeks in the Calais 'Jungle' and Grande-Synthe. After several failed attempts to cross the border in a lorry, the two decided to swim across the Strait of Pas-de-Calais.

Abdallah Abdullah

At 7:50pm on Saturday 24 September, Abdallah Alghonie Abdullah, a 27-year-old from Sudan, was hit by a freight train on the Calais -Dunkerque line near Beau-Marais. Abdallah was born in 1989, married with two children. His father still lives in Sudan (in the town of Nyala). His older brother lives in Great Britain. Originally from Darfur, Abdullah left Sudan on 1 June 2016 and arrived in Libya on 15 June. He left Libya a month later (12 July) and arrived in Italy on 14 July, after two days crossing the strait of Sicily. He spent in all 6 days in Italy and took 11 days to reach France (entering on 1 August). He spent less than two months in the Calais 'Jungle' before he died. He is buried in the Pierre de Coubertin cemetery in Calais. He left a manuscript with a friend, which told his epic story, and a handwritten prayer.

Yemen Gebrenegous Eokbo

Yemen Yemani Gebrenegous Eokbo, a 22-year-old Eritrean man with a heart disease for which he previously had surgery and which needed long-term treatment, died on a street in Calais as he attempted to reach England. He had spent two months on the streets of Calais, and although he went to a drop-in health centre and to the hospital emergency room, he was unable to get his treatment renewed.

Mahammat Abdullah Moussa

Mahammat Abdullah Moussa, a 25-year-old from Chad, was found dead at Folkestone, torn to pieces on the axle of a bus that he was hiding under, which went through the Eurotunnel on a train.

Doris smith

So young missed by your sons and grandchildren

Lisa Marie Symonds

I have chosen this name as it’s my mum who sadly passed away suddenly in her sleep in 2015.

Brenda Price-Morgan

Brenda was my next door neighbour for 15 years. She had lots of dogs and used to tell me village gossip. Once she told me there were badgers in my overgrown garden so that we would clear it out. I will miss Brenda.

Mike Foxon

A dear dad and husband, sadly missed every moment of every day xx forever in our hearts xxx


Semere, a 25-year-old Eritean, died following a fight between several migrants in a car park off the E40 motorway near Wetteren. Semere was brought to the CAO (reception centre) by police after the Steenvoorde camp was dismantled in July 2017. He claimed asylum in France, but was registered in Italy, and was denied aslyum under the Dublin regulation. So he decided to travel through Belgium to reach the UK. He leaves behind a wife and two chidren in Eritrea.

Robiel Habton

The body of Robiel, a 25-year-old Eritrean man, was found in the port of Calais. Robiel had disappeared on 9 October, following an attempt at crossing the port in order to reach departing ferries. The friend he tried crossing with was found suffering from severe hypothermia.

Mohammed Akram

Mohammed Akram, an Afghani, died after being hit by a vehicle. He had succeeded in reaching the UK and was attempting to cross the M20 motorway with a group of compatriots.


The night of 14 March 2014, Abdullah was one of three Ethiopians who hid in a lorry in an attempt to reach the UK. When they discovered that they were heading in the wrong direction they made a noise, so the driver would stop. He braked suddenly and Abdullah hit his head and died. The other two men fled, and returned to Calais on foot.

Mohamed Islam

Mohamed Islam, a 36-year-old Afghani, disappeared on Saturday 30 January 2016. He ran a grocery in the 'Jungle' and "left by bike to do some shopping", confirmed a volunteer from l'Auberge des Migrants. No-one heard from him since. On 10 February, the body of a man subsequently identified as Mohamed Islam was found in terminal 5 of Calais port. Mohamed Islam was a husband and a father to three children. His body was repatriated to Afghanistan.

Asif Azmad

On 11 May 2006, Asif Azmad, a 17-year-old Afghani, died as he fell off the truck he was hiding under, on the A3 motorway near Clanfield (Great Britain). The truck had entered Great Britain through Portsmouth from France. Asif wanted to join his brother Ahmad, a student in London. His body was identified by police eight months after his death.

Mitra Mehrad

Mitra Mehrad drowned in the Channel whilst trying to reach the UK aboard a dinghy with 19 others. Rescue teams were sent to assist the dinghy in distress. Her body has not yet been recovered.

John Cook

I chose my grandad as I lost him to cancer 3 years ago.

Charlie Bridges

I'm getting married on 11th Sept, this will no longer be my name

Carolynn Peall

Beloved mum and mum-in-law

Bradley train

Lots the battle of depression

Berihu Liben

Berihu Liben, a 23-year-old from Eritrea, died after being hit by a freight shuttle on the Eurotunnel track.


In the night of 11 April 2010, Ramadhin, a 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan, died crushed under the axle of a truck at the Loon-Plage ferry terminal, near Dunkerque. He was due to join his cousin who had reached Great Britain at the beginning of April.

Amalou Ourez

Amalou Ourez, 20 years old, from Guinea, was crushed to death by the axle of a bus leaving Brussels, whilst hiding in an attempt to reach the UK.

Singh Gursharan

On 30 October 2009, at the Calais ferry terminal, border police discovered three men in the trailer of a heavy goods vehicle following a positive CO2 sensor test. Among them, an Indian man, Singh Gursharan, about 25 years old, was lifeless. The autopsy indicated death from asphyxiation.

Masud Naveed

Masud Naveed, a 15-year-old from Afghanistan, died at the beginning of January 2016 from suffocation in the back of a lorry that had just arrived in Britain.

Hekmat Karim Salih

On 17 August 2003, Hekmat Karim Salih, a 29-year-old Iraqi Kurdish man, died in a truck coming from Le Havre, crushed by the transported goods. His body was found in Poole (Great Britain) and identified by his cousin who lived in Leeds. Two other men in their twenties, hidden in the same truck, were arrested by police.

Niknam Massoud

On Friday 23 August 2019 the body of a 47-year-old Iraqi man was discovered in the water of the Thorntonback wind farm, off the coast of Belgium. He was wearing flippers and a life jacket made from a rucksack filled with empty plastic bottles. Few details are known of Niknam Massoud. It is known he spent time in the German city of Karlsruhe in December 2018, after being arrested by Belgian federal police of Aix-la-Chapelle, on a train attempting to cross the border from Belgium. He was denied ayslum in Germany after missing a registration deadline, according to the Bruges prosecutor's office.

Leila Harrison

Someone who suffered in life but fought on bravely. Richard Harrison, son

Darren Flatau Baker

Darren was a great friend at uni, a true larger than life character. He helped me through some of the lowest points of my life and I miss him every day. Type 1 diabetes was the one thing he couldn't defeat.

Jan Maalawy

My lovely Mum, the hat lady of Barrow, first very unexpectedly due to complications from COVID last year. Tomorrow will mark a year since the last time I was able to see her. I miss her so much! Camille Maalawy, daughter


22-year-old Biniam, from Eritrea, was hit by a vehicle on the motorway near the Calais port in an attempt to reach the UK and died on 9 January 2018. According to witnesses close to him, he had been trying all night to climb on to a lorry heading for England. But the lorry Biniam hid in did not head for England but instead at the A16 junction drove towards Dunkerque. He jumped from the lorry and was hit by another lorry behind, according to Auberge des Migrants who spoke with the police. The vehicles involved were not detained, and many questions about the last moments of his life still remain unanswered.

Louam Beyene

On 7 July 2007 in Calais, Louam Beyene, a 19-year-old Eritrean woman, died after being hit by a car while she was running across the A16 motorway to escape the police. Her body was repatriated to Eritrea.

Husham Osman Alzubair

Husham Osman Alzubair, a 22-year-old from Sudan, was found dead on one of the last carriages of the Eurostar on its arrival in Folkestone. It appears he was electrocuted. The body of Husham spent a number of weeks in the morgue before a family member living in Birmingham, Husam Alzubair, was able to identify him.

Nawall Al Jende

Nawall Al Jende was 26 years old. She was originally from Nawa, a town about 30 kilometres from Deraa, in southern Syria. She had fled the war in Syria and left behind her husband and two of her children. With her third child, Mohamed, aged nine, and her husband’s brother, Osama, she embarked on a journey that took them through nine countries before reaching Calais. Her sister Sawsan had completed a similar journey two months earlier, and was waiting for her across the Channel. Nawall died on 15 October 2015 after being hit by a taxi on the A16 motorway following an unsuccessful attempt to board a truck to cross the Franco-British border.

Ahmed Abdallah

Ahmed Abdallah, a 17-year-old, was crushed to death by the bus he had hidden on from Boulogne to England as he tried to leave his hiding place. His brother Jamal was wating for him in London.

Pham Thi Tra My

39 people were found dead in the back of a refrigerated truck in Waterglade Industrial Park in Grays, Essex (GB). The victims, 8 women and 31 men, were all originally from north east Vietnam and died of suffocation during their attempt to cross the border hidden in the truck. Pham Thi Tra My is one of them.

Janine Horton

She had cancer for 6 years on and off, she finally died at home surrounded with the people she loved. She didnt want to die she was too young

Stella Lidguard

Amazing, mischievous Grandma. Was my rock and always there up until her 90th years. Love you Gran!

Terry Baker

Died aged 52 when I was 17. Missed not knowing my dad when I became an adult.

Betsy Horberry

Chelsey's best mate died today. The house is too quiet without her.

bob carver

Bob Carver - Hull Patty Legend - the city isn’t the same without you!!

Adrian Fuller

Beloved husband of René Fuller

Gebrinsae Haile

At around 8:30 pm on 9 October 2016, on the A16 motorway near junction 47 in the direction of Dunkerque - Boulogne-sur-Mer 50 migrants tried to block traffic by placing obstacles on the road to give them a chance to board lorries to the UK. A motorist drove to avoid the roadblocks and crashed into two Eritrean migrants. Police, firefighters and SAMU intervened to care for the two victims who were both taken to the Calais hospital. One of the two, Gebrinsae Hailé, 37, died from his injuries at around 11:30 pm in Calais hospital. The other man was not seriously injured.

Duy Nguyen

On 2 December 2008, in Winchester (Great Britain), Duy Nguyen, a 25-year-old Vietnamese man, was found dead in a truck coming from Calais. The autopsy indicated death from hypothermia.

Ali Briar

Ali Briar, an Iraqi Kurdish man, died after being hit on the A16 motorway. Seeing a police vehicle, he took fright and crossed the Dunkerque motorway, near Marck, where he was hit by a minibus.

Mostafa Khaziravi

Mostafa Khaziravi, from Ahvaz (South Iran) was found dead in a container in Burton-on-Trent. It appears that he managed to get into the container that left northern Italy on Monday 5 October. It entered the UK at Dover by ferry from Dunkerque three days later.

Youssef Haroun

Youssef Haroun, a 24-year-old from Sudan, was crushed to death by the car he was hiding under to reach England.

Abdulfatah Hamdallah

The body of 22-year-old Abdulfatah Hamdallah was found on Wednesday 19/08/2020 on Sangatte beach. He drowned after trying to cross the Strait of Pas-de-Calais on a makeshift boat. A native of west Kordofan, Sudan, Abdulfatah fled his country in 2014. He spent at least two years stuck in Lybia before reaching Europe. Adbulfatah asked for asylum in France in 2018 but his application was rejected.

Guo Ting Xing

On 18 June 2000, 54 men and 4 women of Chinese nationality died of suffocation in a truck coming from Zeebrugge (Belgium). Their corpses were discovered by customs officials in Dover (Great Britain). Guo Ting Xing is one of them. Two survivors were found unconscious in the truck and taken to hospital, in shock and suffering from dehydration.

Jodie Lister

With our Hearts & Soul Forever XXXX


Ab jetzt arm - aber sexy

Ameles fasciipennis

Bei gezielter Nachsuche durch verschiedene Spezialisten in der Umgebung von Tolentino ist es nicht gelungen, die Art wiederzufinden. Da damit seit mehr als 150 Jahren Funde ausgeblieben sind, wurde sie als ausgestorben klassifiziert. Ein direkter Grund für das Aussterben kann nicht angegeben werden, allerdings wird die Region heute sehr intensiv landwirtschaftlich genutzt, so dass der ursprüngliche Lebensraum der landwirtschaftlichen Melioration zum Opfer gefallen sein könnte.

Deloneura immaculata

Vermutlich haben die Lebensraumveränderungen in der Umgebung des Fort Bowkers zum Verschwinden der Art beigetragen.

Neocnemis occidentalis

Die Art wurde von George Robert Crotch in den Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 erstbeschrieben. Er stellte für die Art die monotypische Gattung Neocnemis auf. Eine Neuuntersuchung des Typusmaterials durch Peter E. Stüben, einen Experten für die Käfer der Azoren im Jahr 2019 zeigte allerdings, dass die Aufstellung einer eigenen Gattung für die Art kaum gerechtfertigt ist, da sie morphologisch extrem ähnlich zu den Arten der Gattung Strophosoma, Untergattung Neliocarus ist.

Melanoplus spretus

Bis heute ist nicht befriedigend geklärt, wieso die Felsengebirgsschrecke ausstarb. Einige Theorien gehen von der Annahme aus, dass das Pflügen und Bewässern der Felder durch Siedler den natürlichen Lebenszyklus der Heuschrecken empfindlich gestört habe. Die letzten großen Schwärme entstanden in den 1870er Jahren. Etwa 30 Jahre später starb die Art aus; das letzte lebende Tier wurde 1902 im Süden Kanadas gefunden. Wäre die Heuschrecke nicht ausgestorben, hätte sie die nordamerikanische Landwirtschaft wahrscheinlich stark beeinträchtigt.

Hydropsyche tobiasi

1980 unternahm Hans Malicky Suchexpeditionen an den Rheinufern bei Bonn, Bad Säckingen, Wiesbaden-Schierstein, Oppenheim und Ingelheim am Rhein, die jedoch erfolglos blieben. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurde der Rhein durch städtische und industrielle Verschmutzung stark beeinträchtigt, was zum Verschwinden vieler Köcherfliegenarten führte.

Bolyeria multocarinata

Als Grund für ihr Verschwinden wird Lebensraumverlust aufgrund der Bodenerosion angenommen, die durch die Überweidung durch Ziegen und Kaninchen verursacht wurde.


Verantwortlich für das Verschwinden dieser letzten Ure in Jaktorów waren Krankheiten, Wilderei, zu einem gewissen Grad auch Jagd sowie der zunehmende Schwund des Lebensraums durch das Vordringen der lokalen Bauern in die Region, die ihre Rinder und Pferde auf den ehemaligen Weidegründen der Auerochsen weiden ließen. Der für die Ure begrenzte Lebensraum bedeutete Nahrungsmangel im Winter, was den Hungertod einiger Exemplare zur Folge hatte, sowie Stress. So töteten sich manche Bullen bei Kämpfen gegenseitig.

Prolagus sardus

Er ist wahrscheinlich um 1800 ausgestorben, wobei die Belege für seine Existenz bis in das 18. Jahrhundert dünn sind. Nach anderen Quellen starb er bereits vor etwa 2000 Jahren aus und das spätere Vorkommen auf Tavolara wird als unbestätigt betrachtet.

Capra pyrenaica pyrena

Während des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde der Pyrenäensteinbock massiv bejagt, und die Population nahm stetig ab. Der endgültige Grund des Aussterbens ist bis heute nicht geklärt. Forscher gehen meist von einer Infektionskrankheit oder Unfruchtbarkeit aus. Dem letzten überlebenden Tier wurde 1999 eine Zellprobe entnommen, um es zu klonen. Das Exemplar starb im Jahr 2000, wodurch die Unterart ausgestorben war. Mit Hilfe der Zellprobe wurde im Jahr 2003 ein Pyrenäensteinbock-Kitz geklont. Es war das erste Tier, das von einer ausgestorbenen Unterart geklont wurde. Der junge Steinbock starb aber schon nach einigen Minuten, womit die Unterart erneut ausstarb.

Conuropsis carolinensis

Der Karolinasittich starb aus verschiedenen Gründen aus: Immer mehr Land wurde landwirtschaftlich kultiviert, große Wälder abgeholzt und so sein Lebensraum zerstört. Der letzte wilde Vogel starb nach 1927 in Florida, der vermutlich letzte in Gefangenschaft lebende mit dem Namen Incas starb am 21. Februar 1918 im Zoo von Cincinnati, kurze Zeit nach dem Tod seiner Partnerin, mit der er 30 Jahre zusammenlebte.

Ninox albifacies

Den letzten dokumentierten Report gab es im Juli 1914, als an den Blue Cliffs in der Canterbury Region ein totes Exemplar gefunden wurde. Unbestätigte Sichtungen gab es bis in die 1940er Jahre und um 1960 wurden Eierfragmente in der Nähe von Canterbury gefunden.

Riccordia bracei

Der Bracesmaragdkolibri war über 100 Jahre nur durch ein einzelnes männliches Exemplar bekannt, das der amerikanische Botaniker Lewis Jones Knight Brace am 13. Juli 1877 ca. 4,8 km von Nassau entfernt im Binnenland von New Providence erlegte.

Pomarea fluxa

Viel vom ursprünglichen Flachlandtrockenwald auf Eiao ist durch Überweidung zerstört worden. Eingeführte Katzen und Ratten stellten den Monarchen nach. Durch die Einbürgerung des Braunbrust-Schilffinken (Munia castaneothorax) wurden zudem Vogelkrankheiten auf Eiao eingeschleppt.

Aplonis fusca

Die Gründe für sein Aussterben sind unklar. Überjagung und Lebensraumzerstörung haben vermutlich eine wichtige Rolle gespielt.

Coregonus fera

Wegen der Eutrophierung des Genfersees, der Überfischung und der starken Hybridisierung mit eingeführten Coregonen wie der Palée war die Féra bereits in den 1920er-Jahren extrem selten. Die letzten Existenzbelege soll es bis 1950 gegeben haben; um 1958 wurde diese Art jedoch nicht mehr nachgewiesen.

Coregonus hiemalis

Zusammen mit der ebenfalls als ausgestorben betrachteten Féra (Coregonus fera) gehörte die Gravenche zu den am stärksten gefangenen Speisefischen des Genfersees. Um das Jahr 1890 machte die Fangquote dieser beiden Arten 68 % aller gefangenen Fische im Genfersee aus. Die Überfischung sorgte dafür, dass sie bereits in den 1920er Jahren extrem selten war und seit dem Jahr 1950 nicht mehr nachgewiesen wurde.

Streblorrhiza speciosa

1830 war Streblorrhiza speciosa in der Wildnis ausgestorben, nachdem der englische Botaniker Allan Cunningham die letzten Exemplare aufsammelte. Die Ursachen des Aussterbens waren vermutlich die Überweidung durch verwilderte Schweine, Hausziegen und Kaninchen. Wegen ihrer attraktiven Hülsenfrüchte war diese Art auch in britischen Gewächshäusern zu sehen. Da sich die Pflanzen in der Kultivierung aber nicht halten konnten, gingen alle Exemplare bis 1860 ein. Heute existieren nur noch einige Herbarexemplare, davon zwei im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien. 1980 wurde der Versuch unternommen, Samen aus der konservierten Hülsenfrucht des Typusexemplares zur Keimung zu bringen, dieser Versuch blieb jedoch ohne Erfolg.

Achyranthes atollensis

Achyranthes atollensis kam auf Laysan, den Midwayinseln, dem Kure-Atoll und dem Pearl-und-Hermes-Atoll in den Nordwestlichen Hawaii-Inseln vor. Der Lebensraum dieser Pflanzenart waren trockenes Buschland auf Kalksandböden.

Lepisanthes unilocularis

Lepisanthes unilocularis was a species of plant in the family Sapindaceae. It was endemic to China. It is extinct in nature, having last been seen in 1935.

Pradosia glaziovii

Pradosia glaziovii ist nur von zwei Sammlungen des französischen Botanikers Auguste François Marie Glaziou aus dem 19. Jahrhundert bekannt geworden.

Nesiota elliptica

Der St.-Helena-Olivenbaum war bereits im 19. Jahrhundert extrem selten. Wahrscheinlich war der Rückgang auf Lebensraumverlust aufgrund der Entwaldung für die Nutzholzgewinnung und der Überweidung durch verwilderte Hausziegen sowie auf Pilzerkrankungen zurückzuführen.

Panthera tigris virgata

Das Aussterben der Kaspischen Tiger begann mit der russischen Kolonisierung Turkestans im späten 19. Jahrhundert.

Coregonus restrictus

Der letzte bestätigte Nachweis datiert aus dem Jahr 1890. Intensive Suchen in den 1950er-Jahren blieben ergebnislos. Vermutlich war die Überdüngung des Murtensees die Hauptursache für das Aussterben der Art. Heute leben andere Coregoninen-Arten im Murtensee.

Coregonus gutturosus

In den 1950er-Jahren begann die Eutrophierung des Bodensees. Während sich die Bestände anderer Coregonenarten im Bodensee durch Aufstockung erholten, starb der Bodensee-Kilch vermutlich in den 1970er-Jahren aus.


Sie war eine wunderbare, grossherzige Oma

Roland Illi

Viel zu jung von uns gegangen. Den Krebs überlebt und dann an einem Fest die Treppe hinunter gestürzt.


Rest easy.


The greatest home chef in the world and big fan of James Brown.


My lovely dad❤️

Hannah Labusch

Einsatz für Comundo: Wissen teilen Armmut lindern.

Roberto Rodrigues

Meine Freundin lebt dort.

Roene Schoch

Adieu es war ein gutes Leben!


I want to see the white bear on the street




italienische Aktivist, Carlo Giuliani, der während des G8-Gipfel in der italienischen Hafenstadt Genua von der Polizei erschossen wurde

Enrico Caratsch

Nonno, ein herzensguter, kulturliebender und lustiger Mensch hat uns im Alter von 91-Jahren verlassen. Ich erinnere mich gut an den Satz „Wenn Du da bisch, gaht es mir immer guät“ beim Nachfragen wie es ihm denn gehe. Jedesmal fühlte ich mich geschmeichelt bis ich hörte, dass dieser Satz wohl der meist gebrauchte war, wenn frau/man nach seinem Wohlbefinden fragte. Beleidigt war ich aber dennoch nicht. Viel eher musste ich schmunzeln, denn dieser Satz liess alle Menschen aufblühen und frau/man fühlte sich wichtig. Nonno ist - ich benutze dabei ganz bewusst den Präsens - wohl der besonderste Mensch, den ich und auch viele andere wohl jemals kennenlernen durften und dies ganz und gar nicht im negativen Sinne. Ci manchi molto Nonno e spero che alla fine tu sia stato liberato dal tuo dolore. Ti amiamo molto. Molto amore per questa persona, Famiglia Caratsch e Janaina

Sylvia Plath

Do yourself a favour and read "The Bell Jar". xoxo

Elsa Rosina Paulina Risi

Meine Mutter kam mit 16 Jahren nach Zürich um Geld zu verdienen damit Ihre Geschwister im Tessin zu essen hatten. Als Buffettochter wie man das damals nannte. Der 2 jüngste Sohn von 4 Söhnen. Fredi


15:55 ist der Regen gegangen!!

Robert Walser

Mein Vater hat diesen Namen gewählt, weil er diesen Schriftsteller sehr bewundert: „ich bin beiseit“

Don Felice Kuenis

Mir schicked em fruess vo dim lieblingsort

Stephan Britschgi


daniele rittener beloved

with his living in Italy, Sumatra, The Netherlands, Egypte, Algeria, Nigeria and Switzerland

aretha franklin

rest in power, queen of soul

Annelene Paul

Du fehlst.

Hallo Papa Dimitri

Wie gehts dir? Mama Gundi schon bei dir angekommen? Ist sicher mega lustig mit dir dort oben, ohne Masken. Sind noch andere Clowns da?

Sterben als Frau von

Am 01-01-2156 soll sich laut WEF der Global Gender Gap schliessen und alle Genderungleichheiten verschwinden. DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von







Alex kriegt mehr

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Alleine aufpassen

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Glotzende Blicke

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Jungs sind besser

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von


DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Schultasche pink

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von


DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Kerosin Flugzeuge

DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Global Gender Gap

Am 01-01-2156 soll sich laut WEF der Global Gender Gap schliessen und alle Genderungleichheiten verschwinden. DAS LEBEN VON ANDREA IN EINER WELT OHNE GENDERDISKRIMINIERUNG. von Livia Grossenbacher, Hannah Grüninger, Noëmi Roos, Gianna Rovere, Ava Slappnig, aus dem Team von

Mubina Chakera

In a Que from the One and Only God

Toni Price

Toni was a dear dear friend who retired in 2018 from a life of dedicated public service with the play sector and Nottingham City Council. She was so looking forward to new times both with bits of work she wanted to do in the arts and with refugees and to travel the highways and byways in her new camper van. Then Covid came along and she couldn't travel through 2020 and then in the final week of the 2020 was the diagnosis of untreatable terminal cancer with a prediction of 5 months to live which proved correct. It was the time of the 3rd lockdown I wasnt able/allowed to travel to Notts, but we did have a few phone calls and I sent little messages whichshe enjoyed. On my birth day I received a bundle of photos form her collection which featured me - mainly magical shared moments from the 1990's and more recently when she had ventured out to Essaouira for my 50th birthday. Happy memories


Rest in peace lovely Maria, you were very much loved

Shamime Luke

My mum died 34 years ago this week at the age of 43 - the exact age I am now.

Vera Ferguson

Vera.Ferguson…. International Flower Arranger…. Florist… Skier… Skater… Dancer… Singer… Farmer’s Wife… Mum! Much Missed x

Krishna Sood

Beautiful in every way.

Sandra Oakley

Love you forever Mum ❤

Victoria Jeffrey

A mother taken to early

Gillian May Fielder

Grandma, the day you died was the worst day of our lives so far, we will miss you forever. You great granddaughter is named after you and we love to share stories about you with her and her brother. Your daughter has taken the Grandma mantel and is following in your footsteps.

Krishna Kumasi Sood

A most beautiful soul .. a truly wonderful mum and grandmother who is sorely missed. She had the heart of an angel.

James Koukoularides

Dad died just after both his 90th Birthday and his 62nd Wedding Anniversary, surrounded by his family which was quite something given the Global Pandemic. Love and miss you Dad x

Kathleen Silverthorne

My grandmother was born in Bristol and lived there all her life. She was a wonderful, generous lady.

Edith Bailey

She was a miner's daughter, and lived within half a mile of her birthplace her whole life, except for the last 6 months. She was a much loved auntie.

Graham Sparks

A gentle and kind man who is very much missed

Paul Lancaster

Taken too young at 56 by an aggressive brain tumour. I so miss my little brother.

Dahiben Mistry

To a much loved Gran / Great Grandma

Richard Combes

My dear husband

Darry Khajehpour

You burnt so brightly whilst you were alive and left us far too soon


Because we miss him still


I love you , mum.

William Crossman

Coach builder in Wolverton works.served in the Royal marines in 1940 -1945

Phyllis Crossman

Worked at Bletchley Park from 1944 -1945

Peter Scanlon

my dad - much missed

Fai Jai

A good friend and a kind soul

Brenda G L Ridpath

Our mum xxx

Brigitte Anne Pearson

Brigitte Pearson (neé Bermbach) was born in the north of Germany, and moved to England in 1947 to marry her English soldier. She lived a long life full of curiosity, and was a successful and beloved teacher. She had two children, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Liebe Oma, wir vermissen dich.

Calvin the gerbil

My sons gerbil died today, two weeks after Hobbes his brother

Emily Dennis

Passed away from Rhabdomyosarcoma at 19 years old - much-missed beloved daughter.

Rosenna Babester

One of eight aunts, she was full of fun, active in body and mind. The dance goes on. David

Angela Dappert

I haven’t known her long, and I didn’t know her well, but I appreciated her presence in Quaker Meetings. Rest in Peace Angela x

Howesie One Love

Our friend Stephen John Campbell howes. Or howesie as he was known. A real character and legend who is sadly missed and still spoken of fondly. One love brother, rave in paradise.

Geoff Wall

In memory of my loving Grandad. Will always hold a special place in my heart x

Graham Stanley

A wonderful musician and person - he is missed terribly

Vincenzo Loriggio

Poor Uncle Vince died of Covid aged 94. Much missed.

Valerie Rickerby

My mother, having had 95 very full years of joy and grief, saw the Covid pandemic coming and slipped out by the side door before it arrived.

Andrew Field

Lovely, caring, bonkers, creative and generous dad who inspired many in his profession with his humour and hard work. Miss him so much x x

Beryl Grace Bowness

She was 92, our mum It doesn’t matter her age Who defines a good innings? She was robbed of life Her last year Shielded from a virus Engulfed by loneliness Her heart was sinking Breaking, broken No more friends popping by No more days out No wider family to lift her spirits The company that makes life worth living She’d lived through war Through evacuation Through black outs No desire to be phased out Her hair, still raven not all grey Her gait, unsteady not paralysed Her hearing, dulled but not silenced Her mind, still curious, still sharp Still yearning For time For words not yet spoken For joy She cried ‘I’m not ready to die’ In the grips of death She thought it untimely, unkindly No, she wasn’t ready to die Nor us, to say goodbye. Sally Bowness

Roger David Johnson

Roger was a great brother and a wonderful friend , so, so missed by all his family xxx

Rosalia Alemany

Beloved and devoted mother. Died untimely due to lack of medical care.

Hilda Perkins

My name, who taught me so much.

Don and Rita Roberts

Gone, never forgotten

Prince Rogers Nelson

This legend changed how I listen to music..

Brenda Ridpath

A life lived to the full in service of lots of others, from Birmingham, to Chorleywood, to Ballinger, to Leominster, to Eardisley, to Birmingham (again), to Tamworth and finally Wilstead in Bedfordshire!

Jon Baum

My former boss battled bravely with MS for many years and passed away last year. He was a lovely man and I was sad not to be able to go to his funeral.

Thomas George Maccabee

My nephew lived life to the full. He has the most engaging smile and an infectious laugh. Sadly he was killed in a car crash in a smart tunnel in KL when he was volunteering for a charity. I miss him. He was the catalyst to every occasion, lighting up a room with his smile.

Pat Taylor

I miss my mum every day

Dennis S

To remember my lovely Dad that passed away unexpectedly in 2015.

Eva Fazackerley

My much loved companion and friend - Eva the pug. Named after my grandmother as I like to keep the names of women in our family alive. I now have a Doris labradoodle, after great aunt Doris.

John Corbishley

My husband, miss him so much, lost too soon to pancreatic cancer

Fred Coffer

Our beautiful dog Fred died suddenly aged 6 1/2 months of pneumonia. We had five amazing months with him and will never forget him.

Marilyn Susan Clawson

My mum worked in M&S, right next to this exhibit. She’d be touched to be on the board.

Lynn Dickson

My mum was concerned before she died that her newest and only granddaughter wouldn't remember her. I told my mum that she would, I'd make sure of it. Now every time my daughter sees her nan in the photo, in the memory box I created for her, she says 'I love you nanny lynn.' I still can't believe she won't get to see her grow up. They only had 1 year and 10 months to build a bond together. Cancer is cruel.


John rust was my grandad who loved life and people. Sadly he died in the first lockdown, he was such a proud man and loved his family lots. We all miss him so much

Sue Cope

A much loved wife and brilliant friend. Her kindness and consideration for others shone throughout her life.

Andrew Melly

Our mate forever in our hearts

DJ Dan Sheppard

Best friend. We used to ride these streets on our bikes and partied here as we got older


A legend, a leader, a legacy…

Heather Baker

Missed Mother, friend and Grandmother


A special and much loved sister always remembered by her little brother and mum and dad xxxx

Avis winifred Vaughan

The best mum /Gran that ever lived xxx

Christopher Thomas Ring

my second son died of lung cancer at the age of 35, despite being a non smoker and extremely fit - he regularly took part in events like Tough Mudder and endurance races as well as spending a lot of time sailing.

Alexander Richard Ring

my eldest son found living as a disabled person too hard and stopped taking his medications, following which he died during an epileptic fit aged 42

Lloyd Mitchell

Grandson taken too soon

Frank Nathan

Miss my dad so much

Albert Cowling

Best Dad in the World

Sadie Donkin

Grandma to the Reeds and Hedleys Sadie was a life long school teacher and very much loved Little Grandma.

Rosemary Alfreda Wheeler

We all miss her - the whole family. She was the love of my life

Donald Clive Wainwright

Donald survived many RAF incidents during the war and flew at the back of numerous Lancaster bombers. He was a much loved family man. Loyal to his country and all those he loved.

Marion Edith Cherrill

Never had the privilege of meeting Marion but I am sure she was awesome. I’ve met other members of the family and they are!

Edward James Harvey

Poor education (one of 11 kids) but had bags of common sense. Radar engineer in the war - RAF. Came to live in stony Stratford in 1950s and had a happy life with wife Daphne Harvey who still lives in the same house they had built.

Dot cotton

Dot Cotton, I miss your fags and bible quotes! James, Ch 2: V 1

John Neville Stacey

Travelled everywhere, sometimes just in his mind. Missed xxx

John Neville Stacey

Wonderful father, an artist who would have lived this, sadly departed.

Vera Holton

Campaigned to get the primary school and street lighting for Old Stratford. Charity (coffee cream) cake maker, tennis player, tailoress, golfer...Greatly loved mum, grandma and great grandma.

Richard R Legh-Smith

I love you my darling

Claudio Cantarutti

My Dad. Strong, kind, worker, loving, a fighter.

Peter Smoothy

Peter was courageous, cheerful and resilient in the face of a lifetime of ill health. He loved football, family and friends. He was 25 when he departed and is still fondly missed by his big sister.

Angus Duncan Macdonald

My dad dying was a shock. His dad had to not died to years before at the age of 101! I thought I had many years to argue with him about politics. Me left. Him traditional! The pandemic has in some ways incubated me from grieving. I’ve pretended he was still around. I live in Beverley so lock downs helped with that. I visited Devon recently with his grave marker saying simply ‘Gone fishing’. My dad and I were actually very alike. I now understand the loss of a parent who somehow you think will always be there. The lesson - seize the day. Find gratitude in relationships no matter how tricky. Love you dad. Xxx

Catherine Chas Scott

Chas and I were friends for 11 years, having met through BookCrossing, and found great community in roller derby before she lost her mental health battle. Not forgotten and much missed. 28/11/83 - 23/05/18. Kathy Korky Parrott

Jim Alben

My lovely Dad helped to build the agora Wolverton 1979.

Fred Lloyd Roche

Founding father of Milton Keynes. Dad & Grandfather

Isabella Lighthill

Died before you were born

Mary-France Dunne

Gone but nor forgotten mum

Millie Fuller

A well loved Mother and Grandmother xxx

Paul Maynard

He was on the back of a motor bike going home after finding out his mother had cancer, but a taxi pulled out on him…

Joyce Prew

Joyce was 105 when she died. She was born Winifred Joyce Baggs during the First World War, served as a nurse during the Second World War & all her working life. She was married to Richard for over 60 years. They were much loved by their 4 children, their grandchildren & great grandchildren and instilled a love of nature and the environment in all generations of the family.


He was a lovely kind hearted man that tragically died far too young.

Irene I J Barclay


Anaaya Batra

Anaaya was a 2 year old warrior Princess who fought bravely with her mitochondrial disorder POLG and touched everyone's lives by her strength and smile.Her 7 year old sister says to her "Anaaya, you were the bestest sister and I love you sooo much! You are now a star but we are still sisters! We will always be sisters forever! I love you Anaaya sooooo much!

Derek walker

The father of Milton Keynes - thank you for the right angles and sensible planning

Andre Cunningham

Andre was born sleeping and would love to have his name shown on arrival and departure at same time if possible

Betty Hewitt

Our lovely nan ❤

Colin Macaleavy-Dunne

My brother Colin just passed away suddenly from a blood clot. Colin will be sorely miss.

Gillian Anderson


Jasper Marshall

A dearly loved, and missed best friend.

Gwen Pattinson

Gone but not forgotten Much loved Mum.

Harold Mitchener

Long time ago, but still miss my Dad every day. Raymond

Alfred Fletcher

Had some good holidays with my family

Samuel Robinson

Samuel Robinson fought in ww2 and Burma in the chindits.He passed at the age of 99 years.

Estrella Catalan

Save the NHS.

Sergiusz Meges

We have the tools to end homelessness and end the systems that perpetually create it. The question is, will we?

Rosemary Carrara

A dear mum much missed.

Doreen Turvey

Our beautiful, kind, loving, amazing mother, sister and grandmother.

Amy Balmain

Amy was a selfless, generous, passionate woman with a wicked sense of humour. Creative, super-intelligent and organised, she loved the wildness of the hills, and the sea. Amy went for a 'nice little short walk on the South Downs with a couple of friends' as her husband put it. It was one of the hottest days in August last year. She was only in her early fifties but suffered heatstroke from which she never recovered. Her husband's wish is that we make ourselves aware of the dangers of heatstroke, and if you're ever going to venture beyond the named streets of your town, get the what3words app on your phone. The last time I saw her was when I was performing in something at the Brighton Festival, Brighton was her home. We met for a coffee and I regret I forgot to take a picture of the two of us. I haven't yet found a photograph of us together although there are plenty of memories.


This is my son he only lived for 22hrs we never knew how ill he was and then he was gone in a blink of an eye Rachael

Clive Stubbs

Lapland Santa

Ian Rowland

This was my Dad. He was huge and kind and loving and just the best, best Dad.

Lorna Boston



The best dog ever!

Steven Shawn Miracle

I miss you Dad xx

Hazel Madeline West

Our little Hazel was born sleeping on the 30th of January 2021, full term. She is our first born and made us parents. We choose her name after the Hazel tree. We deeply miss her daily.

Linda Sparkes

Linda died of lung cancer at 15 (a 1 in 100 000 thing at 15) and she didn't smoke. it was the first death i encountered (that wasn't a grandparent) that shook me. She was a great friend and one of the few that I connected with after moving to West Moors when I was 12 after living in Horley (next to Gatwick).

Lawrence S Newcombe

Lawrence Sonny Newcombe is my brother. He died in the fire at Kings Cross. A nurse at the Royal Free Hospital, he loved his work very much. He loved London because (I believe) he could more easily be himself, a young, gay man in a time where it was a tough life to be gay in most towns in the UK. I have many happy memories of Lawrence and some where my heart ached for him. The last time we were together was on his 27th birthday, 1987, just 10 days before the tragic events at KC. We celebrated by eating and drinking in Colchester, me on whiskey and coke and he being provided hot sweet tea by the landlady at The Cups public house where he was well-liked and accepted for himself. Were he here today he would be heartened at how today's teenagers accept all kinds of sexuality without question. And he would be singing and playing guitar with my family. I miss him every day.

Jack Markham

Famous local artist

Charlie Potter

My dad. Tried to die alone at home but we got him to hospital right at the end.

Venice Arculus

My mother facing her own death was the bravest thing I have ever seen. Told by the doctor that she had an unsurvivable condition, she said 'ok', turned to me and said 'don't you cry, now you will look after my dog won't you'.

Tony Mudd

Tony, my stubborn wonderful husband was killed by a stubborn leukaemia. He was only 50. He was a travel writer (created the Rough Guide to New Zealand), food reviewer, librarian, charity worker (Wearewhatwedo), canoeist and so much more.

John Preston

The sadly early demise of my father.

Albert Carver

The old war wound

Kathleen Carver

“Tonight’s the night”

Joe Saber

My beloved dad left us on this day

Patricia Older

Love you Nan x

Michael Syder

A wonderful man. Taken too soon. I am sharing here as Michael came from a large family, and not all were able to attend his funeral.

Russell Chapman

The best man I have ever known.

Derek Brindley


Shirley Hill

My wonderful mum. Loving, generous and so very thoughtful. Thank you for the memories of happy times and for teaching me to do what makes me happy. XX

Sam Scurfield

Juggler, chess player, teacher, father. The timing of Sam's death also gave his many friends and family the opportunity to gather together in mid February 2020 to celebrate his life just before the world closed down due to COVID-19. Ann Nicholls.

Margarete Boeke-Omi

My beloved Nan helped raise me. She was my rock, the love I could always rely on no matter what. I stroked her back gently as she died - a final moment of closeness between us. I miss her every day. V.

Isa Wood

A much missed mum.

Tom Wood

A much missed dad.

Barry Smith

A dear bother in law.

James Brown

Lucky Jim thoroughly missed by all the family .

Peter Greenstreet

A loving father and grandfather x. Miss you dad x

Victor Marshall

Very loved and missed by wife Gill and 4 daughters et al x

Mary Hanzo

My grandmother told me she was going to pass away the last time I saw her. And she did. I felt guilty because I didn't believe her, and told her not to say things like that. I was just 18. My father wasn't even able to go to her funeral, living on the other side of the world. When we were able to reunite again, we both experienced a phenomenon where he heard her say his name downstairs; while I heard her say my name upstairs. We didn't know the other was having the same experience at the same time until discussing it later that evening, at dinner. It was comforting. And felt like it was her way of saying don't worry, all is okay, I'm closer than you know. Ever since, I've felt her with me. And the experience sent me down a rabbit hole -- the world of quantum physics, especially entanglement.


I can’t believe she’s not here

James Reed

Free bird left us and is sadly missed

Ida Rudd

My mother's death

Harold Wheeler

My lovely dad still missed


Seb Patrick passed away suddenly in August 2020, aged just 37, leaving behind his wife, young daughter, friends and family. Nine months on, we're all still heartbroken, and looking for ways to commemorate and celebrate Seb's life. Seb had a special place in his heart for Brighton from his time living there, so this would be a lovely way to honour his memory.

Michael Joseph Waterman

Activist his whole life for Palestine, Stand Up To Racism and socialist worker. Amazing, inspiring, motiving man and always fought for a fairer world for others. Always very helpful and kind to anyone who needed him and was really one in a million! A true loss to so many people and so many organisations around the world!

Barbara Anne Green

A loving mother to three boys who departed from us way too early aged just 69 years . Cancer is a real blow to us all.

George Christoforou

Greatly missed Xx

Janet Money

My aunt Janet was an amazing woman, who set up Dereham Cancer Care to help support other people undergoing treatment for cancer. She always had a strong opinion and was always willing to share it. She passed away this December and I still think about her a lot.

Mina spaul

The best Mom in the world

Ginny McCormick

Grandma’s birthday

Alderman David Bradford

Long serving Norwich City Councillor 1978-2018

Don Swinton

A gentle and compassionate man

LAC John Brian Green

Ex RAF supplier who lived his country. Per Ardua Ad Astra dad.

Leah Shaw

Jewish refugee from Germany. Activist in CND , women’s liberation and many humanitarian causes. She said she lived too long and was 100 years old

Reg Lea

Beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather taken from us.

Pat Keys

A true hero he beat moe lester on pro clubs.

Eddie Van Halen

One of my all time fav guitarist's RIP EVH.

Richard Prior

My dad...missed every day, but always with me x

Ernie Wilks

Ernie is my Dad and lived for 23 years after the death of my Mum, Jean. They had a great love for each other, which helped him to live for the time when they would be reunited. They were both Christians.

Sarah Mayes

Beloved mum.

john mcfaddden

Was shot off duty by the IRA.

J R Hartley

Fly fishing- J R Hartley

Ms WO Archibald

We lost our dear mother suddenly 25 years ago this month. It was a tremendous shock, but the distress is countered by the strength, love, compassion of my mother who has made me the person I am today. Gone too soon, but eternally loved. We miss you.

Paul Francis Lovett

Thanks Dad x

Simon Pearson

Unfortunately we lost Grandad after a long battle with Cancer x

Donald Griffith

96 years old. An Anglican priest all his working life in Lancashire and Essex. Loved great grandad, grandad and father. Birthday today May 22nd.

Ian James Johnson

My darling Father lost his battle at The Royal Marsden. Gone but loved always. His career in the oil industry led to us living in Bahrain and Australia. A modest but exceptional man.

S Sirinivasan

For my Dad, who mostly died of a lonely heart. 5 months after my Mum and a few weeks into Lockdown 1. Not Covid related, but also Covid related. Any other year, it would have been different. Anita

Vima Sirinivasan

For my Mum. Late diagnosed with MND, but didn’t make it to the end of her illness passing away with chest sepsis at hospital. Stoic and heroic to the end. Would be your 70th birthday this year ❤️. Anita

Fatma Rehmtulla

For my grandmother. To the strongest woman I ever knew. You had a force of spirit unrivalled and I was lucky enough to be born into your matriarchy. You made sure that I knew I was free to choose who I wanted to marry. You made sure I knew how important it was to be independent. And by following your example, all of us became strong too. I am your first grandchild and I follow in the footsteps of your revolution. I hope I made you proud.

Barbara Spooner

My nanny, Barbara, sadly passed from Covid-19 on the 28th of December 2020, it would mean so much to have her commemorated in this way.

Timmy Blissett

My soulmate

Kyal Sin

Kyal Sin (Burmese: ကြယ်စင်), also known as Angel, was a 19-year-old woman from Mandalay who was killed on 3 March 2021 during the 2021 Myanmar protests. She became an icon of the anti-coup protest movement after she was shot dead.


SOPHIE is a trans female electronic musician and pop star. She was renowned for her divisive boundary pushing production that made her an icon in the PC music scene. She is a huge influence of many artists today, and she’s widely looked up to for her presentation of gender euphoria in her It’s OK To Cry music video. She passed away after a tragic accident falling from a balcony, when she tried to take a photograph of the full moon.

Betty Blanche

Great nan of Annabel Grace. Loved and missed by all her family.

Jack Nicholas

My lovely brother in law who was a lovely man, a good husband and great dad to Andrew, June, John and Michelle. Also a special grandad.

Yara Mohammed Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Hala Mohammed Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Rola Mohammed Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Mohammed Mueen Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Adam Ezaat Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Zeyed Ezaat Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Ezaat Meueen Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Bahaa Ameen Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Ahmed Shukn Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Hanna Shukn Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Taher Shukri Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Khitam Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Amal Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Qusai Sameh Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Ayat Ibraheem Al Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Abdelhameed Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Sameh Fawaz Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Riham Fawaz Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Fawaz Ameen Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Sadeyah Yusuf Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Ameen Mohammed Al- Kolak

22 members of the Al-Kolak family were killed on the 16th May 2021, when their four story home was destroyed by the Israeli military.

Dr Ayman A Oloof

The head of internal medicine at Gaza's Al Shifa hospital was killed last night after an airstrike destroyed his home. I worked a few shifts with him. He was an incredibly humble and kind person. Karam

Mahmoud Tolba

My good friend’s son, who was playing with his sister at their apartment, just disappeared like the dozens of kids who lost their lives. Let Gazans live

Ziad Telbani

My cousin Reema, 4 months pregnant, Maryam her 3 year old daughter, and Ziad her 5 year old son were killed in the last attack on Gaza. Keep ignoring what’s happening, stay silent.

Maryam Telbani

My cousin Reema, 4 months pregnant, Maryam her 3 year old daughter, and Ziad her 5 year old son were killed in the last attack on Gaza. Keep ignoring what’s happening, stay silent.

Reema Telbani

My cousin Reema, 4 months pregnant, Maryam her 3 year old daughter, and Ziad her 5 year old son were killed in the last attack on Gaza. Keep ignoring what’s happening, stay silent.

Badran Abudair

My father was excited that he could use a rare Israeli medical permit to observe the holiest night of Ramadan at Al-Aqsa mosque, where our destiny is determined by God for the whole year. An army of Israeli soldiers began to increase in number. As soon as the Imam uttered Allah Akbar (God is the Greatest) to start off the holiest night prayer, Israeli soldiers started throwing gas canisters at worshipers. As a result of the excessive amount of gas my father inhaled, his severe coughing continues until today and his eyes are as red as blood. With every cough, my father vividly remembers Al-Aqsa mosque as a war zone where Israeli soldiers unapologetically shot rubber bullets and threw gas canisters at Palestinians for merely being Palestinians. Baha

Yaha Mohammad

On the day of Eid, May 13th, my cousin, Yehya, who I used to play soccer with in my grandparents’ backyard, was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli soldier. The rubber bullet tore open his left eyeball, leaving Yehya blind in one eye. He now sees the one-sided reality more vividly than ever. Rawan Odeh

Andrew Hanier - Lovejoy

Many happy months spent in pleasant company

Clara Roberts

Following hip fracture my mum, 97, never fully recovered from this. She had Alzheimer’s- just truly grateful this happened pre Pandemic.

Jake Lee

He loved squirrels

Annie Parkinson

My dear friend Annie died almost two years ago in Sydney. I wasn’t able to be there. I miss her.

Paulo Gustavo

Brazilian actor and comedian. Father of two little boys.

Rashid Abu Arreh

Rashid was 16, when he was shot in twice in the neck and chest by Israeli soldiers.

Peter Richmond

Peter died a cruel death a long way from home. He was my dad and I was there at the end. Everyone describes him as an ‘unassuming’ man, whatever that means, but for me he was a man of great integrity and that word suits him better. It sounds stronger, somehow, and he certainly was a strong person. He’ll never know that his death has changed the direction of my life for the better.

Atallah Rayyan

Atallah Rayyan was 17, when Israeli soldiers shot him, on his way home after just finishing his exams at school.

Terry O Shea

Today under the canopies of the trees and thunder and rain we scattered your ashes under the tree that keeps watch over your home

Shirley Staff

Mum of 6. We all miss you x


Much loved Dad

Ryan Sullivan

My friend Ryan died suddenly recently. We don’t know why. He went to sleep and didn’t wake. He was a young man with 2 kids. An accomplished photographer. We are heart broken. Last week we ate bun and cheese - his favourite and shared stories of sports events we went to as young people. Who knew it would stop here like this.

Sir Thomas Browne

Lived where pret a manger is now and buried in st Peter mancroft church in Norwich.

Thomas Sankara

Revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso. Amazing speaker and promoter of anti-imperialist emancipatory politics

Elizabeth Clayton

Greatly missed

Mark Fisher

He told the story of the futures that were stolen from us. Then he was.

David Graeber

A man of such talent and compassion the world has suffered a true loss. The future needed him. The people will miss him.

Toots Hibbert

One of the finest song writers in reggae. One of the most energetic performers of all time.




We lost are young cat to a traffic accident. It was horrible to loss of a family pet but he made our lives a lot brighter whilst he was there.


A friend of many years

Harry Basford

Goodbye my lovely neighbour. I will miss our chats over the wall. I will remember you having a beer in the sun in your garden , that you made so bright and cheery☺️ Just like you are. You will be missed very much.



Bill Lonsdale

My Grandad (James William, but always Bill) was the light of my life when I was a girl, and I of his. An accountant in the army in India in WW2, he told of playing football against barefoot local teams, and dancing naked when the monsoons came. You could fire any two improbable numbers at him and out came the answer; no one ever caught him out. He was a kidder who loved Bob Hope, Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy, Ella Fitzgerald and the Glenn Miller Orchestra. He would dance me round the living room, standing on his toes, crooning to ‘There’s a Small Hotel...’ and singing army songs like ‘Roll Out the Barrel’. A fiercely loyal Newcastle supporter and England cricket fan, he taught me and my brother how to play with an old cork ball against the garage wall. He tried (and failed) to teach me the Times cryptic crossword. I miss him. Katy

Ray wright

My children hadn't seen their great grandparents since September and that was waves and shouting through the window. We sacrificed hugs and being in the comfort of each other’s homes to protect them. Despite our efforts both my grandparents caught Covid. For over 5 weeks they both fought for their lives. My grandad passed away on the 16th December 2020. Alone, with no family by his bedside. We couldn’t say goodbye, hold his hand or tell him how much we loved him. My life won’t be the same without him.

Barbara Janet

My Mum! An inspirational lady. Glamorous and full of fun! Taken from us much too soon! Strong opinions and determined to the last. Miss you every day.

Herbert Taylor

He was an educational psychologist in various parts of the UK.


Grandad George died peacefully in hospital at age 84. When I said goodbye to him in May 2009 before I flew to America I knew it might be the last time. It was. I was the last of his grandchildren to visit him before his death. I miss you Grandad.

Dan Burman

Our son, brother, uncle, partner - Dan Burman loved this fine city. A life lived to the full, a man much missed. Love always.

Sue A Vision

Sue was the first ever librarian for the new American Library Wing of Norwich Library. She and her family spent a very happy year in Norwich in 1985.

Norma hart

Five days short of 94. She wrote and published a book about her family tree. She won a scholarship when she was 11 to Norwich School of Art and was quite a character.


Beloved cat who had helped his owner through very difficult times. Very suddenly at home, in the instant between the bed and the windowsill.

Nick Keane

My uncle died in an awful accident while on holiday in Cayman Islands. He was so happy to have been able to escape some of the lockdown in the UK. He will be greatly missed. Love Moira x

June Camfield

June and I met more than 50 years ago when we both worked at B.P. Chemicals head office, but I only really got to know her when we had a heart-to-heart chat in a café at Victoria station waiting for the points to be unfrozen. Although she told me early on in our romance that her favorite piece of music was one of the variations in Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, I was only reminded that Rachmaninov's music was used in the film Brief Encounter when choosing the music to be played while we had our time of reflection before June's cremation - a case of life (almost) following art.

Mike Wiley

A fine Norwich musician

Jack Willoughby - Pop

This was my beautiful, caring, cheeky grandfather who passed away last year at 94. Pop used to address letters to me with 'Dear Buckingham Palace'. I wasn't able to be there in person for his funeral but I sang 'My Way' (his favourite song) with my sisters on Zoom and recorded it for the funeral celebration. He was my last grandparent left and I'll miss him dearly.

Rudie Mann

A beautiful man. In our hearts forever x

Andy Crane

Northern soul dj, record collector and thoroughly nice man. Died suddenly and greatly missed by his family, friends and all on the Northern Soul scene.

Florence May Chamberlain

Lost to Motor Neurone Disease

Leon Krasnowski

My grandad was the most important person in my life, when he died so did a part of me. This is for him, so he’s with me always

Malcolm Chamberlain

Lost to a sudden heart attack

Helen karabinas

My nanny x

Bootsy McCauley

You died holding you life long lovers hand with your dog at your side Watching your life long love - a light show on the spiky plaster ceiling Listening to Pink Floyd you drifted away The exit of champions Shine on you crazy diamond Lily McCauley

Chadwick Boseman

Black panther actor. Died of colon cancer.

Mr Pops Colin Barker

My dearly beloved brilliant funny visionary dad, comrade and inspiration to many. Writer and thinker. Marxist, Socialist, and most excellent cook - gathering folk around for soup, fascination n celebration of social movements and smashing States. missed the explosion of Black Lives Matter, but would have been utterly delighted in the uprising. Mr Pops.

Ronnie Poyser

My Beloved partner sadly missed, flat top boy

Ruth Helyer

My best friend.

Peggy Doyle

Our lovely mum and nana

David Henton

My dear Grandad passed away yesterday on my birthday.

Adam Lakritz

My friend Lisa’s husband

Samuel Lapkin

My grandfather.

Caleb Finer


Petronella Rijff

Born in Den Hague 1928, ran papers for WW2 dutch resistance hidden in her shoes. Survived the winter famine 1944-45. One of seven siblings, mother of five. Elegant, fun loving. Yoga teacher, smoker, loved Chinese food.

Dawn Louise Craig

Dear friend and creative - left us far too early❤️

Julia Hart

A friend of many years

Roberts right leg

Professor Robert Chambers Right Leg had a long and varied career and has left footprints all over the planet. For nearly ninety years it roamed Indian ghats and African plains. It ran marathon movements against global poverty, scaled the peaks of international institutions and stubbed it’s toes on the backsides of those there who wouldn’t listen to the voices of the poor. It is survived and fondly missed by Robert’s left leg and all those who soldier on to follow in his path.

Maisie Pryor

Maisie was my nan and I miss her.

Jackie Godfrey

Jackie was my mum who battled with lung cancer for 10 months and sadly left us last year! She was a super woman and my hero.

Steve Mead

The strongest, bravest, kindest, loveliest man I have ever met. I fell in love with him immediately, and will love him until the day I die. Everyone adored him, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the police force where he was so highly respected and admired. The many thousands of people he trained ‘to drive properly’, as he called it. He had a knack with people, an interest in everyone, and a way of genuinely connecting with every single person he met. I was so very lucky that he loved me. We were together for years before finally getting married in September 2020. Nobody knew that he had contracted Covid a day or two before. Our wedding day was the last day he felt well, he tested positive three days later, was taken to hospital six days after that, and battled alone against the vicious grip of the virus until he died on 18th October, the day before his birthday. Fran

Marjorie Cooke

My Mam. A Northern lass. Full of pain for many years but few tears shed. Full of fun and warmth . Welcoming many new challenges into her life. Loving her daughters, Angela and Shona and husband, Bill with all her heart. A much loved member of the community, Crook, where a chat with a cup of tea, puts the world to rights and the door is always open. Shona Cooke

My mum Polly Lees

My eccentric, clever, creative, stylish, funny, mum. Chloe

Sophie Abbo

My wonderful mum! Died in sussex county hospital. Love you forever. My mum helped me through so much, and was the most patient person I’ve ever known. We will celebrate her life forever.

Theresa Murray

Theresa Murray was an amazing mother who was passionate about dance, was a nurse then worked at a deaf school. She had a gorgeous nature and changed the world around her before dying of cancer.

Duncan Hobson

I chose this name because my father took his own life after a struggle with depression and I found him and every day I still struggle with it as I couldn't help him

Raymond Tindell

My dear Dad lived most of his life in Brighton and Hove. He loved Sport and was a supporter of Brighton and Hove Albion. I remember the first game he took me to at The Goldstone Ground and I’ve been a fan myself ever since. I miss him every day.

Walter German

Our beautiful boy Walter arrived in the world on 30.12.20. Sadly he became poorly after birth and he was looked after in intensive care. Walter lost his battle and passed away peacefully on 08.01.21. He was a big 8lb 11oz baby with red hair. We spent 9 days at his side. We read him stories, took pictures and made memories. We held his beautiful body and stared at him mesmerised. I’m not sure anything can prepare you for the loss of a child. We have been working hard to find strength and peace over these past few months. The love and support shown by family, friends and colleagues has been wonderful. You are wonderful people. This experience has opened our eyes to a community of bereaved parents. Since we haven’t registered his death yet, this is the perfect way to honour him.

John Lennon

For peace and for love. It’s all we need.

Peter Otto

Founder and the ex president of GEMS

James Wilkins

Miss you Dad

Sheila Morris

That day 11 years ago was the day you finally went, my mother who I had known appearing to have gone years ago. I mourned in my own time. And then from that day we all no longer had to hold back dreadful fears that you had been suffering horribly and alone for many years. I’m no eulogist in saying that you were selfless at least all my life. Now it’s my job to hold onto the memories of you, the mighty mum who allowed me to be.

Henry Morris

Dad was 5 days off 91. The pandemic in the UK and lockdown had been around for a few weeks. Maybe dad saw ahead into the isolation he'd suffer with the pandemic and maybe he couldn't face that. He was a smart man (with all his marbles) and maybe the thought of a year (or so?) without being able to see family was too much for him. He'd never say so; a fearlessly independent man who lived through interesting times.

Paul Douglas Maddrell

My brother Paul died after a diving accident in the Medway in 1990. He spent 25 days in intensive care before he dying at 29 years old, he left a one year old son, Jason. That day your light went out I became a candle in another room whenever grief steps out.

Bryan Coleby

My father, who died aged 90, 10 years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. He came to live in Hove when he and his wife separated at the unlikely age of 80. Just a short decade ago, it was harder to find out about Alzheimer's and perhaps a consolation in that neither he nor I and my family knew what lay ahead. He was a kind, gentle and pragmatic man, and remained trusting of others as his capabilities declined. A man who loved to read and discuss and to play the piano, I could never have imagined him developing Alzheimer's. It was painful to watch his steady decline but also a privilege to care for a parent. After five years of immobility and silence, his gentle death in a care home was both sad and consoling. Nicola Coleby

Belinda Chapman

A beautiful woman who brought laughter, energy and honest support to all who knew her xx As a celebrant of life's events, as a friend, a partner, a person passing by on the street xx she was and is loved by many

Christine Meek

My mum. I will carry the sadness of her loss for the rest of my life.


My lovely friend whom I've known for over 50 years, she was 2 weeks younger than me died on my birthday x

Pilar Lambas Pocero

She went into a coma due to medical negligence and died after three months. She left a 5 years old boy and her partner of seven years.

Flemich Webb

Flem is the reason we moved to Brighton. He showed us so much of this wonderful city and was a huge fan of the festival. He is very much missed

Luiza Khafizova

I lost my Mum 2 years and 10 months ago and I miss her enormously

Phil Snoswell

A real character who died far too soon. Much loved and missed by many.

Miranda Fraser

My beautiful mum died unexpectedly of a cancer she didn’t know she had. From feeling ‘off’ in the June, she was eventually hospitalised at the end of August that year - and never came out. From there, Her decline was rapid, and uncomfortable. It was she who decided to die; she waited for me to arrive at her hospital bed before she removed her own oxygen mask. I sat with her, stroking her arm, while she experienced her final, laboured breaths. She left quietly after an hour. Everything about her departure was rapid: perhaps that was a blessing. What struck me about being with her while she died was how normal it felt, how I knew what to do. It was full of sadness and grief of course, but not scary. It more like childbirth in reverse, except that death’s contractions dwindle rather than intensify.

Sir David Watson

Sir David led the University of Brighton for 15 years until he retired in 2005. He was also closely involved with the Brighton Festival and Dome, and the Brighton and Hove Philharmonic Society. Despite working in London and Oxford after his retirement, Brighton was always his first love.

Jim Schofield

I love you. I miss you. I learnt so much from you and feel honoured to be able to have called you Dad even though I didn't use that word enough.

Vittorio Reina

Vito was my eldest brother and a bear of light to everyone’s lives. Despite his 20 year battle with depression, he brought poetry and laughter to as many as he could. A stalwart of every music festival going, he would be spotted and recognised by his flamboyant outfits, sparkly smile and joie de vivre. Sadly the depression took him from us all. Peas and fluff dear brother. You’ll never be forgotten x

Elisabeth Dhooghe

My daughter, my beautiful, talented darling. After 7 years of suffering the hell of anorexia, her poor exhausted body abruptly gave up. It was a Friday, she was 20. Her loss remains an open wound, not only to me, but to her family and to her many friends…

Priscilla Foley

A gorgeous woman taken too soon and too quickly

Elaine Hodder

Covid Lockdown 3 was too difficult for her and she sadly took her own life in her childhood home.

Emiliy Malz

my beloved sis died all alone in her flat... I couldn't visit her along covid-19 rules.. I hold you tight forever my little one xxxxxxx

Miroslava Smitova

In memory to my loved grandmother who I miss everyday and who could not see me finishing my MA studies!!! Thank you for being kind and being here for me. I am sorry I couldn't be with you in your last days.

Lommy krygelmans

Mother lost and sorely missed


Beautiful girl lost

Arthur chapman

This is my great grandad

Rosemary chapman

This is my great gran, she sadly passed away last year and I was unable to say goodbye due to COVID.

David Andrew Jones

David Andrew Jones had Celtic blue eyes with an amazing twinkle, and in 1987 we fell in love. Our relationship was tumultuous, but fun and loving in so many ways, until we both tested HIV positive in 1995. When I fell ill David cared for me but in 1999 the roles reversed when he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The treatment left him a shadow of his former self, chained to opiates numbing the pain. I slept on the floor beside his bed so I could attend to his personal care and dignity, but David never left the ward and he died there in October six months after the diagnosis. We spent 12 years together filled with passion, love, adventure and kinky spontaneity. David was different but kind and honest; his own man and a dare devil true to his own values.

Sylvia Taylor

Love in its purest form came from my Mam, Sylvia Taylor, to us, her children. She was one in a gazillion and I miss her beyond words.

Mike Hunt

Wish you were here

Gordon Beresford Cooper

Flight Lieutenant GB Cooper, AE, DFC, navigator, bomber command, WW2.

Joyce Cooper

Remembered with love. Elizabeth

Colin Corley

“On The Road Again” Dad - love from your favourite daughter! xxxx

Shizuko Shimizu

A loving grandma. She loved cooking and had always put smile on her face. I hope she is now with my grandpa, telling him all the fun things happened to her on earth. I love you always, grandma.

Maureen Rautenbach

We lost our beautiful mother to Covid-19. The blocks on her crossword puzzles are empty. Newspapers unread. Surrounded by people we still feel so alone. No choice but to carry on without her. Will we see her again on the other side? If I were to try and join you. If that was a guarantee. I would leave now without even packing.

Yone Main

I E and you go to sleep

Andrea Philippe Regard

Andrea Philippe Regard visited my cafe every day to catch up on tales of our city. Worry first began to circle us like black crows when his ravenous appetite disappeared, alongside the little weight he carried on a slight frame. The boyish good looks and olive skin seeming to fade away like fabric left in the sun as HIV asset stripped his body. On the good days we watched films, and one day he chose ‘Beaches’ which I hadn’t seen. As I began to sob he drew me close and asked me to believe in angels. “You must,” he said, “because I will be watching over you soon.” Andrea slipped away aged 26 on the 22 May 1991. I think of him often and always look up. He is the kestrel hovering by the roadside, the jet trail hexagram, the crescent moon.

Lea Khalil

Dearly beloved mother, sister and wife.

Kaja Spiewak

My beautiful identical twin sister Kaja Spiewak lost her battle to Schizoaffective disorder on this day. I cannot describe the ways in which my life has changed since receiving that phone call. I love you forever, rest easy my beautiful, youthful and bubbly angel. Xxx kami x

Ray Kerridge

Beloved dad and partner. Avid Audax cyclist and endurance runner. Just the kindest generous gentleman. We miss you every single day. Gone too soon. We will always love you. xx

Peter Gordon

Our lovely friend Peter Gordon, big bear, welsh linguist, first class hugger, baritone, raconteur, always hilariously funny and sometimes impossible. He makes us smile every time we think of him.

Rob Davin

This was the day my dear Daddio died after 14 years since his diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s. He was the best dad from the moment he slept next to my cot when I was born to the last breath he took, with me holding his hand. He was golden and my daughter and I have some of that gold in us, too. God I miss him but I’m so lucky I had him. ND

Andor Major

My wonderful dad. A refugee from Hungary, he was infuriating, charming, loving and funny. A great big chunk of us is missing since he went - not just a dad died with him, but a slice of our culture and heritage. I’m refinding it now, dad. Love you.

Prince Rogers Nelson

The greatest artist of a generation. One of the biggest influences on me and my life. Yet somehow he remains somewhat underrated. The day he died was a really sad day, I just sat at home and listened to his stuff all night. Some of my friends partied in celebration of him. I think both sides were a perfect send off for a legend. I hope more people can discover and appreciate his genius for years to come.

Rory Power

My friend Rory. A troubled soul who was too gentle for what life threw at him. He loved Brighton and he loved Spain, where he died. We miss you Rory

Queen Molene of Hanover

Molene was a cat. She was a member of our family and loved. She was a quiet soul but in many ways became the house matriarch. She lived a long time and is missed the same as any human lost.

Kaja Spiewak

Rip beautiful twin sister

Bu and Nova

My brothers two beautiful German shepherds

Mike Pinhey

A well loved dad and pops. His struggle with Alzheimer's ended last September. A full life visiting different countries and visiting Brighton lots to visit his children Tonya and Ian. Thanks for giving me my love of music, travelling, food and life in general. Every time I travel a little further to see what's around the next bend I think of you. Lots of love Ian.

Louis Marley Smith

Louis was my brother, he died in 2016 after a battle with his mental health. His is still extremely important to me, my friends & family and we have tried to create a positive legacy for him. We wear a dragonfly badge to symbolise the beauty of his life and of his art work.

Bridgie Greene

my 96 year old Aunt who was a pillar of her community in Rush, Co Dublin passed away a few weeks ago. She outlived her husband and son by many decades.

Michael Leitch

Michael Leitch was my dad. He was born in the early months of World War Two and lived in London from where he was evacuated briefly as a small boy. He grew to be a writer and worked in publishing as well as producing work of his own.His series of walking guides to European cities in the late 80s/early 90s didn’t have the success they deserved, coming as they did a decade before the travel boom. He retired to Berlin in 2005 and enjoyed his Rioja with a cigar and a good Krimi.

Doreen Alice Stevens

She loved to collects things Posy baskets, jugs and teapots Also a hoarder of toilet rolls (just in case) Irascible on occasion but sexy with it Smoked a little too much and loved a drink Brandy and Babycham was a favourite She hated cooked cheese in any form But loved digestive biscuits and bread with strawberry jam But no sweet tooth apparently Muller yogurts, but no others Stubborn but funny with it Kind and always considerate Often angry but quick to forgive She hated politicians, but liked Thatcher On which we could never agree Read the Daily Mail, so had very strange ideas Often tender and thinking of others (despite the Daily Mail) Delighted in being irreverent and mischievous Cheeky grin, generous in nature Abba fan and dancing queen I see her clattering across the market square cobbles in Cuban heels.

Andrew Reyburn Morton

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never put it out (John 1:5)

Marion Morton

Marion shone with love, light and life

Victoria Mary Wateridge

Victoria Mary, my darling, spectacular sister; also mum, nanny and friend. One of life’s rare and loveliest of listeners who lightened any load. Whisked away from us, only five weeks after diagnosis. Her death has left an enormous echoing void but her life continues to bring us comfort and joy. Sha, her ever bewildered and bereft sister.

Hani Habib

My dad was and is still inscribed onto every cell of my body. With an infectious smile, boundless energy, and the head and heart to construct a rich new life in an unfamiliar place, he was a force of nature. He was complicated, but truly good, and always present. I'm grateful to you for instilling in me the value of my heritage, the wonder of good opera, and the importance of remembering to have fun. I wish we could have met as adults, but I can still hear your laugh and for that, I'm grateful. Love you, Baba.

Hannah Freda Neale

Wife, mother of three, grandmother of seven, and great grandmother of ten. Known as Freda to her loving family and friends. Emigrated to Canada, but returned to the UK for the weather. Loved Brighton for its pebbly beach - “Because the sand doesn’t get in your sandwiches.” Left school at 14 for the world of work. World War II weapons inspector, retired.

Eva Diegritz

My lovely friend who gave the best hugs.

Bobby Hutton

First recruit to the black panther party and the first to be murdered.

Michael John Aldrich

In memory of a husband, father and grandfather who departed seven years ago this month and is deeply missed.

Jeremy Hardy

Jeremy was an amazing left wing comedian,who appeared in many Brighton festival events doing his show,for probably over 30 years. I was at a lot of them! His last Brighton show was only a few years ago. He is also well known for his comedy on several Radio 4 comedy shows. But I think I shall miss the most,his infamous terrible singing voice on "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" on Radio 4. Goodbye Jeremy,u made millions of us laugh till we cried!

Viola Beach

RIP River, Jack, Tom, Kris and Craig ❤️

Tony Robinson

Anthony Robinson. He died on the 3rd of January 2021. His body lies at a church in Dorset. I realise now, how his body was only what shelled him and it had worn down throughout his life - it's the most sentimental of objects. The day before he departed, I accompanied his presence and it made me feel alive-ness... and how it's beyond our body and a lot of what we care about here. I only got to see 21 years of his life, but now he is ageless.

Breonna Taylor

Murdered by the police, still waiting for justice.

John Edgar Smith

My grandad. Who meant & means the world to our family.

Cecilia Wojciechowska

She was my grandma who passed away at 97.

Karen Sinclaire

An incredible mother and teaching assistant, supporting children across Brighton. A powerful women who I owe everything to

Rita Richardson

Mum, refuge, confidante, creative, caring, taken for granted, shouldn’t she always be there? She gave me breath, she loved to sing, to talk, but her lung disease stole her breath from her.

Estelle Leigh

A blessed Mum who libed and Loved in Brighton and Hove since 1981

Caroline Cann

A quirky person, with the kindest heart you could ever meet. Taken from her family far too early in her mid 50s by cancer. She thought about others to the last, and her strong faith held her certain she would be reunited with her firstborn daughter, a stillborn twin.

Chris Berry

My father died in March from a brain haemorrhage, he was 89 years old and had 4 children and 5 grand children, we miss him.

Peter Browne

I knew Peter for 40 years, here there and in Johannesburg, in bars and on dance floor, funny, furious and fantastic, infuriating and frankly impossible, I of course loved him.

Laurie trill

My dad x

Roy Richardson

A life well lived, Dad made the most of life and any opportunities that came his way. Travelled widely, loved deeply, a keen sailor, fiercely competitive on the water, a gentleman off. He had a keen intellect, but in the last 2 years lived with mixed dementia. Covid stole some of our last chances to enjoy time with this wonderful man. Only in his death, have I been able to appreciate that he wasn’t just my dad, my rock but hey what a guy, what a role model, what a life well lived.

Roy Richardson

A life well lived, Dad made the most of life and any opportunities that came his way. Travelled widely, loved deeply, a keen sailor, fiercely competitive on the water, a gentleman off. He had a keen intellect, but in the last 2 years lived with mixed dementia. Covid stole some of our last chances to enjoy time with this wonderful man. Only in his death, have I been able to appreciate that he wasn’t just my dad, my rock but hey what a guy, what a role model, what a life well lived.

Doreen Valiente

Author of Witchcraft

Ian R Jeffery

He was my dad, a friendly and active man who was taken from us too ealry by skin cancer. I love you and miss you all the time. Love you daddy

Peter Bowman

Peter was one of the good guys.

Mac McLean

My brother passed on good Friday he asked for everyone to dance on his grave to Live and Let Die so they did and I danced at the beach on my own because I couldn’t get home for the funeral he was an incredible, kind , funny brother and even managed to make us laugh after his death by planning the grave dance.

Tommy Smith

What a life you led, and you made it to 100 years old not longer before you sadly passed away. Incredible that you made it to the age you said you always wanted to reach. It was amazing to see that you had such a wonderful birthday and got a LOT of attention. This is testament to how highly people thought of you, it was wonderful to hear people's stories about you from years gone by. Rest in Peace Grandpa.

Kenneth Woollam

Like a second dad, this man was a mighty colossus in my childhood and adulthood. An opera singer and bon vivante and a very very big heart.

Timothy Ernest Boakes

An Englishman in New York.

John Brennan

Our father, John Brennan who struggled with dyslexia as a boy became a successful nuclear electrical engineer. He was also an amazing professional singer with dance bands during the early 1960s. He was a kind and gentle man and a wonderful dad who introduced us to wide range of music. He was a revolutionary in lots of ways and admired the great thinkers including Tom Paine and Jacob Bronowski. We miss him , he was an oak tree and a legend.

Nils Stegerwald


Janet Bainbridge

Much missed mum xxx

Tante Sigrid

My aunt lost her 20 year battle with cancer in the late nineties. She was always the one who took photos of the family eating in the restaurant during celebrations. Needless to say we have not had any family-eating-out-photo since 1998. The first Christmas which fell on her 6 month death anniversary was truly awful. Only over time I've come to realise how much she was a centrepiece of our extended family life.

Patricia Mary Close

My mum. I miss her and her wisdom every day. Strong, proud and full of fun, with eyes of sparkle and sometimes black as night. I have her eyes although hers were brown and mine are green.

Lesley wright

My mother took her life - she had depression but for most of the time she had friends fun and holidays. A lovely Mum and wonderful generous Grandmother

Derek culling

Brave battle lost in tubes

Hieronymus bosch

Painter of apocalypse

Peter Lock

Worthing's singing and dancing granddad aged 91

Sue McCourt

A beautiful smile I’ll always miss. She had love and style

Erna und Horst Giebel

Grandma and granddad, Auschwitz survivors in WW2, fled from Silesia to Dortmund (Germany) where I was born. Both died in 2016 shortly after each other. Love you. Miss you forever. Laura


Te despido abuela

Grandad Arthur

Not sure the exact day but he passed on soon after my birth

Kenneth Townend

Ken was my Dad and I miss him every day ❤️

Sonia Lallana

My mother Sonia was a loving mother and wife. She had a sad childhood, where addiction and poverty were part of her daily life. This didn't affect her kind and loving personality. She was always there for anyone who needed her. She knew the meaning of fhe word acceptance better than anyone. She died after a long battle with cancer, she is sadly missed.

Blanca Medeiros de Vidal

A strong fighter who lived a long and fulfilling life. Difficult and beloved character. Missed by her daughters and grandchildren.

Chava Klein

Chava Klein 1995 Chava Klein, whose birthday was yesterday, and who is sadly not here to celebrate it

Doreen Olga Greene

My lovely Mum , who had seen so much change over her 95 years . A local lady who at the age of 17 won a scholarship to the Slade art school in London and she completed a degree in fine art . Although she never sold her art work she taught art in local schools , did costume design for the old vic theatre school and Glyndebourne and loved to paint and draw nudes !

Christiane Nalletamby

Leaving too soon.

Laila Mirza Asani

She was then most special Mum who sacrificed her life for her kids. She was fun, youthful and fashionable- never a hair out of place and heart of gold. Miss you forever my darling Mum xxx

Anna Lee

Anna was a talented, loving and generous young woman. Her sudden death at the age of 18 was a tragedy beyond words for her family and friends; the pain of her loss and the strength of our love for her remain undiminished. Anna was Brighton born and bred and would have been so proud to have her name in the Pavilion Gardens. Hilary Whitmarsh, Anna’s Mum.

Eric Arthur Woodham

I lost my beloved Grandad. He was my favourite person in the whole world. I miss him so much.

Chris Clayton

I lost my Dad to early onset dementia and continue to be utterly heartbroken.

Brian Jones

To commemorate my lovely father. His birthday is in May and he loved coming to Brighton.

Julie Pike

My mum died of brain cancer I miss her every day

Jelena Craig

We are a couple who have lived in Brighton through the pandemic and are sadly soon moving out of Brighton. This is always be one of our homes in our hearts ♥️

Emerson Harewood

From Barbados to London with love


‘Excess death’ Much loved and missed.

Philippe Condette

Gone too soon

Jane Cecilia Hepper

It is 3 years since my beloved wife Jane, life partner (lobster), mother of our amazing now adult teenage twins, died far too young at 52 from Breast Cancer. The pain still burns brightly but so too does the love and warmth that radiated from her all around us. Helping us on our journey of grief to hold onto the life that shined so brightly within her - always part of our story past and present. You never know when something will trigger a memory, or a feeling and I am grateful for all those moments however big the wave of emotion. She is laughing at us, smiling with us and willing us to be ok and live on - great big lives to take her along with always. I’ve always done things for her love and approval and I still do. Jane is loved and missed so very deeply by many but we are so much more having been lucky enough to have her in our lives. She is departed but oh so dearly xxx

Baby Sam Thomas

Born sleeping

James Hutton

Died in a motorbike accident

Jackie Etheringrom

Died coz of covid, care worker. Deeply missed by Jimmy and those she knew

John Evan Chatterton

My father died after we first hosted this piece in its early development. It seems fitting to remember him through it.

Dorothy Clark

Taken by COVID at the age of 88.

Barney Bennett Macnab

Barney was our gorgeous wire haired fox terrier. We had a great 15 1/2 years together before we sadly had to say goodbye to him. We miss him terribly.

Raymond Polack

Ray was only 60 when he died, but he lived a great life, full of friends, laughter, circus, love, magic, and corny jokes. He was fully engaged in life and was the most sociable person I knew - what an all-round great bloke. His wife, Jan, and their twins, Rowena and Alexander, miss him - what a great dad he was. His friends miss him also - and he had loads of them - most of whom couldn't attend the funeral because of COVID, so I'm writing this not just for us, but for everyone who knew Ray and couldn't say ta-raa. He leaves a big hole, but he also leaves wonderful memories and a legacy of how to live. Lots of love, God bless you, Jyoti Mark and Mac xxx

Hugh Joseph McNabb

My Dad was amazing, a proper old school gent. He did not say how ill he was feeling and bore his illness with such grace right until the end. We were always an incredibly loving and supportive family and he leaves an enormous missing hole but also an wonderful legacy. I will miss him every day of my life. Bye Dad, now at last you have some peace and quiet! xxx

Maxine Veronica Reilly

This is my mum, my teacher, my guide... My rock. She passed away in an unpleasant way and I want her to have a better departure. Acceptance of my mums death is being held from my brother and me, and all who truly loved her. This seems like a beautiful way to find a shared love and a shared end to a beautiful friend, nana, mother and a beautiful Soul. Have a wonderful journey mum, see you when we leave our bodies for the sky.

Chris Johnston

Theatre-maker, writer, improvisation guru. Died of pancreatic cancer


Creative and anticonformistic mind, great musician


The name I gave to the baby that never was following a miscarriage

Peter Edmondson

Man with the sweetest tooth!

Margaret Teressa Lodge

My mother who died from a stroke. A strong woman who sadly got dementia then a few years later had a stroke. She lasted ten days before she died. A fighter until the end. She’ll now be rejoined with my father who died 20th Dec 2010.

Trajan Jovanovic

Brave soldier, fantastic father and wonderful poet. Hope you’re still finding the words to make beautiful verses wherever you are

Cameron Devlin

My best friend past away on Boxing Day.

Sarah Hegazi

Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBTQ+ activist. She was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in prison in Egypt after flying a rainbow flag at a Mashrou' Leila concert in 2017 in Cairo, Egypt. Sarah was forced to leave for Canada in exile shortly after her release on bail but continued to experience post-traumatic stress. A year after her arrest, she wrote from Canada about how she had suffered from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and severe anxiety and panic attacks. Three years later, Sarah took her life. The handwritten note Sarah left behind when she died on 14 June 2020 said: "To my siblings - I tried to find redemption and failed, forgive me. To my friends - the experience [journey] was harsh and I am too weak to resist it, forgive me. To the world - you were cruel, to a great extent, but I forgive."

Gary Frankland

To my best friend of 45 years

Victor Clydesdale

My father, a craftsman, a model of anti-sectarianism, a beloved husband, an autodidact bookworm, opened my mind to the world and sparked my hunger for learning. Whenever I asked him what a word meant he wouldn't do the easy thing and tell me, instead he would send me to the dictionary where I entered that never-ending forest that continues to feed and free me. Love you Dad xx

Ann Dibbert

Mother. 50. Brain tumour.


I met Poppy at the Shine Escape in January 2020 which is a weekend for young adults with all types of cancer in Bournemouth organised by Shine Cancer Support, We did lots of workshops discussion points, had a visit from some cuddly Llama's &enjoyed karaoke & here Poppy really shined as she sung an amazing rendition of Adele's Hello. On the Sunday we walked to the beach & had written some of the words associated with the horribleness of cancer on stones & threw them into the sea. We had met a new peer support group, & friends who 'get it'. Poppy shared with me how her symptoms led to suddenly having a brain tumour op during uni & years of treatments &tough moments. We laughed sharing how rubbish our veins were &Poppy's caring creative nature came through and we all stayed in contact. Poppy died April 29th yet will always Shine.

Brian Smith

Quite simply he was my lovely dad. I love him and miss him. Helen

Donny Pryce

Sadly killed in the Falklands War of 1982.

Tega Bryan

Dad much missed. Love from your son & daughter, Terence & Paula xx

John Smith

For What It’s Worth, 13 shillings and threepence. A small sum for a small boy with a weakened leg, Born on the blanket’s other side, Stained with all the possibility of life’s opportunities: Happiness, heartache, challenge and mirth, What is a life worth? ‘Every Good Boy Deserves Favour’, The Clef, the Stave, the Signature of Time, And the black and white keys that created a stairway to Heaven from Earth, What is a life worth? Five children, nine grand ones, several great grands, more maybe, Certainly enough for a legacy, The constant cycle of death to birth, What is a life worth? Generosity, kindness, a gentle morality, The care, the protection, the unconditional love, The man who became more than the price of his birth, That’s what a life is worth.

Alain Yahiaoui

Alain Yahiaoui died on the last day of the ‘cruellest month’; he would have felt the poetry of that, also loving ‘Aprille with his shoures soote’ though he could not feel those sweet showers, with Covid rules and his illness - Motor Neurone Disease -dragging his body away while his mind still shone with love, philosophy and wit. Adored by his gorgeous family, by me, colleagues, students, and all, he brought alive Othello and Blake and every squiggle on the page. He could turn out a bawdy limerick or sublime blank verse of his own, a natural performer. We were classroom next door neighbours at two schools, and at Priory Alain wowed the whole school community with his tall front-man agility in the school staff band, and his generous heart.Remember him, most memorable man, with his own hospice-haiku: A sprung coil, waiting - Propelling us into hope - Nature's pogo stick. (Sofia)

Anna Tivendale

Anna Tivendale was my Granny, and she was a beautiful person. She loved without judgement, without limits, without exception, or even expectation. She gave people the time of day, and her full attention in your presence. She lived in different countries and had many experiences but she was humble and devoted to her family and friends, especially the women. She was a single mother at 21 in Glasgow so she knew hardship and she always reached out a helping hand to women who needed it. She gave lovely cuddles and was warm and giggly. Oh, but she could be fiery too! She did it her way. She was brave. She went into hospital for a surgery which she should have recovered from, but she didn't. She spent weeks and weeks in there. Eventually, she was diagnosed with MND. We did get her home, it was a vigil of love, day and night for those last 2 days before she departed earth side. See you again x

Rob Lambkin-Williams

One of the last things Rob wrote on social media started like this "In the early days of the 1980s young gay men started to die. We did not know why? I lost friends during those early years of the AIDS pandemic as people I loved and had loved, lost their lives." AIDS and HIV are what inspired Rob to become a virologist and help prevent other people from suffering these tragedies. Since starting his career, Rob's work has helped save countless lives from other viruses including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Tad Peterson

My beautiful, funny and loving big brother died tragically at the young age of 46. I miss him dearly and think about him every day. Missing him and remembering him as a child when we were growing up and as the intelligent thoughtful man he was - those late night (for him) early morning (for me) phone calls from across the pond and his love and affection for my own children - is a part of my everyday and a way for me to honour him and his life which ended too soon. Meg Fenn

Arthur J K Streetly

Arthur James Kenneth Streetly left us peacefully and unexpectedly in 2017, minutes after his wife Sidi of 60 years told him she loved him. He was a Trinidadian, a boxer and athlete in his youth & the son of the archdeacon of Tobago. He was a well loved and gentle man and much missed

Lynda Lynne

Mom departed too soon, but we’ll keep on celebrating her love of life by making the most of ours.

Brian Smith

Quite simply he was my lovely dad. I love him and I miss him. Helen

Ron Casey

My Dad, distant. I hadn’t seen him since I was 6 and I’m 49. Died from COVID19. I didn’t get to see him. His stuff posted to me included all my letters and pictures I sent him as a kid. As a child I thought he’d abandoned me, didn’t love me enough when my letters went unanswered. Turns out not to be the case. Protracted grief was his diagnosis. Cause - his child leaving America and his contact severed. Grieving parent and grieving child and now a grieving 49 year old who is grieving what may have been.

Kit Tarka de Malplaquet

Beautiful Kit Tarka arrived in this world a healthy baby boy but departed just 13 days later after contracting the herpes infection in hospital. We miss him so much.

William Stanley Phillips

My father who died just before my 6th birthday. I remember him being wonderful but it bothers me that I cannot recall his voice.

Emerson Harewood

Born 04/06/1940 Emerson also known as EMI came as a young teenager from Barbados to work for Ford motors . He was so fun and artistic He battled cancer and won twice before relapsing during lock down with lack of follow up He was so zen about losing life, he left his funerals costs in a private pot for his daughter Judy and Paul I saw him pass and I still can’t sleep good as he was my housemate and father in-laws

Robert Garrett

Robert was my husband and father of our two sons.

Raymond Smith

Born in 1931 on St Patrick's Day, one of three boys, in Exeter, stationed in Tripoli for his national service, married Soniah 1961, father to Jo and Jason. Worked for British Airways. Loved travel, cricket, gardening.

Andrea Guagno Guagneli

You promised you'd visit me in Brighton at some point. You never made it here. Wherever you are now, mi manchi.

Jordan Hughes

Jordan Hughes loved by so many a man that will never be forgotten #mentalhealthmatters

Anne Geraldine Davis

Anne’s Story In the Spring of 2014 Anne and I transplanted from Lingfield intending to live out the balance of our lives in Brighton. We were not to know then that her story would come to an abrupt end before the final days of Summer that same year at the Royal Sussex Hospital. She was 58. Wife and husband, we had been inseparable for more than four decades, facing life’s challenges and sharing life’s exhilaration. Our children, Max and Abigail, miss her as I do. To paraphrase what Winston Churchill said about Franklin Roosevelt: “Meeting Anne was like opening your first bottle of Champagne; knowing her was like drinking it". One of the last pictures of my Anne was taken during her final days in hospital, glass of Champagne in hand. Oscar Wilde acted similarly on his deathbed and quipped: “Alas, I am dying beyond my means.” Anne would have laughed. Tim Davis April 2021


She was a dedicated children's nurse. A strong Mother to me , who installed into my soul that I could do anything if I set my mind to it. She would recite poetry and sing to me. Her passing would have been so painfull anyway but the covid restrictions meant I could not say my final goodbyes. She visits me continuously in my dreams. I am an artistic ,creative and compassionate women because of her love and beauty. Ess Kore

Mamma Cantelli Rosso

Preghiera alla mia mamma Ciao Mammina Bella Il tuo cuore grande ha smesso di respirare. Adesso sei con l’amato Claudio. Questo mi rasserena anche se non stato facile lasciarti assopire serena nelle sue mani. Orgogliosa di essere tua figlia, spero di avere ereditato alcuni dei tuoi più grandi e veri valori, quali la sincerità, l’ingenua trasparenza, l’amicizia – quella profonda, l’apertura alla parità nella bellezza della diversità – “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” diresti tu in francese, l’apprezzamento per il bello, la cultura, il cinema, e l’avventura nel mondo – anche se in modo decisamente meno dinamico del mio. Forse non ti ho dato la soddisfazione di sposarmi in bianco, ma ne abbiamo guardati tanti di vestiti (da sposa) nelle vetrine da bambina. Lo sai però – e stai tranquilla – che mi accompagna un “caring” partner e tante sono le persone che mi vogliono un gran bel bene. A pensa

George Kirby

The most wonderful Granddad anyone could wish for x

Caz Liddall

Caz was the best mum and partner and died to soon. One day she was making us happy and without warning she was gone. Spring was her favourite time of year the warmth the flowers and the festival. She loved and was loved xxxx

Bernard J Mulady

Because I still miss him every day. Because life hasn't been the same since he passed. Because he was quiet and kind. Because he had a great chuckle. Because he was an old-fashioned gentleman. Because he showed that he cared.

Lola Harvey

Loved, missed and talked about every day.

Dave Allamand

He loved visiting the Brighton Festivals.

Iyanifa Efeya Sampson

Iyanifa Omo Osun Efeya Ifadayo Olaberinjo Makala Sampson is a GODDESS. She was one of the purest people I’ve ever met. Her spirit was so pure. She was THE BEST always. She was fiercely and righteously dedicated herself to anything she touched. She was beyond diligent and studious. She was a SUPERSTAR AND A SUPERHERO. A LEGENDARY DANCER/ARTIST/CHOREOGRAPHER/CREATOR/CREATIVE. She was oh so sweet. She was a DIVINE priestess, an Iyanifa I would put my Ori in the hands of any day of the week. I’ve witnessed first hand her dedication to the Spirit, her hard work, her accountability, her ethic. She is a SUPERHERO. She is a BLESSING. A blessing that reverberates INFINITELY. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAMA FEY FEY. I miss you. WE MISS YOU!--

Francois Fleurimont

Dad I Love You

Michael Brian Velez

Beautiful dancer, beautiful spirit, beautiful friend, I LOVE YOU. (Submitted by: Erin Holmes)

Leah Errington

She was a much loved wife, mother, sister, aunty and family friend. She leaves behind a hole in many people's lives and will always be missed. Daniel S.

Arlene Julius

One of the kindest, most supportive people. A beloved daughter, sister, cousin, and aunt. A lover of long walks and crossword puzzles. Her memory forever for a blessing.

Michael Fox

Equal love of city life and country life. Supremely creative and dashingly handsome. Rest In Peace, Friend.

Elsie Phillips

My grandmother died at the age of 103. She was amazing and my everything.

Margaret Pierce

Marge Pierce was a fiercely independent woman, interested and engaged in many pursuits. She was truly in the driver’s seat of her life actively participating in community activities, socializing, and caring for her friends and family until nearly the end. I was not alone in finding her conversation to be interesting — and the range of topics! She loved learning and dancing. She spent the last year, this year of public health restrictions and too much loss, in a nursing home where she had worked as a nurse, a career that gave her joy. She was in her own home before that which is what she wanted. I am submitting her story in part because it is something I can do to say that she is missed. She loved being with people and having new experiences and she liked to visit the museum with friends on trips organized by her local library - she would appreciate the humanity of this installation.

Felisa Kitaigorodski

Felisa is my mother. She was an amazing woman, way beyond her times. She gave all her heart as a mother. I’m so grateful for all the beautiful and fun moments we had together. I miss her so much! - Pascale

Mercedes Ruiz

My grandma was one the most important person of my life. I’m so blessed to have her as my grandmother. She’s my ancestor now. She passed of lung cancer after surviving it for 3 years. Her legacy continues to leave through. me, my mom and sister. Natalia

Alma Eckert

Our powerful matriarch joined the ancestors.

Efeya Ifadayo Sampson

I chose to name Efeya because she continues to be a beautiful force within my life as well as so many others. Efeya was the kind of friend that could manipulate time and space for one more dance, one more DJ set, one more laugh, one more smile, one more adventure, one more car ride through the borough, one more sweet hug...Ase-O. We love you. From E to E

Carl Carter

My beloved stepdad. He was a wonderful man and father figure to myself and my 4 siblings. I want to show my respect and love to his spirit. He passed away from Cancer very suddenly 2 years ago April 13. Love you Mr. C, that’s what we called him, he liked to be called that. He was a great cook, carpenter, and husband of 18 years to my Mother. So grateful for him.

Elizabeth Bynes

Grandma Liz is my New Jersey grandmother by way of one of my best friends Shonda Clinton. Grandma Liz was truly THE MATRIARCH, THE QUEEN, THE GODDESS of her family, she was their rock and managed to still have space to be mine and many others not blood related. She was extremely smart, strong, sweet, sassy, fun, wise, an amazing cook, a divine being. We love you, Grandma Liz!

Carl Ray Thompson

Uncle Carl Ray was one of my favorite uncles. He was super spiritual and very dedicated to his church and family. He was a successful entrepreneur, and always had a smile, a joke, an encouraging word, a powerful word. He had the voice of an ANGEL! He was super cool, and very warm and kind to everyone. We love you forever Uncle Carl Ray! We know you are one of our most powerful ancestors now because you were such a blessing to us on earth.

Sadako shimada

I miss you and I love you

Fumio Shimada

I love you and I miss you very much

Noriko Shimada

I miss you

Helen Gershten Miller

My Aunt Helen lived to be 96! Always looked prim and proper on the outside, but was fun and feisty on the inside!

Robert H. Fleming

My Dad- Super intelligent- perhaps a bit quirky - and he mellowed well with age. Always stayed open minded.

Ronald Vernon Whitehead

And the world stopped for a moment, for Dad to get off. I still miss you!!

Blossom Gershten Fleming

My most amazing Mom- unique and brilliant.

Harold Miller

My wonderful Uncle Harold, who always made us smile with his warm sense of humor.

Brian Blaney

There is only one Susan Boyle

Usha Kiran Nath Arora

My beautiful mother has a beautiful dignified fearless death

Shelly Beth Levy PsyD

Dr. Levy was a social justice advocate and dedicated her entire adult career as a psychologist to working with individuals with disabilities in a variety of community settings. She was awarded the Ted Weiss Consumer Advocacy Award by the Brain Injury Association of New York State for her "unfailing commitment to the highest standards of of truth, justice, and accountability while striving to ensure the rights, safety, and an improved quality of life for all persons affected by brain injury." Submitted by Catherine Mindolovich, colleague and friend.

Kirill Levin

Passed away from brain cancer at 48 year old


Devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend.

Maryann Abbott

Devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. Warrior. Quiet adventurer.

Joseph Cassello

A good man who tried to the best of his abilities.

Jeannette Reese

Devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, nurse.

Thomas F Moogan

My father Thomas was a lifelong Brooklyn resident Who Loved his community. He died of Covid19 that he caught in his nursing home in Brooklyn. His family misses him terribly. John Moogan

JohnDavidMeredith Winter

My brother John was seven years older than me. He was a teen in the '60s and the Dansette was always spinning with Beatles, Beach Boys and Tamla singles. He turned me on, not only to pop, but to humour. He was always mimicking family friends and inspired me to copy accents and be funny. He loved a laugh, and loved telling jokes. He was a gentle soul and I miss him more than I could have imagined.

Flo Xavier

It's 11 years since you left and you didn't want to go. Our beautiful Mama, we miss you so much! You taught us how to be generous with love, laughter (especially laughter!), time and money. You were full of life, you loved people and gathered new friends to you wherever you went! You showed us how to help without judgement, how to find joy in times of light and darkness and, most importantly, how to give thanks and celebrate! Thank you Mama! We love you. Lucy xXxXx

Janet Murray

The death of my mother at age 64 just five weeks after the birth of her first grandchild, Sage K. She was ill with terminal brain cancer and unable to speak but able to hold her grandson once. We miss her terribly and think of how she would have loved and positively affected her grandson who arrived so close to her departure. I think of my son and mother as souls passing each other on earth who were meant to experience each other but stopped by a cruel twist of fate.



Monika Wojciechowska

After 16 years of living as a quadriplegic, she has gotten her wings to fly.

Melanie Burnette

This was my 48 year old sister who passed away from a heart attack.

Daryl D Johnson

My dad died today on his 94th birthday.

Raymond Santana

On April 19th, 1989, Raymond Santana (age 14), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Santana, who identifies as Latino, was tried as a juvenile and convicted of rape and assault. He spent five years incarcerated. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Kevin Richardson

On April 19th, 1989, Kevin Richardson (age 14), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a brutal rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Richardson, who identifies as Black, was convicted of attempted murder, rape, sodomy, and robbery. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Yusef Salaam

On April 20th, 1989, Yusef Salaam (age 15), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Salaam, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of rape and assault. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Korey Wise

On April 20th, 1989, Korey Wise (age 16), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. Wise, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of assault, sexual abuse, and riot. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Antron McCray

On April 20th, 1989, Antron McCray (age 15), was arrested by the NYPD as a suspect in a rape and assault case on a young White woman in Central Park. McCray, who identifies as Black, was tried as a juvenile, and convicted of rape and assault. His conviction was overturned on December 19th, 2002. He was one of five Black and Latino youth who were falsely accused, charged, and imprisoned as perpetrators of this crime. They became known as the Central Park Five, and later the Exonerated Five. On December 19th, 2002, the convictions of Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Korey Wise, and Antron McCray for crimes which they did not commit were overturned. (Submitted by Jasmine Wahi)

Friendly Horton

Grandaddy, you were always a silent, pensive, strong, respectable man and will always live in our hearts. Love always, your grandchildren

Yakov Penek

My father passed away last summer, another victim of Covid-19, his cancer treatment interrupted by the pandemic, precious time wasted. My parents discovered the joy of traveling not that long ago, and there was so much more they could have seen and should have seen together, if my father was still alive, having conquered the cancer that ended up conquering him.

Eugenia Johnson

I can’t express the void in my heart for the loss of my 93 year old mother. My she continue playing cards in heaven.

Noel Ira Steinberger


Ronald Witherspoon

Ron of Rondel Fiber Arts, who always Displayed His ART at Your the BAM Festivals. Love and Miss You. Sleep in Peace. Your Sister Ms Ellie

Irina Stepnova

a truly good actor, and truly good person. We always miss you and remember you. (Steps Theatre)

Izyaslav Zilbershteyn

My Dad. And this is the whole story, full of content, plot, details....

Donna Marie Durkin

A lover of the simple life, extraordinary, wife, mother, grandmother left this earth due to complications of COVID-19 in April 2020, just as the world was learning of the severities of COVID.

Theresa francavilla

The most beautiful woman left earth and rejoined her family in Heaven.

Damian Macaluso

My wonderful Dad passed unexpectedly last Fall and I miss him everyday.

Monika Wojciechowska

My beloved mother who fought for 16 years to stay alive, after being hit by a car as a pedestrian leaving her as a non verbal quadraplegic, has departed, where she is no longer in pain. My heart is saddened by her departure but my spirit is lifted by her non existence of suffering anymore.

Tommaso Levy Love

In loving memory of my dear brother

Tom Hui

Always giving attention and care to others, always doing god’s best to spread Goodwill at the Queens Public Library Tom was a genuinely sweet spirit. May his energy infuse us all.

Patricia Bisbee

Mother’s Sudden death

Jean Montrevil

Jean Montrevil is a beloved immigrant rights leader, co-founder of the New Sanctuary Coalition, and father of four U.S. citizen children who was deported to Haiti in 2018 in retaliation for his activism. Jean's congregation at Judson Memorial Church has mounted a campaign to return Jean to his family and community. Find out more about how you can get involved at (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Daniel Lopez

Daniel Lopez left his family and loved ones behind when he chose to self-deport rather than risk getting infected by covid-19 inside of a detention center. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Pedro Rene Rios Morales

Teresa, Pedro’s mother, worked with MRNY to advocate for her son but he was found deportable and Teresa had to bring him a suitcase with his clothes. It was a tremendously sad moment for her as he was her main caretaker. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Alcides Mendoza

My life has been very hard since I was deported, life in Honduras is not the same as the United States. I hope one day I can go back. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Kayann Darby

Kayann Darby entered the U.S. in 1994 at age 18. She adjusted to a Lawful Permanent Resident in 2010. She was deported at the very end of 2020 to Jamaica. Kayann’s family, particularly her teenage daughter, are desperate for her to return to the U.S. and resume her life with them. She has a robust legal team who are fighting for her to lawfully return to be with her family. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Concepcion Barrios

Concepcion came to the U.S.A to give her children a better life and opportunities and she did. Concepcion was the most loving and caring person and was detained and put into an ICE BOX where she also suffered second degree burns from the ICE detention center where they mistreated all the ladies in there. Wrongfully convicted, my mother was set free to reunite with her family in Brooklyn NY to only be taken away from us by COVID-19 on March 31st 2020. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Sabino Andrade

Sabino was a member of Make the Road New York. He arrived in the United States in 1963 and passed away from COVID-19 on May 22, 2020. (Submitted by Make the Road New York)

Edward DeMarco

A wonderful father, husband, friend, community member, and former New Yorker Debra

GEORGE and ISA Munoz

My uncle George taught me all the life lessons I need and use to this day. We will always miss you. Thank you for everything you did. Anthony and Norma

Jeremy Grant Goldstein

My beloved first baby Jeremy, you lived only one day on this earth, but you will always be alive in my heart. Today is April 5, your 24th birthday. I am feeling so grateful for you giving me the love and courage to have another baby, your brother Evan Jake.

Marcy Ann Weyuker

Mom, I love you so much and wish you were here... to drive me crazy!

Gerard Claude Lemoine

Gérard Claude Lemoine, Haitian immigrant steps off a Pan American flight from Haiti back in the 60s, settles in New York City, nails a good job with Pan Am, meets a beautiful immigrant lady from Ecuador, cracks a few jokes, wins her love and gets married. He dies from Covid-19 on April 3, 2020. His wife, Margarita, follows him into the ether a few days later.

Sumaya Yusuf

We'll keep fighting to make this world a place you'd want to be in. Love you and miss you everyday Xxx

Anthony Combopiano

Public art is for everyone. My Dad would have loved the idea of being memorialized in this way. Art is Life!

Howard Kyte

A beautiful and wonderful Husband and father that will be extremely missed . I miss him everyday . He passed away recently due to stomach cancer and I think this would be really nice for him .

Annie Madden Ebersole

She arrived and departed at the same moment, declining to breathe and live on her own once separated from her mother. Her existence and her mother's visible grief inspired many women to tell the stories of their of their lost babies, unheld and unnamed, because they were told at the time of the loss it was better to be silent and to forget. Annie touched many lives in this way and allowed grief to unthaw and be processed.

William Staton

He showed the way.

Michael Crocitto

My paternal grandfather Michael Crocitto died from complications due to COVID-19 on April 7th, 2020. Both he and my grandmother contracted the virus. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to see either of them again, but my grandmother has recovered and I see her frequently now. My grandfather was crucial to raising me and in many ways, I owe my life to him.

Loretta Otis

Loretta was born in 1932 in Wisconsin. Our family says she had a three act life. The first act was growing up, raising a family, and many hours baking and cooking. The second act was as a librarian and educator. Her third act, that began with the passing of her husband when she was 61, was producing local theater, publishing novels, painting, baking and enjoying life. She left us, her four daughters and eleven grandchildren, in 2019 with many cherished memories and stories.

James Conley

He was my dad and sadly I could not say goodbye

Maureen Conley

I have never met anyone like her and I was lucky enough to call her my mum

John Prine

John Prine was one of the greatest singer-songwriters of his generation. The poetic majesty of his lyrics combined with simple, but beautiful melodies, sung with his common man voice, cut right to the heart. His influence has been extensive with myriad songwriters, spanning the full extent of his career, calling him an influence and a friend. There will never be another quite like him. Brian Mich

Ellis Marsalis

Ellis Marsalis was the patriarch of the Marsalis family, a renowned teacher and a gifted pianist who made beautiful music and preserved and passed on the tradition. In honoring him, we show respect for all the wonderful and talented humans lost during the pandemic.

Pola Klincewicz

Survived a concentration camp during WWII, fled to the states as a refugee with her family and outlived all her relatives and immediate family leaving her the last of her line.

Bradley Stewart

My uncle knew it was his time. He danced to his own beat and did things when he was ready. We ask is that prayers are made for his soul for eternity.

William Poppy Forbes

Best Grandfather Ever!

Nicolas Velasquez

He was about to turn 22. And the summer had just begun. He was the light of my life. I had never thought something so violent could happen to someone so soft, kind, warm, young. And yet it did. I will never forget his presence, his aura. I just wish everyone knew him, his name, his laugh, I wish I had more time. Karina Osorio, 20

Bryan Northam

Bryan was a comedian, the likes of Robin Williams. His humor and his wit lit up our lives! He was an actor in NYC and a carriage driver in Central Park. Bryan is missed by all his family and friends.

Orlan Carcamo

27-year old Orlan Carcamo took his own life in his cell rather than remain in ICE detention with his 4-year-old son in south Texas. He escaped torture and harm in Honduras and fled to the United States seeking refuge, but he and his son only found pain and delay in ICE custody resulting in his tragic death. (Submitted by RAICES)

Granville Heddad

Exceptional father and husband

Van To

A tribute to our great grandfather who witnessed several wars and world wars in Vietnam.

Santa Rodriguez

As the days go by, it does not get any easier to live without Mami, so we continue to honor and make Mami proud. I think of Mami all the time, all of the lessons, traditions, that she taught us and we are now passing onto our children. My brothers and I were blessed to have been raised by a single mother in Bushwick during the worsts of times, the 80s. We owe everything we are to Mami who ensured that we would be successful no matter the environment or what society said. Mami's last words to me were, "Thank you.", no Mami, thank you for all of your sacrifices and for being yourself, unapologetically. A few days before Mami's transition, she said that her job was done, that she was tired, my brain understands, but my heart will forever ache. Bendicion Mami, Yvette.

Abuelita Nancy

Mi abuela left this world last year. She was my dad's mother. Loving, caring and quiet until her last days on this earth. She joined my other two abuelos somewhere in the universe. I will continue to remember her every day. Besos hasta donde estes abuelita!

Barbara Reader

Barbara was a distant cousin, but one who was always in our orbit. When I moved back to NYC, she was always there for a long talk. Having battled stage 4 cancer for a decade, I didn’t give it that much thought when she said her doctor suggested the next step would be hospice - she sounded fine. I didn’t know she actually went to hospice. Two days ago she passed, and I’ll forever regret not calling one last time.


Beautiful, Loving, hard working Gracious family matriarch. Who took the time and responsibility to help guide the lives of family and friends Through a life of patience and fearlessness. This was is/was my mother. Heaven couldn’t wait.

Avram Ludwig

The last living are truly missed by many but we are grateful to have had you xxx

Barry Talesnick

Barry was the best of Brooklyn and showed us all how to live and die. He shared his time on earth with me. I was lucky. Gaynor

Corvie Wooledge

Beloved canine companion I lost this year. I miss him so much.

Roberta Riall

Best Nan ever

Marie Rose Merisier

Love you Aunt Marie. Missing you.

Syed Khalid Ahsan

Syed was an amazing son, father, and husband. His love and passion is cherished forever by his close family. He passed away at 50 from esophageal cancer